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"This Is Where I Stand"

I look at your message trying not to cry
"Are you going to attend?"
I mean, why do you care?
You have nothing to do with it whether I go or stay
I tell myself that every question you ask means nothing
I convince myself that every “How are you?"
Are meant as a question for a friend
I talk to myself to feel nothing whenever you talk to me
I order myself to be numb whenever you are near
But the love is still here, sadly it never left
It is still burning inside of me and I am just ignoring the heat
I am ignoring the burns in the walls of my heart
I didn't want to see you with her in your arms
I don't want to understand what you said that night
But the truth is already in my face
It is already carved up in my mind
There is nothing I can do anymore except be numb
If I don't want to cry myself to sleep every single night
If I don't want to stare in the middle of nowhere every single time
Then I need to feel nothing at all
I need to keep your box away
We can start from scratch,
Let's forget about what happened in the past
Hello, I'm a hopeless romantic, nice to meet you!
I want to be your friend, I want to be part of your life
But don't say anything unnecessary and just smile
Say "I'm not looking for any romance, don't fall for me"
Or “Someone already owns my heart so don't bother falling"
If you love her don't give any motive to another woman
You should have told me from the start that you have someone
You should have been sincere and told me the truth
Draw the line from the start so I know where to stand
This is where I stand, this is my rightful place
I belong behind you where I can only love you from far away.

A/N: Hello, I would love to hear your thoughts about this poem. You can write your favorite line or the phrase/line you like the most in this poem. Mine is down in the comment section. I'll be waiting for your answer. Once again thank you for reading! Love you guys, bye!

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