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"I ask you one last time, are you sure you don't want to elope?" Divyanshi asked Dushala while placing the mangtika on her head.

"Heavens no! Sindhraj is such a good man." Dushala pouted.

"Babe, he isn't." Divyanshi sighed.

"Yes, he isn't." Draupadi agreed.

"Exactly, he isn't." Krishnn agreed.

"See, he is agreeing too!" Divyanshi spoke, "But only if you want to marry him, we can spare his life."

"What do you mean by sparing his life?" Dushala asked, "You weren't going to kill him, right?" she chuckled. Divyanshi didn't say anything, avoiding eye contact. Draupadi cleared her throat and Krishnn left the room before being questioned. "Right?"

"Obviously no! Silly!" Divyanshi hugged Dushala, while hugging her she signed Draupadi to hide the sword under the pillow.

"You almost gave me a heart attack." Dushala said.

The moment finally came which Dushala waited for but Divyanshi didn't much. Dushala sat at the mandap and the rituals were performed. Divyanshi felt the sudden feeling to puke when she looked at Sindhraj, the thought that Dushala, a beautiful angel like woman was getting married to a man who looked worse than Freddy Krueger made her sick. Which reminded her of Draupadi, she looked sick too.

"Are you ok?" she asked Draupadi.

"Yes, what would happen to me?" Draupadi lightly laughed at her question.

"Did you see the vaidya after the ring ceremony?" Divyanshi questioned.

"Oh! I forgot." Draupadi remembered, "I will after the wedding."

"I don't think you will. I will make sure to take you to the vaidya with me." Divyanshi said.

"Yeah, yeah." Draupadi muttered.

It was done. The wedding was over and Dushala was now married to Jaydrath. Divyanshi was uncomfortable by seeing Dushala standing next to Jaydrath. The newly wed couple stood in front of the palace, the elders gave them their blessing, Jaydrath didn't like the idea of bending down to touch his elders feet; he grunted each time he had to touch someone's feet. 

Divyanshi hugged Dushala and sneakily handed her a mini dagger and a small vial of some liquid, assumingly poison, "If he hurts you-"

"You want me to kill myself?" Dushala questioned.

"Oh! Hell no!" Divyanshi said, "Either kill him in his sleep or poison his morning tea. Remember, I am always there for you and if you want to run like right now blink once. Also, if you change your mind and will elope afterwards, you can go to Dwarka, your brother will send you back otherwise."

"I hope those thing to not happen." Dushala assured her.

"What is this strange feeling? Who's cutting onions?" Divyanshi couldn't hold back her tears.

"I know you love me and I would love to elope with you in my next life but listen here," Dushala started, "I absolutely support your relationship with 'him' but wait till you guys are married."

"Wait for what?" Divyanshi asked.

"And I thought you were the bad influence." Dushala sighed and hugged her once again before leaving with Jaydrath.

"I wonder if I did wrong." Divyanshi heard Duryodhan as he watched his sister leave.

"No, Yuvraj Duryodhan. It had to be done or else there would've been a war." Dushasan said.

"I am sorry what?" Nakul objected raising his voice.

"What happened?" asked Dushasan.

"I guess I heard you wrong. It's not 'Yuvraj' Duryodhan because the last time I remember it was 'Yuvraj' Yudhisthir and oh, it still is!" Nakul said.

"No, it my brother who was crowned to be the king." Dushasan protested.

"Well, we forgive you for your mistake, Pandu putr Nakul but it is now Duryodhan who is the Yuvraj." Shakuni interrupted.

"If the people who tried to burn us alive in Lakshagraha succeeded, I am sure it would've been Duryodhan who'd be the next king but as you can see, we are alive." Bheem said, "He is not the Yuvraj."

"Why is it always me who gets stuck in family drama?" Divyanshi questioned her life then remembered she didn't have one.

"Who cares about what happened in the past?" Duryodhan spoke up, "I am the Yuvraj! And I get to be the next king!"

"Tell your 'bestie' to calm down!" Divyanshi whispered to Karn.

"What's a 'bestie'?" he asked.

"Ugh! Why can't just I die?" she muttered.

"You did die once. It wasn't so pleasant." Krishnn reminded her.

"This is injustice!" Arjun spoke, "Pitamah, why don't you say something?"

"I understand you, putr but now is not the time to discuss this." Bhism said, "I will discuss with elders and announce about this topic tomorrow."

"Such a good day which is ruined. Wonderful!" Divyanshi sighed and went to her room.

She lied on the bed without taking of her jewellery. She groaned at the thought of Draupadi leaving, it was obvious that the Pandavs would get Indraprasth. She heard a knock on the door. She got up and opened it, it was Karn.

"You didn't come at our place, I thought you were sick." Karn said. They both spend time together in the palace garden. They both knew that their feeling were mutual but both didn't have the courage to admit it.

"I am not sick. I am worried." her voice was low. She motioned him to enter and he did. "I don't like the idea of the kingdom being divided between the brothers.

"But nothing has been announced." Karn said.

"I know what will happen tomorrow and I am worried about it." she sat on the bed.

"Maybe it will." he sat beside her, "Maybe the kingdom wouldn't get divided and the brothers will live peacefully."

"I would dye my hair pink if that comes true." she scoffed.

"Pink would look good on you." he tried to make her smile.

She didn't respond with a smile, instead with a sigh. "Kill me already!"

"Don't say those bad things!" he said, "God forbid but I won't be able to see you-" he couldn't complete.

"I am not dying soon. Don't worry about me and you aren't dying soon too. We can enjoy." she said.

"You've seen me die? Was it satisfying?" he asked. She looked at him with confusion in her eyes, she opened her mouth but closed it. "My death, was it peaceful? Did I do good?"

"Please don't make me answer that." she couldn't look into his eyes anymore.

"I did something bad, didn't I?" he questioned, "That is why you made me promise to-" he sighed, "I will choose. I choose you." he said with a firm look.


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