Yug jump?

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"Sir, please I beg you. Tell me where am I?" Divyanshi asked but the man smiled.

"Honestly, when I pay you people a visit you seem to not get it. You know me, sakhi." the man smiled more, "I have been there with you since your birth."

"The only thing that has been with me since my birth is generational trauma and an unstable mind." her confusion grew more, "Am I dead? This is heaven, right? But I thought I'd end up in Hell."

"Why would you end up in Hell?" he asked.

"I-" she began to speak, "Stay here! I know it's a prank. I will prove you wrong." she ran to the opposite direction.

"I'll be here for you. I'll wait for your return." he said. He stood there waiting for her, she ran back to him and he laughed. "I knew you'd back."

"Save me! Save me! Lord, save me!" she hid behind him as a Rakshash chased her.

"As you wish, sakhi." he hid her. The Rakshash stood in front of him, it exhaled sharply signing him to move. "No, I have to protect." The Rakshash walked towards them.

"Do something!" she said.

"It won't do anything to you as long as I am with you." he said.

"What are you even saying? Are you God?" she panicked as the menacing creature hurried to attack them.

The man didn't answer but let out a chuckle. The Rakshash swing his axe to them, the man looked it in it's eyes, "Don't." It was neither a threat nor a warning.  It was more of a declaration. The man had simply asked it not to do something and the creature followed his command and left. "See, I told you."

She looked at him in confusion, "I am not dead, am I?" she asked again.

"You technically are from your world." he answered.

"No!" she denied.

"If aren't willing to listen to me, I won't talk to you." he folded his arms.

"I mean-how can I die in a world and live in the other?" she asked.

"You can. You know there's a multiverse. Everyone lives several lives at different times but only I am omnipresent." he explained.

"Omnipresent?" she connected the dots and her eyes went wide. She knelt down, "I am sorry."

"Oh you finally get it!" Krishnn said, "And get up. We have a lot to discuss."

She got up, she was speechless. "How-I-No wa-This can't-"

"I know I am different from how the shows have portrayed me. They really 'whitewashed me'." he said.

"Wait, you said 'whitewashed'?" he nodded at her statement, "That's an English word."

"'Reality check! I can speak English.' as well as other languages." he gave her an example.

"Woah! That's amazing." she commented, "Wait, you said I am dead in my world. How so?"

"You were run over by a car. You were supposed to survive that accident but in your world, you didn't and you had a long life to live-I mean 99 years is a long life for the Kaliyug people." he explained.

"I had a long life?" she let out a small chuckle at this statement. "Sorry, but how come I am here now? This is the Dwaparyug, not Kaliyug."

"About that, you'll spend the rest of your life here because if I transport you to this universe's Kaliyug, your life will collide with the other you and it will cause chaos." he spoke.


"Confusing, right?"

"No, that's awesome! I can prevent a few events!" She beamed with happiness.

"Yeah!" he lightly smiled as though he knew something.

"So, what will we do first?" she asked.

"Find you a place to live." he answered.

"Can't I live in Dwarka?" she pouted.

"You can visit me there." he said, "Follow me."

She followed him to his chariot, "We are going there?"

"No, we are going to Panchal." he held out his hand for her to step inside the chariot.

She hopped on it and continued to ask questions, "For Draupadi's swayamvar? Hell yes! Sorry-"

"It's fine." he laughed, "By the way, you dropped this when you ran away from me." he handed her her phone.

"My phone?" she looked at it, it was fully charged with an excellent. "How will this work here?"

"You won't always be surrounded by people here and unlike you, they sleep early." he said and she hid her red face.

After a few hours, they reached Panchal. People were staring at her for her clothing choice. She wondered how could trousers and a baggy shirt hurt someone, it covered her body more than a saree could. 

"The people will join shortly. I'll just be here." Krishnn said.

"Are you going somewhere?" she asked.

"No but you are. You must blend in with the people." he replied, "I don't want to explain to everyone how a girl time travelled back in time, even though it was more of a 'Yug jump'." 

"How will I talk to people? They only know Sanskrit and all I speak is a rough Hindi, God knows how many times I have spelled basic spellings wrong!" she worried.

"What are you talking about? You have been conversing with me in Sanskrit the whole time." he smiled and left.

She understood what he said, "How foolish can I be sometimes?"


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