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"The Parts That I Lost"

Part 1: My Paradise

This part of myself is a part that I knowingly lost

I know where I lost it, I know where it ended

Growing up, the only thing I am proud of is a whole family

We were not rich, we were not poor, we were average

I thought we are happy, I thought we are enough

But that was the first of the many mistakes I will have in my life

My mom is a fountain of knowledge for many tree saplings

My dad is a brick wall, a castle of strength and stability

I and my sister are princesses that are loved and adored

Oh such a lie we have been told, it is not a perfect family

The fountain flooded every night and it almost drowned us

Tears taste salty and bitter from where we are standing

The castle cannot be conquered, it refuses to take down its walls

The castle locked us in its rules, we are its slaves

The tears are the fountain, the fountain is the tears

The castle is the king, the king is the castle

She learned to defend herself, she learned not to care

While the king found a concubine, think of her as a spare

I remember the flying glass and plates,

The crumbling foundation and base

I remember the crying, tearing, cutting, and killing

Whatever is left in the thing I loved the most is gone

Then after years of pretending that we are perfect,

They finally stopped lying, the truth find its way out of the ground

That memory is very vivid in my mind

It builds its tower in my kingdom

It is the oldest grave in my graveyard

My siblings are crying along with my Mother

But, I didn't cry, I already lost the energy to break apart

I knew I had to be strong for the ones who are already shattered

The truth is I can already feel the cracks getting bigger

But I act like nothing happened, just being a great pretender

Well, I knew that was going to happen

I watched my paradise burn to ashes,

I watched my roots fall out of love

That is the first pain caused by affection

At that point, I have been suspicious of love

This is the first type of love that I failed to protect.

A/N: Hello, I would love to hear your thoughts about this poem. You can write your favorite line or the phrase/line you like the most in this poem. Mine is down in the comment section. I'll be waiting for your answer. Once again thank you for reading! Love you guys, bye!

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