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The Pandavs were confused on why Draupadi was so furious. They wondered why she kept herself locked in her room for weeks. A rumour was spread in Khandavprasth that she had received a letter from an anonymous person telling her the reason about her friend's betrayal.

"What happened, Panchali?" Yudhisthir asked her, "What is the reason that you have isolated yourself?"

"Arya, my friend; Divyanshi didn't come here." Draupadi said.

"You were the one who told me that she could be busy." Yudhisthir reminded her.

"I do remember that but I received a letter, it said that she wasn't busy. In fact she went to Angdesh with Angraj for a vacation." Draupadi explained, "She knew that I need her but she never once thought to come visit me once."

Yudhisthir thought about the topic, "Write her a letter about how you feel."

"I don't want to talk to her." She said.

"If you want to express your feelings towards her, you must express is properly. A letter would help." He suggested.

"No, Arya. You don't understand. I can't even imagine her face without crying." She explained.

"Maybe visit Dwarka for a while. I will inform Vaasudev."

Miles away in Hastinapur, Divyanshi wrote another letter to Krishnn. This time all by herself. She expressed on how she was feeling. She wrote on how awful she felt after requesting Radha ma to not get Karn married to anyone. She folded the letter and remembered him one last time before tying it to Sirius' leg.

"Please Krishnn save me from the hell." She whispered to the letter and let her raven go.

Dushasan saw the raven fly from her balcony and informed Duryodhan about it. "Letter! Another letter!"

"Quick! Shoot the letter." Duryodhan ordered to a soldier but this time the soldier missed. "How can you be so careless!" Duryodhan snapped.

"Mere bacche, don't waste your energy on him. We must find out what was in the letter." Shakuni said, "The other letter was to Vaasudev, it can be him again, can't it?"

"Yes, you are right." Duryodhan agreed.

"So it was you who sabotaged the letter." Karn entered the room in fury.

"Yes, it was him, Angraj Karn but you don't know why he did that, do you?" Shakuni put on a sad look on his face.

"Why?" Karn scoffed.

"Because he wanted Divyanshi to be with you, child." Shakuni said, "We know that you love her and want to be with her but if she meets Vaasudev, he will take her back. She will be away from you. You don't want that, child."

"I don't but-"

"Enough, child. I get it, I know that love is tough but sometimes you have to compromise." Shakuni cut him.

"But you hurt her feelings." Karn remarked.

"You went out with her, mitr." Duryodhan pointed out, "Your mother met her."

"Don't fight, mere baccho!" Shakuni stopped them, he turned to Karn and scolded him "We did all this for you and look at you blaming us." He left.

In Dwarka, Subhadra wondered why Krishnn couldn't stop smiling. Not being able to resist, she finally asked.

"Bhratashree, why are you smiling?"

"You will know soon." Krishnn replied.

"Why don't you tell me now?" She pouted.

"I won't ruin all the fun." Krishnn smiled.

Sirius landed on Subhadra's arm, she screeched. "Get it off!"

"Don't worry." Krishnn calmly picked the raven. "A letter from a friend."

"Panchali?" She asked.

"No, Divyanshi." He replied.

"Kanha, a letter from Panchali." Balram joined them, "She is coming to Dwarka."

"So that is why you were smiling." Subhadra joined the dots.

Krishnn smiled more. His palace was decorated for the welcome of his friends. He sat on his chariot and left for Hastinapur.

Divyanshi waited for Krishnn to pick her from Hastinapur. She sat on the window sill watching the palace gate. Days had passed since she wrote the letter, Sirius had returned too. She wondered if he delivered her letter or not.

"Bath water is ready." Aprajita informed.

"Thank you, Aprajita." Divyanshi went to calm her mind.

The water was warm as usual. She sank in the water and prayed for Krishnn to come to Hastinapur. She came out, drying her hair with a towel.

"You are up early." Karn entered her room.

"Don't tease me! I woke up late." Divyanshi whined and rested her body on the wall near the window.

"I came here to check on you but you were asleep. Aprajita didn't want to disturb you so she shoo me away." He said.

"Oh she did!" She smiled. Her gaze fell on a glowing figure near the palace gates. The person smiled back at her. "Krishnn?" Her eyes widened in joy, "He is finally here!"

"He had to come. You called him." Karn was delighted to see her happy.

"He is here! I can finally go to Dwarka." She cheered.

"What? Dwarka?" He questioned.

"Yes, Dwarka. I will leave Hastinapur." She answered.

Karn held her hand, "Why? Why do you want to leave me?"

"I don't want to leave you but I don't want to live here." She explained and cupped his cheek.

"I will also come with you." He insisted.

"As long as Krishnn approves." she said.

"He can join us." they heard a voice.

"Why are you so late? I wrote you the letter ages ago." Divyanshi folded her arms.

"Why do you complain a lot? I am here, aren't I?" Krishnn smiled. "Pranaam, Angraj."

"Pranaam Vaasudev!" Karn greeted him.

"I see that you aren't taking good care of my sakhi." Krishnn said.

"No, he is doing his best." Divyanshi protested and Krishnn laughed.

"I was kidding." he said.

"When will we leave for Dwarka?" Karn asked.

"Well, I will tell you about that." Krishnn replied.

Divyanshi understood that he knew something. She got a hint about something going to happen soon. "Come! Let's eat together." she insisted and they went to the dining hall.

Krishnn took his seat and asked, "You met his mother?"

"Yes." Divyanshi hid the blood rush in her cheek.

"My mother likes her a lot." Karn added.

"Vaasudev!" Shakuni faked smile as he interrupted their moment, "You could've informed us about your arrival."

"I thought you already knew about it." Krishnn taunted.

"No, we didn't." Shakuni lied, Divyanshi noticed his face muscle twitching. 

'He knew!' she thought, 'But how?'

"Sakhi, I think we should leave now." Krishnn interrupted her thoughts.


Krishnn in da house!


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