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"The Parts That I Lost"

Part 3: Blank Page

Once there was a girl who dreamed of being something
Something to be admired, someone to be remembered
She’s was a blank screen, an empty canvass
She wanted all the colors to spread
She dreamed of the flowers and the sunset
But her life was filled with hollowness and pain
The sky is too dark, the stars are too far to reach
Oh when did she start to long for love?
She fell too easily because she’s desperate to feel free
Desperate to feel love in her arms like the wind in her hair
The girl strived to be lovable every step of the way
When did she change just for a chance at love?
She remembers the first time she drowned in his eyes
She remembers how his name sounded sweet under the daylight
She remembers the special dates and the special times
But she doesn’t remember the time she fell
Fell too hard on the ground with no arms to catch her
She doesn’t remember when her smile started to fade away
She doesn’t remember her heart when it was still whole
She doesn’t remember her dreams in the past
She doesn’t remember who she was before
She doesn’t remember to love herself
In time, she learned to sprint in the dark
Taking step after step without seeing anything
Blinded without light, trying to guess the right way
Hoping not to trip, hoping not to die
The blank page is now filled with scribbles
Bunch of nonsense and burning anger
Black ink flows through her pen down to her heart
And she writes with blood from her soul to her hands
Her patience is decreasing, her conscience becomes corrupted
Everyone became a stranger offering her candy
Strangers who only use her for their own benefit
Seems like a moment ago she was unstoppable
She stood with pride, with her head held high
A moment ago her pureness shines like the sun in the sky
A moment ago happiness was something she could have
But a moment ago was years too far away from now
Now, everybody is watching her crumble
Her weak knees struggles to take her to her destination
A blank page with only innocence written on it
Became a novel about love, a novel about death
Became a book of poetry, a book of pain
The girl grew but her heart hardens in time
The blank page is now soaked with blood
If it is only possible to go back to the start
A pool of blood should have been a garden of love.

A/N: Hello, I would love to hear your thoughts about this poem. You can write your favorite line or the phrase/line you like the most in this poem. Mine is down in the comment section. I'll be waiting for your answer. Once again thank you for reading! Love you guys, bye!

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