xix. 🧸 [ finale ]

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chapter 19

"Hadley, baby, I have somebody I want you to meet."

Hadley walked up clutching his favorite stuffed bunny and peered at Cedric who stood right behind Pollyanna.

"this is Cedric. he'll be looking after you while I go on business for the next few days."

Hadley whined. "few days??"

"mhm, it's council stuff. they're thinking about putting me on as an advisor; it's a lot of work. Mr. Cedric here is really nice, so behave yourself ! because if you don't, it'll get back to me."

Pollyanna kissed him and wished Cedric luck before leaving.

"okay, buddy. what do you wanna do first?"

Hadley glared up at Cedric. he was so much taller than him.


he sat down and turned the tv on while completely ignoring Cedric. this just made Cedric laugh, though.

he's just like Pollyanna said he was, Cedric thought. he was trying to be rude and bratty, but it just came off as cute.

"hey, Hadley. how about... a game of cards?"

"i'm not supposed to talk to strangers."

"okay, fair. but if I win, you have to be nicer to me, so I won't tell Polly."

Hadley perked up and finally looked at Cedric.

"and if I win?"

"I'll f*ck off and leave you alone for the rest of the time I'm here; sound fair?"


after one, two, three games of Go Fish, Hadley's luck was in the trash. how could one man have so many pairs??

"you have to be tricking me somehow!"

"there's no way I could be doing that, Hadley. what, you think I set up all the pairs before I dealt them to you?"

"ugh, that's what it feels like!"

"well, anyway, I've won all the rounds so, for the next few days while I'm watching you, you have to pay attention to me."

Hadley folded his arms. "I thought I was the attention-seeking little here."

"littles aren't the only ones who like attention. sit! let's watch a movie.


[ the next day ]

Cedric decided to take Hadley on a mini road trip through the countryside right outside the city. there were vast stretches of fields and cows everywhere.

"I don't really get why I need a sitter. Pollyanna left me at home alone a lotta times before."

"yeah, but she told me you have an astounding history of getting 'hybrid-napped.' I'm here mostly as insurance to make sure that you don't get snatched again."

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