Chapter 19: Strike back

Start from the beginning

"I hope you're ready for it, now. At attention!"

He ordered. Each mens were seperated from each other, and were met with their drill sergeant.

"Welcome to the Army! You're the rifle squad of the 1st Rodenius infantry company! You're in the 2nd rifle squad! Understand!?" He shouted.

"Yessir!" They replied.

"Wrong! Only reply me with 'Yes, Sergeant', Understand!?"

"Yes, Sergeant!" They shouted. 

"Good job, ladies! You may proceed to your barrack! GET OUT OF MY SIGHT, NOW!"

He shouted, a very loud one. The entire rifle squad run off in hurry.

The training has begun.

Location: Meeting point, Rodenius sea
23rd August, 1632, 1:39 PM

"Sir, look like a ship from other countries is finally here" Abra hondu, navigation officer of Sios kingdom flag ship 'Godam' said.

"After all everyone are here, then we will head to America right?" Captain Borue Nonue asked.

"Yes sir, i can't wait to see America for myself, those Qua-Toynian are very lucky to go first"

Abra answered. 20 Sails ship of different countries is going to America for the same purpose, it is diplomacy.

At the same time in United States, Qua-Toynian diplomat were having their time in Florida.

"I believe it is a time to travel to Washington DC, it will be a pretty short ride, it gonna take like couple of hours at best" Tyler said.

"Alright, so are we gonna travel by car?" Captain Midori questioned.

"What? Of course not! We will travel by plane, i will bring you to the private airfield" Tyler answered.

"Private airfield? Sound like a noble's private Wyvern, am i right?" Tanaka asked.

"Yes, something like that"

Tyler answered. They got onto the car, and begin their ride to the airfield. This visit was a vacation for them, no serious matter about war and conflict, just everyone enjoying their time in peaceful moment before another big conflict hit them again.

Location: Greater Esthirant, Parpaldia empire, 3rd Civilized area
23rd August, 1632, 12:40 PM

An old looking car was running around the street of very misty town, most of the mist were actually smoke generated from factory around the city, this is the capital of Parpaldia empire, Greater Esthirant the world's most crowded area. The building were so closed together almost leaving no spaces at all, it like a city you would see in dystopian type fiction it got eerie looking to it unlike it predecessor, Esthirant, which was now port Vincent. Emperor Ludius III at that time thought it wasn't wise to have their capital city at the shores as their enemies could use battleship to bombard it, after the brutal conquering campaign in 1587, the Greater Esthirant was established in the middle of Philades continent, signified that this city is the heart of entire 3rd civilized area and the old Esthirant got renamed.

"Man, this city doesn't look very nice unlike Fenn" Petton said.

"Haha, Mr.American diplomat, even if our capital look like this it is still one of the most powerful industrial area" the driver replied.

"Just look at all the smoke here, the sunlight couldn't even get through, did you guys not know about the greenhouse effect?" Petton said.

"Greenhouse effect? I'm sorry here but we've never heard of it"

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