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Divyanshi looked at Aprajita collecting all the gold coins and keeping them in her cloth bag. Karn observed the tension between both of them. He knew he had no role in their matter but he stayed just to control his girlfriend's rage.

"You need to provide me an explanation for all of this." Divyanshi gritted her teeth.

Aprajita stood up with the bag in her hands, "Look, I can explain."

"Then explain!" Divyanshi parted her body from Karn's and walked to Aprajita.

"I am poor and my grandmother is dying." Aprajita said.

"Which gives you are reason to spy on me?" Divyanshi scoffed, "You were the one I saw that night. Shakuni paid you with money to spy on me."

Aprajita stammered, "I just-just wanted to keep my grandmother alive." She made out the words, "I-I didn't have any other option."

"You could have ask me for money. There are so many people you could have ask for help!" Divyanshi raged. Karn held her back but she took his sword out.

"No! We aren't killing anyone for spying!" He stopped her and took back his sword.

"She betrayed me!" Divyanshi stated.

"I had no choice!" Aprajita tried to make a point, "My grandmother is dying! And Gandharaj offered me help, I couldn't resist!"

"That doesn't mean you'd break my trust!" Divyanshi yelled at her.

Guards rushed in her room, Duryodhan and Shakuni arrived there too.

"What happened? Are you alright?" Duryodhan asked Divyanshi.

"Don't ask me that question after invading my privacy!" She told him and stormed out.

"You had one job!" Shakuni scolded Aprajita.

"Don't release you anger on her, Gandharaj. You know very well that it was your mistake." Karn stated.

"Mitr, my mamashree has made a mistake. Please forgive him." Duryodhan said.

Karn shook his head in disappointment and left the room. Shakuni didn't regret his decision of spying Divyanshi. He motioned Aprajita to leave after giving her another bag of gold.

Shakuni brushed his beard and said, "Mere bacche, we are busted but don't worry, I have another plan."

"Enough with your plans!" Duryodhan said furiously, "They have caused me enough trouble. Now I have lost my most valuable asset, all thanks to you!" He raged out of the room.

Shakuni stood alone in the room with a strange expression. "WHAT DID I DO?"

Miles away in the land of Indraprasth, Yudhisthir was suggested to perform the Rajsuya yagya. Everyone knew what the result would be if the yagya was performed successfully with no errors and interruptions. Yudhisthir and the other Pandavs had prepared everything for the yagya, they only needed to invite the other kingdoms before Yudhisthir's coronation as the Emperor of The World. All the kings had agreed with Yudhisthir being their emperor except Duryodhan. He only agreed to visit the Pandavs' new palace which was the talk of the town, well, the talk of the country.

"This is absolutely sickening!" Duryodhan smashed his hand on the table.

"If I might-" Shakuni spoke.

"I don't need your help!" Duryodhan threw a tantrum. "I feel low. Karn is busy with his kingdom and Dushasan is not the person to talk when it comes to things like this and you! You have ruined my chances to be the king of the world, The Emperor of The World."

"Don't blame me for something I didn't do." Shakuni said.

Divyanshi had shifted to Indraprasth after Aprajita's betrayal. Karn was busy with some paperwork of his kingdom. They hadn't talk for a week but Karn wrote her a letter expressing his feelings. He wrote that he missed her and wanted to meet her, he knew that she wouldn't ever step in Hastinapur so he didn't ask her to return. He told her he'd be occupied with the work and would not be able to attend the yagya but he sent a load of gold on his behalf.

"How are the preparations going, Maharaj?" Divyanshi asked Yudhisthir.

"Well, everything is fine but I would love some good meal. Will you please inform the maids-"

"I can cook." Divyanshi said.

"You don't need to worry about food. You are our guest." He refused.

"Let me cook." She insisted so he had to agree.

The Pandavs were excited for the food especially Bheem, he had announced that whatever he would like the most will only be served to him.

"You need help?" Draupadi asked.

"No need. It's almost done." Divyanshi said while  plating the papdi chaat on everyone's plate. "Actually yes. I need you to give me some potatoes."

"Ok," Draupadi ordered the maid to bring some potatoes. "What will you do with them?"

"I have made papdi chaat and golgappe. Only aalu chaat is left." Divyanshi said.

"What is that?" Draupadi asked.

"Snacks from my time. Trust me, they taste awesome." Divyanshi explained.

Together they made aalu chaat and served all the dishes to the Pandavs.

"This is papdi chaat.....this one is aalu chaat....these are golgappe, I will serve them to you myself." Divyanshi said to the Pandavs.

Bheem took the first bite and as the flavours burst in his mouth, he was left speechless. Nakul and Sahadev praised her cooking skills, Yudhisthir liked the food but prefered his mother's cooked meal.

After the grand feast of various chaats, they all got back to work. Divyanshi spent her time with Draupadi and Prativindhya.

"Ok, I am gonna sing this beautiful song for you." Divyanshi said to Prati in her baby voice, "With these puppets!"

"Oh! Nice! I have never heard you sing." Draupadi said.

"Ok let me start." Divyanshi cleared her throat,

"I know you wanna buy you never gonna get it,
Tere haath kabhi na aani!"

"What kind of song is that?" Draupadi interrupted.

"Arrey!" Divyanshi whined, she looked at Prati, "Your mum ruined my song." She picked up the one year old baby.

"Where are you taking him?" Draupadi asked.

"Can't her aunt take her for a walk?" Divyanshi didn't drop her baby voice, "Prati, darling. I will tell you the story of my love, Taylor. So it goes..."

Draupadi smiled looking at the bond Divyanshi had formed with Prativindhya. As Divyanshi swung Prativindhya in the air, carefully, she hit her elbow with a wall.

"Ah! Damn it!" She cursed.

"Damn it!" Prativindhya repeated.

Divyanshi's eyes widened, "Beta, no! Shit! What did I do?"

"What did you do?" Draupadi questioned.

"Shit!" Prativindhya repeated.

"No! No!" Divyanshi panicked, "I shouldn't be left with children."


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