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"I can't believe she'll be gone tomorrow." Divyanshi kept her head on Karn's shoulder.

"Do you want to accompany her?" Karn asked.

"But I don't want to leave you alone." Divyanshi said.

"Your friend is pregnant, there won't be anyone who would keep her happy there. You should go with her." Karn suggested.

"I will." She agreed. "What were talking about with Gandharaj and Duryodhan? It was some tensed conversation."

"They were-" Karn didn't want to lie to her but saying the truth, it required courage.

"What? Was it something related to us? Do you they that we-" She panicked.

"They know about us because we have made it too obvious." He said.

"No, we haven't." She denied.

"We hold hands. You hug me randomly. You call me by my name and I never stop talking about you so it's is pretty obvious." He explained.

"Oh! You never stop talking about me. That's romantic." She kissed his cheek and he blushed. "Now, tell me what they were talking about."

"Just some political stuff." He lied.

"And political stuff is related to us, how so?" She inquired.


"At least lie properly." She taunted, "They probably talked about marriage and the boring stuff, didn't they?"

"How did you know?" He asked.

"I have read the story multiple times. They are very predictable." She said.

"Yes," He sighed, "They were talking about our wedding."

"And what was your reply?" She asked.

"I told them that you may not be interested in marrying me." He replied.

"You truly think so little of me?" She pouted.

"No, I think the world of you. I-wait!" He realised, "You want to marry me?"

"I do but-"

"But?" His heart skipped a beat.

"I want to marry you but I can only marry you after-there is something that will happen and that is the time where I'll know which side to choose. Also that is the time I made you promise for, the time you have to choose me." She explained.

"You don't need to worry. I know I will choose you." Karn smiled.

"People will manipulate you against me, how will you fight that?" Divyanshi asked.

"I am not a child." He said.

She shook her head, "That's not how it works, love." She sighed, "Let's not ruin this night by talking the serious stuff." she put on a smile, "Tell a childhood story of yours."


Draupadi had to leave with the Pandavs for Khandavprasth. It was decided that Divyanshi will visit her after few days. Draupadi was happy with her good news but tensed too.

"Don't worry about the dorks. I will handle them but please take care of yourself." Divyanshi said hugging Draupadi.

"I don't want to leave you here with them." Draupadi was worried about Divyanshi.

"With them? Ha! You know who our best friend is, cut the tension." Divyanshi said. "Also, Mata Kunti is here."

"Please come with me, I will feel lonely." Draupadi was sad.

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