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           I would like to thank the Almighty God for providing me the chance to write this poetry book along with the chance to learn a lot of things by experiencing the particular event that pushed me to write.

           I would also like to thank the guy who is the subject of every poem in this poetry book. It is he who encouraged me to write 70 poems. He helped me realize that the love I was looking for and the love I needed all this time was self-love. Now I have a lot of poems written under my name.

           He was a good guy and a kind person but he was afraid, and he was not honest with me and the girl he likes. My intention was innocent. I told him I like him but he was afraid to hurt anybody so he didn't dare to tell me his true feelings. I just assumed that there was somebody else. I just followed my instincts and I was right. He never liked me. He entertained me because I was similar to the other girl and she was far away. I was the convenient choice or maybe he just enjoyed my company. I wouldn't know. He never told me how he truly felt. He was distant, too secretive, too private. He left people wondering how they matter to him. He left them in a situation where they won't know where to go. He left me to create delusions to fill up those gaps he left in my head.

            What I felt for him was genuine. I can't say the same about his feelings. I wish he knew why it hurts. I wish he just became honest with me and everyone. If he would have said stop, I would do it. Then maybe, it wouldn't end up this way.

           Good guys can still break your heart that is what I've learned from him. 

          I would like to thank my friends who read the drafts of these poems. They gave me valuable insights for each poem I let them read. Please know that I appreciate your suggestions and opinions about it. Beside writing, you became my shoulder to cry on during those times when my heart is broken. I mean it is still broken but it is better than it was before thanks to your help and support.  

          Lastly, I want to thank the people who chose to read this poetry book. I made this to express myself but you reading this book means that the poems I have written are shared with other people. I hope you relate to this poem. I hope you enjoy it somehow.

You are Unfortunately my Amaranthine Night skyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ