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"I don't understand why he isn't here yet!" Divyanshi growled.

"I don't know, Devi. Maybe whoever you are talking about doesn't know it was you who wrote the letter." Aprajita was now Divyanshi's only friend.

"If he doesn't know something then-there is no 'then', babe. He knows everything." Divyanshi said.

"Then maybe he is busy." Aprajita guessed.

Divyanshi sighed and motioned her to leave, she did so. Divyanshi had nothing to do, she stopped her night walks with Karn. She didn't read the books Karn gifted her, she wasn't in a state of mind to focus on one thing. All she did was cry and wait for Krishnn but he didn't come. Karn wasn't happy seeing her devastated. He decided to ask Duryodhan to do something.

"Why don't you get it? I am the Yuvraj of Hastinapur not the Yamraj of sorrow." Duryodhan said, "I can't make her happy."

"But I don't want to see her like that." Karn said.

"Maybe try not seeing her." Dushasan suggested.

"Bhrata, don't for once. Don't speak." Duryodhan shushed him. "Let's see what I can do." He thought for a moment and came up with an idea. "Take her to Radha ma."

"How will that help?" Karn asked.

"This is the reason you are not married." Duryodhan sighed.

"You are saying like you are married." Karn scoffed playfully.

"Atleast I get girls." Duryodhan said.

"I have a girlfriend not you." Karn said.

"He said it!" Dushasan laughed, "He finally said it! He admitted it!"


"If you aren't going to eat, you will fall sick." Aprajita said as she served food to Divyanshi.

"I am not hungry." Divyanshi spoke in muffled voice, hiding her face in the pillow.

"She is right. You will fall sick." Karn entered her room.

"Pranaam Angraj." Aprajita bowed down and left the two alone.

"I don't feel like talking to anyone." Divyanshi didn't move from her bed.

He walked to her and sat beside her, "But you will have to talk. You will have to talk to my mother."

"Your mother?" She faced him with a confused look.

"If you don't talk to her now, she will force me to marry someone else." He said.

She remembered him being married to some girl his parents chose for him in her world. Her eyes widened, she didn't want to lose him too.

"Yes, I will meet your mother." She spoke hastily.

"That was fast." He smiled. "Well, get ready. We are leaving."

"Right now?" She asked.

"Yes, hurry up." He said and picked her up.

"Woah! Put me down!" She smiled after ages.

"You have to promise me something, only then I will put you down." He told her.

"Put me down now!" She chuckled.

"Promise!" He stated.

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