ii. 🧸

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chapter 2

Edmund had reached the peak of his hospitality with the hybrid boy about 5 days in. Edmund made him a cute little plaything for some time until he got bored. he just didn't do much of anything; he was apparently in some sort of catatonic state.

he blinked slowly and irregularly, and he wouldn't eat anything. he hadn't said a word for as long as he'd been there. as such, Edmund kept him in the attic as he seemed to like dark spaces.

"f* this..." Edmund mumbled, calling Pollyanna. she was nice and compassionate, two things that he very clearly wasn't. she'd take the hybrid and wipe his hands dry. there was no reason for him to keep it. 

he beckoned her over without exactly telling her what for. he knew Pollyanna hated it when he was vague, but it was fun to f* with her.

Edmund opened the door to see a shorthaired young woman dressed comfortably. she scowled at him something fierce while her eyes flashed a bright purple for the slightest second.

"whaddaya want?"

"well, hello to you too, Polly."

"shut up. what did you want? isn't enough that I have to be on watchdog duty with you?" Pollyanna folded her arms.

Edmund shrugged, shoving his hands in his pockets.

"follow me."

Pollyanna noticed that it stank in the house. she wasn't sure if it was the previous tenants of the house or if it was him on his own. it was so difficult for Pollyanna to understand how much of Edmund's humanity had dissolved. the previous tenants didn't just move out; Edmund killed them and made himself right at home.

he's probably still living off the blood and flesh of their bodies, she thought. Pollyanna shuddered.

the other neighbors hadn't noticed a thing, though. how could they when they were hypnotized by him into thinking that he'd always lived there? it was so disappointing how he was able to get away with it. he never gets punished for anything, but God forbid that Pollyanna herself stepped out of line for a second...! she didn't know why he could get off so easily by the higher-ups. she hated it.

Edmund, the Godforsaken Son of the Damned, pulled down the attic's ladder and climbed up.

"come on, sis."

"don't you ever."

he didn't deserve to be overfamiliar with her.

the attic was a dark, dusty space that seemed pretty stuffy. despite vampires not really needing to breathe like other organisms do, she found it hard to inhabit the expansive area.

the stench was the loudest up here.

"Edmund, what the f* is that smell??" she growled, shouting down the ladder at him.

"you'll find it. keep looking."

"I swear to God, if you have a body up here..."

she saw something.

"what is that...?" she said softly.

Pollyanna approached the curled up shadow slowly, bracing herself for if it may attack. coming into view was a sad sight.

she touched him gently and got no reaction. she nudged him again and again, there was nothing. slowly and carefully, she turned him over, examining his gaunt face and figure.

"aw baby...!"

Pollyanna stroked the mess of brown hair gently, only feeling for him. his gray eyes were vacant and eerie, seemingly so broken. even throughout her whole observation, he didn't say a word.

she gathered his skinny frame into her arms and lifted him up easily. for being half wolf, he was way lighter than he should've been.

"you're coming with me, don't worry. I'll take care of you..." she whispered.

for the first time since she'd met him, his eyes shifted to meet hers.

she was amazingly able to climb down the attic's ladder while carrying the hybrid.

"oh, have fun with him," said Edmund. "you'll probably get bored of it before long, though. I wouldn't blame you if you wanted to throw it away."

Pollyanna couldn't help but to feel her fangs itch and her blood boil. Edmund was one of the most despicable things to ever grace God's green Earth. to callously refer to the helpless little one in her arms who needed some good tlc as "it" made her want to rip his head off.

she always wanted to rip his head off though.

however, she didn't. she simply walked out with the hybrid boy in tow. he smelled like death, but she knew he only did because he obviously wasn't in the best of circumstances.

she couldn't wait to get him home.

「 𝐇𝐲𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐝 𝐁𝐨𝐲 」Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora