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December, the last month of the year

They say people remember the first and the last

While the rest are lost and forgotten in between

January and December are the most important months

One is the month of giving and happiness

The other is the symbol of new beginnings

I wish I could bear to rejoice at this time of the year

Once again my heart is broken in the month of happiness

I was rejected of love in the month of giving

I guess fate has some resentment of me for being this cruel

Why does it have to be this time of the year?

Three years ago, I remember crying because of what he said

I doubted my worth because of how he described me

I walk and walk not knowing where to go

I just let my feet take me somewhere

I arrived home that night, I don't know how

I don't recall the places I've been or how far I traveled

All I remember are the tears I cried that night

I didn't care if people were staring, judging me

At that point, I already lost the energy to care

First of December, my heart is shattered on the first day

That was the first time I hated Christmas

For three Christmas, I faced the last month with sadness in my eyes

I thought this year would be a change but I was wrong

This year would be another scar on my soul

You broke my heart on the sixth of December

I already knew this would be a sad holiday

But why does my heart still hurt like this?

Why does the wound still sting like I just had it yesterday?

I woke up this morning not having the strength to get up

I missed those times when I was young and love doesn't bother me

I miss the pureness, the innocence, the excitement of Christmas

Cause now, I don't even have the strength to help with the decorations

Seeing other people happy makes me more miserable

I can't even bring myself to pretend and celebrate

December will forever be the saddest month

For it is the month when my heart loses its life

And I lose the will and hope to go on

My hands are cold not just because of the December wind

My hands are cold because my heart is slowly dying

I wish I could say that my Christmas is a merry one

But it isn't and my heart is in pieces right now

I am a rock in a group of sticks, I am lonely

No words can take away the pain even my own

Writing this poem doesn't make me feel better

January is the month of hope and a new start

So I guess, for the last time I will give love a chance

I hope this time love won't forsake me

I am trying my best to be worthy of love

So please don't break my heart again

I'll grant Cupid, fate, or whoever is in charge a second chance

Let's see if December will once again be the happiest month

Or my heart will be dropped again like it did at every end of the year.

A/N: Hello, I would love to hear your thoughts about this poem. You can write your favorite line or the phrase/line you like the most in this poem. Mine is down in the comment section. I'll be waiting for your answer. Once again thank you for reading! Love you guys, bye!

PS: I don't have any photos to post so I'll just post random drawings of people HAHAHAHA. I drew this or fun so might as well use them in my book. 

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