x. 🧸

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chapter 10

Hadley's eyes slowly opened up, suddenly panicked and confused.  he was in the back seat of a truck with his hands and feet tied.

"good morning, princess.  you're a heavy sleeper."

that was a scary voice Hadley definitely didn't recognize. 

"what?  where are you taking me??  where's Polly, did you hurt her!?"  the questions wouldn't stop coming.

"oh, unfortunately, we can't tell you where we're going.  you'll have to just be patient and see for yourself," said a different voice. 

their faces were covered, so of course hadley couldn't burn their visages into his wretched memories. 

"and Polly… did you touch her…?"  Hadley really needed to know if she was okay; she was the most important thing in his life right now. 

"don't know who that is; you were the only one in the house when we snatched ya.  now quiet!  I'm tired of answering your questions."

"…let me go…"

"no.  I thought I told you to stay quiet, wolf."

"…let me go…"

"can you not f*ckin hear, or what??"

"…let me go…"

"why's he keep saying it like that?" asked the man driving.

"I don't know, but he's pissing me off…!  I thought I told you to stay quiet, bitch!!"

he swung down to hit Hadley, but the strike never got its target.  Hadley's extremely sharp fangs had the man's wrist locked.  then, with one jerk of his head, the man's hand was ripped clean off.

"what the f*ck!?" yelled the driver.  the victim was too shocked staring at his handless arm.  they pulled to the side of the rural road, no other cars in sight.

"don't worry, man, I'll patch it.  I need something to stop the blood… here."

as they were distracted nursing the other man's stump, Hadley clawed his way out of the rope restraints.

"…let me go…" he said a final time, growling in the most terrifying way possible, completely transformed into one of the scariest creatures that the henchmen had ever seen.


"well, Monty, I'd say I feel sorry for you because I understand self-preservation as much as the next guy, but the thing is… you knew what that life was all about!  and now you dragged my Hadley into it.  I could kill you right now, you dick."

"what's that!?"  Montague suddenly yelled, causing Pollyanna to slam on the brake. 

"what??  what did you see??"

"over there..  it's a wrecked tailgate truck.  and look on the ground leading from it to the road… there's a trail of blood…!"

both of them left Montague's car to investigate. 

"I hope my baby's not in there…"

"wait.  I recognize that truck.  that's the one that the henchmen were driving with Hadley in it.."

Pollyanna began to panic.  what if he was in that bloody, beat-up car ?  what if those henchmen killed him and made it look like an accident???

going against the feeling inside, she got closer and closer to the truck.  it looked like it was bleeding itself.  inside was quite a gruesome sight - both the henchmen were ripped apart and their dead faces were contorted in fear.  there was no sign of Hadley anywhere in the vehicle.

"… what could've done this?" asked Montague.

pollyanna thought for a second.  "… it might've been Hadley…"

"no way the runt did it.  I don't think I've ever seen people die like this before.  what is that thing??"

"he's a hybrid - a werewolf and a vampire."

"a… werewolf and vampire??  I can't believe that's even possible... I've heard that, if they even existed, that those things are god tier in strength.  and I guess this is proof of that.  we need to go find him before he hurts others-"

"no," said Pollyanna simply. "Hadley's not the type to go on murder sprees.  I'm finding him because I wanna take him home.  you won't lay a finger on him, get it, Monty??"

Montague knew that if he didn't agree to the conditions, he'd get lambasted even worse by Pollyanna.  a pissed off lady vampire was a creature to be reckoned with.

"… fine."

"get in the car; we need to go get him."

"I think the trail of blood leading from the truck to the road is a good clue; follow that, and I think we should be able to find him," said Montague.

traveling further down the road eventually yielded results.  they suddenly spotted hadley, walking slowly along the road in blood-soaked clothing. 

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