Jealousy Jealousy

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Divyanshi was tired of keeping secrets from Karn, it was ruining their relationship. They were turning into a bittersweet couple, which made everyone wonder the reason of the sudden bitterness. Shakuni was tensed, he didn't want them to break up; it would've ruin his plans.

"Why are you not talking to her?" Shakuni snapped as he entered the room where Karn was conversing with Duryodhan and Dushasan, who had come back from a long trip from Kalinga with a bride for Duryodhan. Jaydrath was also present there, he was uninvited.

"Who are you talking to, Gandharaj?" asked Jaydrath, he of course knew what was going on.

"He knows who I am talking to and whom I am talking about?" Shakuni maintained his angry tone with Karn, not breaking eye contact.

"Gandharaj, I respect you but please don't interfere in my personal matter." Karn calmly requested.

"After what they did for you, you are pushing them away?" Jaydrath smirked.

"I can speak for myself, Sindhraj." Shakuni told him, "As for you, you don't know how 'this' is affecting us. You have no idea what my pla-" he paused and exhaled. "Go talk to her and resolve all the misunderstandings."

Karn had had enough of Shakuni's nonsense. He stood up from his seat and stormed out. Shakuni sighed once again and sat on the seat Karn was sitting on. Duryodhan poured him a drink. Shakuni picked the cup and gulped the bitter solution down his throat.

"I am also a part of this family now." Jaydrath spoke, "Do you care to share the problem with me?"

"Trust me, I don't care." Duryodhan spat out the words.

"But I do." Shakuni said and the room went silent. Duryodhan glared at him but Shakuni didn't look into anyone's eyes. "I only had one dream in my life, to see my sister happy but that probably won't happen. The first thing which snatched away her happiness was when that Gangaputr Bhism came in our kingdom with that god damned proposal. Then when I thought my sister would finally be happy, it was the time when Pandu went on that self imposed exile but that too was ruined when Kunti came back with their children." Shakuni brokedown, "And after that there wasn't any single moment of happiness in my sister's life. The Pandavs survived the Lakshagrah, they won Draupadi. And now the future girl is on their side along with Vaasudev."

"And you plan to marry Karn to Divyanshi so that you can control her through him?" Jaydrath guessed, "Your planning is poor!" he scoffed. "If I was in your place, I would've plant a spy on the bitch."

Duryodhan glared at Jaydrath before speaking, "Your advice isn't helpful, we have already done that." he said. "There are spies all around her room. That is how we found about the letters."

"I must say, you are clever." Jaydrath commented.

Karn was sprinting around the hallways, he had no idea where he was going. He knew that Divyanshi and Ma kunti had returned from Indraprasth and wanted to confront them but he didn't have enough courage to hear what he imagined the truth to be. He assumed that Divyanshi loved Arjun because who else could be an archer and Ma Kunti's son other than Arjun; he didn't know about his birth yet.

Divyanshi was painting a picture of a man in her room. Aprajita had asked her countless times about who the man was but Divyanshi ignored the question.

"I bet it is Angraj." she said just to get Divyanshi's attention.

Divyanshi's brush stopped for a second, she looked at Aprajita who was changing the covers of her bed. "What made you think that?"

"You both love each other, isn't that enough?" Aprajita asked.

Divyanshi lightly hummed before she continued to paint the man. "Why can't it be a Pandav? It can be Arjun."

"Don't you hate Rajkumar Arjun?" Aprajita questioned.

"I don't hate anyone here...well, there are exception." Divyanshi smiled remembering Jaydrath punchable face, "I dislike somethings about him, only a few."

"But you prefer Angraj." Aprajita teased her.

"It is not even a question. Of course, I do." Divyanshi said, "It's just that there is a misunderstanding and I have no idea how to explain the truth to him." she finished the painting and kept down the brush. "I absolutely despise the miscommunication trope but I now realise how realistic it is and how agonising it has made my life."

There was a knock on the door, Divyanshi ordered Aprajita to check. Aprajita opened the door and greeted Karn by bowing as he entered, he signed her to leave and so she did. Divyanshi had memorised his footsteps and hid her art behind the curtains, she had learnt her skill while living with her parents.

"You were painting something?" he asked.

"Yes, I was." she replied.

The silence was awkward. He wanted to question her but couldn't form a sentence. She wanted to explain but the back of her throat had dried up with the anxiety.

"What- what were you painting?" he asked, trying to make something out of the conversation. He indeed was angry but he knew it was wrong to let out his anger on her.

"It was a painting of a loved one but it isn't that beautiful as the person, gorgeous is the word I must use for him." she said.

'Him?' He thought 'Could it be Arjun?' he looked away from her. She walked to him and opened her mouth. He knew he had to use the moment to ask her about the other day. "I didn't want to interfere so I kept quiet but I heard the conversation between you and Ma Kunti."

"I am glad we are finally talking about this." She held his arm but he shook it. "Sorry!" she said, "I wanted to tell you about something."

"That you love Arjun?" Karn accused her. Divyanshi didn't reply, it was somewhat funny to her, she wondered what she did to make him feel suspicious, turns out she did everything to make him feel that way. "Why aren't you answering?"

"The allegation made is so stupid, love." She smiled.

"You said that you love the archer son of Ma Kunti." he remarked, "Am I not enough? I have proved my worth many times then why him not me? Is it because he is born a prince and I am-"

"You are enough, love and you don't need to prove your worth to anyone. I am with you for who you are." she said. "Yes, I said about loving the archer son of Ma Kunti but you will know what I mean when the right time comes."

"When will the right time come?" he asked, "Why am I kept in the dark? How am I even included in this?"

"From what I have learnt from my friend, everyone is included in something. You are a part of the 'thing' which is to come and now I am too." she explained, "I can't believe I have the courage to about speak this to you!" she laughed. She wrapped her arms around his neck, "Thanks to God, this problem is solved."

"I am tired of all this." he said, "I want to leave this place."

"But you are a king, you can't give up all your duties." she reminded him.

"We both are enough for each other." he said.

"What is going on inside your mind?" she asked but before he could reply her door was smashed open and Aprajita had fell on the ground.

Divyanshi immediately understood that she was eavesdropping on their conversation. Beside Aprajita was a cloth bag which was filled with gold coins.


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