New bride

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Prativindhya was chasing Divyanshi on his little feet. Divyanshi teased him for being slow and ran the moment he got close. Prati was irritated and started throwing a tantrum.

"The hell?" Divyanshi stopped and knelt down to him, "Don't act your uncle."

"Got you!" Prati pulled her hair.

"Ow! You crusty ass motherf-" Divyanshi untangled her hair.

"What happened?" Draupadi asked when she saw them sitting on the floor of the hallway.

"He pulled my hair!" Divyanshi complaint.

"No, I didn't." Prati mumbled.

"Liar liar, pants on fire!" Divyanshi said.

"Ok, stop fighting with him. He is a child." Draupadi picked them up.

"He pulled my hair." Divyanshi whined.

"You're not two." Draupadi laughed at both of her children.

"Queen, pranam!" A soldier interrupted them. Draupadi nodded with a smile. "Prince Arjun is here."

"Oh my! He is here!" Divyanshi teased Draupadi.

"Thank you for informing me. You may go." Draupadi hid her blush.

"But he has brought a wife." The soldier said.

Divyanshi had almost forget about Subhadra. She knew how things would change for Draupadi from that very moment. When they both arrived at the entrance of the palace, Draupadi saw Arjun and Subhadra. After an huge argument, she finally accepted Subhadra. The preparations for Rajsuya yagya continued and with Subhadra by her side, Divyanshi forgot about all her problems.

All the preparations were done, Divyanshi was asked to by Yudhisthir to visit Hastinapur once, just for old times' sake and invite the Kauravs. Divyanshi agreed and set off to Hastinapur. She was welcomed but it was clear she was no more a family member for the Kauravs. Duryodhan, he indeed was bad but he didn't like the idea of Divyanshi being a guest of the Pandavs after spending years with the Kauravs. However, he didn't have a say in this. 

Shishupal, the king of Chedi was also present in Hastinapur. Divyanshi didn't talk much with him, she knew his future and hid her smile when she passed by him. Shishupal, like any other man was interested in the 'new girl'. He attempted to talk to her but she never showed interest. He was an arrogant man, after all he was an incarnation of Jay. 

Dushala had come to visit Hastinapur with her husband, Jaydrath. Divyanshi saw Jaydrath and rolled her eyes, she hugged Dushala and stared in awe at her son, Surath.

"Thank God! He got your genes." Divyanshi said to Dushala.

Jaydrath stood there in annoyance. Divyanshi played with Surath for the rest of the day. Dushala finally took out time and talked with her best friend. Divyanshi sipped her tea as both the women stood in their old room's balcony. 

"I can't believe it, you have a son." Divyanshi commented. Her eyes fell on the spot where Karn used to practise, she smiled to herself remembering him.

"I can't believe it too. I heard Prince Arjun came back." Dushala carrassed a sparrow, who sat on her hand.

"He did...he did." Divyanshi sighed. She kept her cup on the table and rested her hands on the balcony. "I can't see Draupadi in so much pain. She never did anything wrong to anyone, did she?"

"He married Subhadra, right?" Dushala asked.

Divyanshi sighed again. She didn't reply, Dushala figured. Dushala patted her back as Divyanshi told her about the latest crisis in her life.

After refreshing her memories with Dushala, she head to meet Ma Kunti. Ma Kunti was in her room with Ma Gandhari. Divyanshi knocked on the door, both the women were happy to see her after a long time.

Ma Ku ti welcomed her in the room, "I lost hope to see you again."

"Well, I am back, Ma." Divyanshi smiled. Ma Kunti hugged her. "The Rajsuya yagya will happen in two days...Please be present there."

"I can't..I gave my word to the king." Ma Kunti's smiled hid her agony. She wanted to see her sons perform the yagya but the didn't let her.

Ma Gandhari left the room. Divyanshi wondered what could be the reason. "Is something wrong?"

Ma Kunti glanced at her then looked away. "She is not happy. She thinks of you as her own daughter and you not being here, it breaks her heart."

Divyanshi looked down. She wanted to be with the mothers but the men were the problem. She remembered the trouble she faced when Gandharaj Shakuni plotted to turn her against the Pandavs, when he spied on her through Aprajita...Aprajita, Divyanshi didn't see her after the fight.

She looked up. "Where's Aprajita?"

Ma Kunti was slightly surprised with her question, it was out of the blue. "Gandharaj fired her. She must be in the village. Poor girl, I wanted to her help."

"Thank you, Ma. I'll take your leave." Divyanshi stood up.

Ma Kunti smiled at her. Divyanshi walked out of the palace, to the village. She had no idea where to find Aprajita but asked the locals about her whereabouts. She bumped into someone, she rubbed her head. She looked at the person, it was her, Aprajita. She wore some dirty saree and had dark circles under her eyes.

"You look...different." Divyanshi mumbled.

Aprajita let out a soft chuckle. Divyanshi tilted her head, confused, why would one laugh in a situation like this is what she wondered. "I am laughing at my misery."

"Your..grandma?" Divyanshi hesitated to ask the question.

"Died a month after my betrayal." Aprajita paused, she smiled again. "I paid for my sins. See, I betrayed you, broke your trust, supported the adharmi and look what I have done to my life. God punished me for breaking your heart." She looked down, her throat was itchy.

Divyanshi kept her hand on Aprajita's arm. "I never wished for all this to happen to you. I am sorry." She reached her bag but Aprajita stopped her. "Why? Let me help you."

"I don't want money from you." Aprajita took a deep breath, "Just...Just tell me that you forgive me, at least, I'll die with that satisfaction."

Divyanshi wanted to cry but didn't, she formed a smile on her face. "I forgive you, my friend."


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