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You and I are different kinds of magicians

We both have our own tricks to play

Let me start, I will lay down the cards on the table

When I told you to pick a card, I mean pick me, the queen of hearts

Write your name on the top as I carved it up in my mind

You are the card that you picked and the card is also you

God put you among a crowd of people, think of it as a deck of cards

But I'll always find you, you will always come back to the top

In a flick of my fingers, your image will be painted

Painted in my memory and tattooed in my brain

I can make cards appear in my mouth

I can spawn sweet words and compliments too

I can make handkerchief and goblets of wine levitate

I can cut myself in half and still walk with my feet

I can swallow a sword for you, I can chew on blades

If I ask you to guess which poem is written for you

Don't bother because they all have the same subject.

I can make dogs from flames and I can surely burn for days

I can turn birds into a human, while you can turn hearts into glass

I can turn cloth into lovebirds, while you can turn hearts into ashes

I can make a person balance on a stick

While you have my heart in your fingertips

I can mix up colors in a Rubix cube and predict the exact pattern

While you can mix my insides and predict the right points of my heart

I can rip off a page in a book without touching it

While you can rip my heart by just being kind

I can shred a cloth into pieces without any scissors

But only you can shred my heart into pieces with good intentions.

No matter how great I am, there are things only you can do

I mean, how can I even compare to you?

Only you can make the butterflies fly again

You can make games out of broken hearts

You can teleport any card from a place to your hands

I am a card and I'll be there whenever you call

You can command smoke to trap me

Encase me inside a glass cage

Put me inside a box where there is only darkness

Then tear me up as if nothing happened

Forget that I am a glass that is easily shattered

You have the power to make things disappear

That is your special ability

You can turn cards into blank, you can wipe away images

Just like how you wiped away my logical thinking and rational mind

You are a magician with tricks and mystery

You are a sorcerer, you are a con artist

You made me believe that there is something more than friendship between us

Maybe you can do that trick again

Trick me to forget, trick me to move forward

Trick me to fall for somebody else

You fooled me once, you can do it again

Help me find the cure, the healing in lies

See, I could predict a lot of things accurately

And I saw you breaking my heart before you did

I am surprised by my own prediction

I doubted my own vision.

There are tricks that I still need to learn

I wished to make images exist without taking it

Just so I could keep a picture of me and you

Since I know I won't get a chance to ask you

And if ever I do, you will deprive me of it

I wish to be able to hypnotize myself

If I can, I will trick myself to forget you

I wish to make things disappear in a blink of an eye

Just so I can make this feeling disappear

Then maybe the pain and sadness will go away too

I wish I could trick myself because I am bad at self-love

I guess you could say you are better than me

You are a great magician that can trick another magician

I knew that there are lies behind the fascinating words

But I believed it like I never knew there was a trick behind it

A/N: Hello, I would love to hear your thoughts about this poem. You can write your favorite line or the phrase/line you like the most in this poem. Mine is down in the comment section. I'll be waiting for your answer. Once again thank you for reading! Love you guys, bye!

You are Unfortunately my Amaranthine Night skyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें