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"Draupadi, don't get mad at me." Divyanshi said to Draupadi as soon as she reached Hastinapur.

"What does that mean?" Draupadi panicked.

"Dushala just hold her at a distance." Divyanshi said taking a few steps back.

Dushala did so without questioning, "What is happening?" Draupadi questioned.

"Don't hit me, ok? Don't get angry please." Divyanshi requested.

"How is that not going to make me panic?" Draupadi panicked.

"I-I kissed him." Divyanshi gabbed and immediately hid her head with a cushion.

"What?" Both the girls said. The only difference was that Dushala was happy but Draupadi was shocked.

"I didn't want to but it just happened!" Divyanshi tried to reason.

"How do you kiss someone unknowing?" Draupadi chased.

"Dushala hold her!" Divyanshi ran around the room, "She will kill me!"

"No, this is fun!" Dushala laughed at both of them.

"How are you so calm about this?" Draupadi asked Dushala panting after she was tired.

"I expected this from her. She is 'hella' wild!" Dushala hyped up Divyanshi.

"You are learning!" Divyanshi commented, "Cool!"

"And you aren't." Draupadi started, "You don't just kiss random people, Divyanshi."

"I have done worse." Divyanshi muttered to herself.

"This isn't funny. Does anyone else know?" Draupadi asked.

"I don't think so unless," Divyanshi wondered.

"Unless what?" Draupadi asked.

"I doubt that he didn't tell Duryodhan. He tells him everything and this... it's serious." Divyanshi said.

"Listen to me, if you don't want to marry him, I can help you escape. Don't worry about it, Govind and I will help you." Draupadi assured her.

"I don't care about any wedding." Divyanshi spoke, Dushala gave her a look, "Well, I do care about one wedding and it is Dushala's so let's talk about that."

"Whatever it is but do talk to Angraj once." Draupadi suggested.

"I will. Now, let's not ruin my babe's day. She's gonna get married." Divyanshi side hugged Dushala.

They spent the first half of the day preparing for Sindhraj's welcome. Sindhraj could be there any moment and Dushala was excited for it. Divyanshi teased Dushala for her wedding while Draupadi worried about Divyanshi and her future.

"When will he come?" Divyanshi asked Draupadi.

"Who? Who are you talking about?" Draupadi asked.

"There are only two people I talk about, one is Angraj and second is Krishnn. Angraj is here so definitely not him. Take a guess." Divyanshi said.

"He will be here soon." Draupadi said.

"But when will 'he' come?" Dushala growled.

"Sindhraj? He should be here, where is he?" Divyanshi wondered. 'Hope he gets lost in the jungle.'

"Not a good thought, sakhi!" She heard a familiar voice.

She turned and saw Krishnn, "You are finally here! Quick, high five!" She brought her and up and he gave her a high five.

"What was that?" asked Draupadi.

"We cool people do that." Divyanshi replied and Draupadi rolled her eyes and smiled.

She greeted Krishnn and Dushala did the same.

"I know what you did." He whispered to Divyanshi.

"I panicked!" She shrugged.

"I never said it was wrong. In fact it was a good start." Krishnn said and smiled.


"He is here! Sindhraj is here!" Dushala cheered and entered the room.

"Ooh! I will get to see that swine's face." Divyanshi mumbled.

The trio went outside to welcome him. Divyanshi couldn't help but struggle to hide her laughter looking how dramatic Dushala looked while blushing.

Dushasan appeared behind her, "I heard what you did."

"What did I do?" Divyanshi asked hiding her scared face. People were around her and she didn't want everyone to know about what happened in Angdesh.

"I didn't know you are good in archery. Karn was praising your skills and he also said that you are a great cook." He said.

"Oh! That! Yes, I am a great chef." Divyanshi fake laughed.

Jaydrath entered the palace and the moment she looked at him she wanted to puke. Maybe Draupadi wanted to too because she went running to the bathroom.

"Draupadi, you good?" Divyanshi asked running behind her.

Draupadi came out of the bathroom, "I guess so."

"No, you don't look fine. Do you have fever?" Divyanshi checked her temperature and it was normal, "Not fever. Must be food poisoning but you don't eat much. Oh! That could be the reason."

"Let's not guess and ask a professional vaidya after the ceremony." Draupadi calmed Divyanshi.

"If you ain't fine how will I be!" Divyanshi said, "Girl, you gotta be healthy."

"That's so sweet but we should go now." Draupadi suggested.

"What happened? I saw you both come here hastily." Arjun asked entering the room.

"She's pregnant." Divyanshi said nonchalantly.

"What?" Arjun's reaction was priceless.

"No, she isn't. I am just kidding." Divyanshi laughed and left.

"She isn't sane, is she?" Arjun asked.

"She isn't most of the time but she's nice." Draupadi smiled.


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