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"Love Grave"

Love won't make your wish come true

Love will show you reality

Love teaches us lessons in life

Love makes us learn from our mistakes

Love will allow us to be a writer of our own fate

Except it makes major changes to our script

Love is the editor that controls our story

Love is a dangerous drug that keeps us addicted

Wanting for more, more pain than we already felt

Cause' we need to feel something, right?

Love will create delusions to fool our hearts

It will make us numb to ignore the fire

The fire that is going on in our lives

Love will drag us down into that pit

Gaslighting us to dig our own graves

Love knows no discrimination for its victims

Good people can be the broken and breaker

Sometimes as much as the rotten ones

Love will make even the most beautiful things explode

They will disappear like the stars aging in the sky

Or be ignored like gems hidden underneath gravel and stones

Love has forgotten about me

It forgot to grant my prayers

It forgot to write my name on the list

Love is a spoiled milk I mistakenly drink every morning

Notice how I said mistakenly?

I'd like to consider it a mistake than to consider myself a fool

A fool who drinks poison like she didn't know it would kill her

Love feels like a punch in the stomach

Sending blood up my mouth and I vomit words on paper

Love has abused me, I am a battered wife to life

A wife who always stays, hoping it will change

Believe me when I say love is deadly

Love can kill you even before your body die

Love can kill you so many times as if you have a hundred lives

Love can show you death in many ways

And I died a hundred times loving you

I was on the deathbed of sorrow and you never noticed

Love is surely cruel to those it hates

Maybe I did something that made it furious to deserve this

Or maybe I am just not its favorite

Love is a grave you dig for yourself

But you are not allowed to rest in peace

Instead, you must rest in pain, the eternal pain of being unloved

And with that, I buried myself again and again.

A/N: Hello, I would love to hear your thoughts about this poem. You can write your favorite line or the phrase/line you like the most in this poem. Mine is down in the comment section. I'll be waiting for your answer. Once again thank you for reading! Love you guys, bye!

PS: I don't have any photos to post so I'll just post random drawings of people HAHAHAHA. I drew this or fun so might as well use them in my book. 

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