xv. 🧸

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chapter 15

"sir, the assassin that you sent after the wendigo has…"


"in a word, yes.  what would you have us do?"

"good thing I hadn't paid him yet.  find him, bring him here, and give him the 'works.'"  it was the syndicate's lingo for "torture."

"yes, sir."

the strongmen dismissed themselves and exited the room.

the man who was commonly referred to as "sir" or "boss" was actually named Cy.  his last name he cast away years ago.  the only people who knew of it had long since died.

a demon of epic proportions, Cy had little regard for anyone or anything.  if anyone asked, the only three things he cared about (not in any particular order) was money, power and sex.  he wouldn't stand to lose not even one of them.

Cy finished his exhausting day of being a syndicate boss, and he found himself in a position of needing to relieve some stress.


"oh, is the day over already??  honestly, Cy, don't wear me out too much," replied the cat boy with a collar as he rolled his eyes.  Cy didn't seem to notice that.

"you know the procedures."  Cy undressed and the neko was soon to follow.

this neko was named Olive, but Cy never used it.  Olive had gotten tired of reminding him and realized how futile it was to continue to do that.  so instead, he stopped caring and just became Cy's sex doll.

"I became an expert at sucking d*** because of you.  are you proud?"  teased Olive.  he went back to work on Cy's member.

"of course."  Cy rubbed Olive's furry ears.  "I need one of you to be the best, and that just so happened to be you.  that's why you get to stay in this bedroom and the others stay out there."

Olive felt the irritation grow, but he pushed it down.  there was no way Cy was going to tolerate back talk.  he was liable to put him in the torture room too.

they went a little longer, and Olive was took a bath.  he walked out wrapped in a towel.

good; Cy's knocked out, thought Olive.  he gathered his pre-packed bag that Cy thankfully didn't find.  he didn't have much, so the bag wasn't cumbersome to handle.

with the cat-like qualities of nekos, Olive had no trouble moving quickly and quietly, avoiding waking Cy up.

he slipped out of a window of the compound, planning to never go back again.


"alright, Polly.  as much as I hate to admit it, you took good care of me.  I'm going home now; thanks for everything," said Montague.

"of course, Monty.  oh, I sure hate to see you go."

Pollyanna couldn't be happier to see Monty leaving, and Monty knew that.  he'd overstayed his welcome anyway.

"so, I guess we can call each other…  friends?"  Monty rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment.

Pollyanna giggled. "you've been livin' here for months, so, yeah.  I guess we're friends in some capacity."

"so should we hug or…?"  Monty went in for it and Pollyanna pushed his face away with her hand.

"get the f*ck out of here, Monty," she said playfully, laughing again. "get home safely.  text me when you get there."

"ha…  okay."  Monty had a slight smile and a blush.  "see you."

Pollyanna closed the door and turned to Hadley, who was busy playing on his phone in the kitchen.  as she walked toward him, she tripped over a colored pencil that was on the floor.

"Hadley, come pick up your art supplies, please."

"I'll do it later."

Pollyanna was surprised.

"honey, I told you to do it now," Pollyanna said sternly.

"I don't want to do it now.  it's gonna get done; just later."

"boy, I'm not bout ask you again; pick up this stuff right now."

Hadley didn't even move from the spot.

"alright, that's it."

Pollyanna roughly pulled the electronic device from Hadley as he began to show beginning signs of a tantrum.

"I'm putting this in the safe, and you're not gettin' it back until I feel like you deserve it."

"no!!"  Hadley cried out in frustration.  "give it baaaack!!"

Pollyanna locked the small safe that was in the living room closet and tucked the key in her pocket.  she grabbed his hand and dragged him to the bedroom while he fought her the whole way.  there was no way he was winning; she was much stronger than he was.

he threw himself on the bed and kicked and screamed and cried into the pillow.

"I'm not falling for them crocodile tears.  you're goin' to bed early for disrespecting me."

Hadley looked at her with red, puffy eyes and sniffled.  Pollyanna sighed.

"look, I have a sentry shift with Edmund tonight.  goodnight; I love you and I'll see you in the morning.  you think about your attitude towards me.  I do too much for you to be actin' like that."

Hadley pouted and curled up underneath the covers with his stuffie.  Pollyanna wanted to be more stern with him, but she couldn't help but walk to the side of the bed and bend down to give him a kiss.

Hadley turned his face to receive it and put his arms around her in an attempt to keep her from leaving.

"I don't want you to keep leaving," said Hadley.  "can't you find another job?"

"I can't; I'm not qualified for anything else that pays as well as this does.  and the council needs us."

Hadley sniffled again. "okay."

"I'll see you in the morning, baby boy."

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