A New Friend

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"You must be Rajkumari Dushala, right?" Divyanshi asked looking at a girl not so much younger than her.

"Yes, you guessed it right. You must be the future girl?" Dushala was cheering, she finally had a friend to talk to.

"Am I famous now? The helpers asked me the same." Divyanshi laughed lightly.

"You are the talk of the town." Dushala said.

"I love attention." Divyanshi said. "So, tell me about yourself."

"You know about me already. I am a princess who is going to get married-"

"Married? What? When?" Divyanshi asked.

"In a week. You didn't know?" asked Dushala, Divyanshi shook her head. "It was planned that Bhratashree Duryodhan and I will marry the same day but Panchali is now married to some Brahmin. People say he is Rajkumar Arjun, what do you think?"

"Who knows? He can be." Divyanshi shrugged. "You getting married to Sindhraj, have you ever met him?"

"No, but I have heard he is strong." Dushala said.

"I wouldn't mind if he is rich. In my world, if you are rich you have the power." Divyanshi said.

"It's the same here. The cruel world never stopped being cruel, did it?" Dushal asked.

"Yes, it didn't. It didn't." Divyanshi replied.

"So, what did you do in your time?" Dushala gained interest in her.

"I was studying the nature of humans and I had a 'boyfriend' but the relationship wasn't going anywhere." Divyanshi told her.

"What's a 'boyfriend'? asked Karn, he was standing at the door. "Sorry, I forgot to knock."

"Oh, it means a boy who is more than a friend." Divyanshi explained.

"So a husband?" asked Dushala.

"No, more like a lover." Divyanshi cleared her doubt.

"Oh! So, you have experience." Dushala congratulated her.

"You're the only person who said that. The aunties back home didn't like him. He was an Arts student and well, so was I but they wanted me to marry and settle." Divyanshi laughed, "I was such a rebel, I didn't ever notice."

"Arts student?" asked Karn, his voice was low, something had happen which affected him.

"They aren't taken seriously and nor was I." Divyanshi explained.

"So, it's like caste system?" he asked further.

"Not exactly that but-well, you are right. People judge caste first and then by the stream." Divyanshi said, "Kaliyug is weird."

"I almost forgot." Karn said, "I asked you about Angdesh, we can leave in a day or two if you want."

"Oh! Nice." Divyanshi said.

"But will you be here for my wedding?" Dushala seemed sad.

"Of course!" Divyanshi side hugged her.

"Great! I'll ask the helpers to ready the chariots." Karn said and immediately left.

"Did something strange happen in Panchal? He is acting weird since he has returned." Dushala wondered.

"I don't know." Divyanshi hid her grin.


"The Pandavs are here!" their arrival was announced and Divyanshi smiled widely.

"My Draupadi is here!" she cheered.

"Your?" Dushala chuckled.

"Yeah, she is my best friend." Divyanshi said.

"And am I not?" asked Dushala making a puppy face.

"There comes the emotional blackmail." Divyanshi sighed, "I should change."

Meeting Draupadi was extremely important, she knew what had happened and she knew how Draupadi needed someone to vent.

"Draupadi!" She called out her name when she saw her, she sprinted to her and hugged her. "Oh! How much I missed you!"

"Divyanshi, I missed you too. You don't know what happened to me." Draupadi started.

Divyanshi she knew each and everything about what had happened but she wanted Draupadi vent because she knew how it felt to have no one to talk to about the things that hurt one.

"I am sorry, Draupadi." She hugged her again.

"Why are apologising? It's not your mistake." Draupadi returned the hug. "I heard from the maids the you and Angraj are going somewhere alone." She emphasised 'alone'.

"These people have a habit to exaggerate things." Divyanshi sighed, "I am going with him to visit Angdesh. He asked me out."

"Yes but alone with him?" Draupadi was concerned, "I mean he is friends with the Kauravs and you know how they are. God forbid but what he does something bad to you."

"Don't worry about me, darling." Divyanshi assured her, "I am friends with Krishnn. He'll protect and besides, I know how to handle men. Just a few hours before I came to this world, I had beaten up a man who misbehaved with me. You should've seen his face, it was red and had a mark of sandal for half an hour."

Draupadi laughed along with Divyanshi. They both happy with each other's company. Divyanshi was sad because she knew what was about to come when she remembered the events after the yagya in Indraprasth.


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