xiii. 🧸

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chapter 13

Pollyanna, Hadley, and Montague finished dinner.  "Monty, tell me a little bit more about this 'master assassin'."

"well... I know that he was adopted by the boss.  and he was trained by the best.  as far as I'm concerned, he's just human.  but the guy's like a machine."

"hm.  he won't... come for Hadley, will he...?"  asked Pollyanna.  "since he was the one that dispatched the henchmen."  Hadley laid his head on Pollyanna's lap.

"I don't think so; that'd be pointless.  as far as I'm concerned, Hadley isn't connected to the syndicate or anything.  they clearly hadn't figured out how they really died... since I was the one who saw them last, I'm the prime suspect."

Pollyanna knew that, despite Montague's understandable assessment that the assassin wasn't coming for Hadley, she'd have to stay near him and make sure nothing happens.  from now on, they were going everywhere together.



"do you think, just maybe I could... I don't know... hide out here until my trail goes cold with him?"

"uh... I don't know, Monty.  what if he tracks you down here and then you'll be putting my and Hadley's lives in danger?"

Montague was desperate.  he grabbed Pollyanna's hands with a pleading look—

"please!  I promise, it'll be like I'm not even here!  and there's no way he'll come to this random ass house; if... if I leave now, he'll surely find me, and I'm dead."

she still didn't really want Montague there, but Pollyanna wasn't heartless.  Montague might've been a narcissistic sociopath, but there's no way she'd be able to live with herself if she just left him ass out to die.

"... fine.  let's head to the attic.  it's surprisingly comfortable up there."

the attic was nicely furnished and indeed a comfortable space, just as Pollyanna said.  she used it as a reading room.  not often, though - it wasn't as if she had all that much motivation to read.  but, whenever she got the rare urge, that was the space that she'd do it.

"here we are.  get comfy."

"this is nice; thanks, Pollyanna."  he limped over to a short couch and cringed, putting his hand over the wound.

"oh, let me redress that for you.  Hadley, baby, could you go get the thread and bandages?  I think Monty's stiches are coming a loose..."

Hadley happily obliged to Pollyanna's request, but found himself feeling a slight twinge of jealousy by the impromptu touching of Montague and Pollyanna. 

when Hadley returned with the items, they seemed to be laughing about something, and it looked like they were a couple.

"here's the stuff..."

"thank you, bunny." 


"Hadley, what's the matter?  you had a sour mood ever since this evening.  is something wrong?"

Hadley shifted underneath the cover nervously, seemingly searching for something to say.

"I... feel weird about you and Monty..."

"... weird?"  Pollyanna's eyebrow raised before she realized what he meant.  "oh... Hadley, are you jealous?  you don't have anything to worry about, bunny.  you're my number 1."

Pollyanna approached the side of the bed and peered at hadley's pink face mischievously.

"I'll make you an offer... which slip do you want me to wear to bed...?  pick your favorite."

"the see-through one..."

"okay, good choice.  wait... I've never worn that one around you," said Pollyanna.

"you... haven't...?"

"no, I haven't.  how'd you know I had that one?  have you been snooping around in my underwear drawer, naughty boy?"

if Hadley wasn't pink-faced by now, he definitely was after he was caught red handed.  Pollyanna wasn't offended though; it was too adorable how he reacted to her. 

"well, I'll put it on just for you since you went out of your way to request it specially..."

"oh, seems like someone is enjoying the view ..." Pollyanna teased.

Hadley nodded, head empty and beginning to pant like a needy pup. 

ain't a thought behind those pretty grey eyes, Pollyanna thought.  she could sense his body temperature rising, and she could hear heart getting faster.  she sat on the bed and pulled him onto her lap.  Pollyanna hooked her fingers on the waistband of Hadley's briefs and swiftly pulled the off.

"this is the first time we're doing something like this, huh, baby?" 

Hadley nodded.

"you're so cute.  look how much it's standing up for me...  does it feel good when I touch you here?"

Hadley nodded, no need for words.  it was his first time having anyone but him touch him in such a sensitive area.  Hadley was excited; this moment was such a long time coming.  he desperately wanted to touch Pollyanna the same way, but he was way too shy to tell her that.

"I know you're almost there," said Pollyanna, nibbling lightly on Hadley's ear.  "come on, baby boy, give mommy what she wants ~♡"

Hadley squealed with an adorable noise before his ejaculate coated Pollyanna's hand.  he sat panting, coming down from his euphoric high.

"are your clothes too sweaty now...?  do you need to change, bunny ?"

"mhm..."  Hadley's eyes were closing.

Pollyanna smiled as she gathered non-sweaty clothing for Hadley and slipped his underwear back on him.  finally, she got under the covers alongside the hybrid boy, watching him slowly fall asleep.

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