Chapter XLII | Whats in the safe?

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The family had arrived home, however the first thing Romeo did was go to his father's study because that was where the safe was located. Blake and Elizabeth had followed Romeo now, because they hadn't seen him act like this before. When they had entered the room, they found Romeo was working on opening the safe. Blake had said "What are you doing" which Romeo replied "Opening the safe like dad told me to do".

Elizabeth had only looked confused before she said "Why would he tell you that, he doesn't put anything good in there unless it was important". Romeo ignored his siblings, he opened the safe now and he said "Oh dear Jesus". Blake asked "What, what is it?" and Romeo had pulled out what seemed like an evidence box. He went and placed it on the desk, and when they had gone through it, they found evidence exposing the Andersons.

Rome had found a note and something else in the safe and he went to open the letter and it detailed that this medal was now in his possession. The Certificate of his father's award to go with it to certify its authenticity. He had opened the medal box, it revealed their fathers medal of honor which Rome said "Why would he leave me this". Blake said "Rome don't you get it, you were the hero of the family. You were the one doing the actual hard work".

Blake said "It's why dad would only give you his medal. Because he knew that you were the only one in our family to actually inherit it. Besides the ranch". Elizabeth said "There's a lot of stuff in this evidence box, like he was gathering evidence on them for years". Romeo had sat down in his fathers chair, well now it was his chair now. Rome had only said "There's like everything, going back to the seventies at least".

Romeo and his siblings were going through the evidence and such, while they were reading this, they were surprised about one thing. All of this evidence, only correlated back to one event in their history, the first shed of blood on the Anderson's. In Eighteen Seventy Four, and after the Civil War, the Underwoods at the time launched an attack. Their main mission was to destroy and liberate those enslaved at the Anderson Plantation. 

Blake said "All because our family killed four of their son's" Elizabeth added "Well of course, it was after the civil war and slavery was outlawed". Romeo said "Well just boo-hoo to them, besides if they hadn't tried to kill our family". It seemed like Romeo was unhappy, but their father just died that day and now they were talking about the Andersons. He didn't care a single bit about Hunter or his brothers and in fact he wanted to see them hang now.

Elizabeth and Blake had not seen their brother act like this but suddenly he just changed, however Romeo's main focus was making sure that Amethyst was safe. He was not going to stop until she was safe from all of this, that was his main priority. And, personally he was not going to stop until he had achieved this main goal. Rome was going through the evidence and he said "We need to get this down to the agents".

Meanwhile while the family was figuring out the evidence, Amethyst and their mother were sitting in the living room now and they were talking about something. However they were interrupted when they heard a loud noise. They had seen that the Andersons had rammed their way through the gate and they were approaching the ranch. Amethyst got up and she went upstairs where she found the three in the office. 

Elizabeth had only asked "What's going on down there?" Amethyst replied "They're here, they just drove through the gate". Rome had only said "They figured out about the evidence we had on them... Elizabeth, Blake take defensive positions". He added "We are standing our ground, and they will not take us out this time". Rome looked at Amethyst now, he gave her his phone and he said "Try and get through to the Sheriffs".

Amethyst nodded and she watched three leave the room, as it seemed like they were going to their armory and they were putting up their readiness. When the Andersons had stopped, they quickly dispersed and they had an aim on the house now. Hunter had shot his handgun into the air and he said "Romeo, come out here". Hunter had added "so you can take the 12 gauge to the face like your family deserves".

Hunter was after Romeo primarily, Blake said "You're not gonna hurt my brother" Hunter replied "I'll kill you next Blake, you killed my brother". Blake rolled his eyes and he yelled "He deserved the bullet to the head". Hunter replied "Bring her out" two of his brothers brought Carrie out and he said "You know who else deserves a bullet". When they saw that they had Carrie, they couldn't believe this, Blake wanted to go out there now.

Hunter said "Either you come out, or I'm killing her" Romeo had looked at his siblings and his mother, Rome only said "If I don't return, tell Amethyst that I love her". And he had gone and walked out of the house now and he said "Let her go". Hunter chuckled a bit before he then said "Oh, this will be better, Rome I ain't gonna let her go". Hunter had added "I'm gonna kill you, then her and then your entire family". 

Romeo kept quiet before he said "You will let her go, or you won't get this" and he showed them a USB that had nothing on it. Hunter saw the USB, he said "Give it" Rome said "Let her go then I will" Hunter said "Let her go". However one of them said "But, what if" and Hunter said "Let her go" which they did, Carrie immediately went inside now. Meanwhile upstairs, Amethyst had gotten through to the Sheriffs.

Once Amethyst said what was going on, there was no wait at all and the Feds were already in full response to the situation on the ranch now. This was their only chance to take down the Andersons, right here and right now. Rome had tossed the fake USB to him and he went inside however when the Andersons heard sirens. Rome said "Enjoy being in prison" and it turned out that the USB was a fake and Hunter was pissed. 

Without hesitation, Blake and Elizabeth shot at the Andersons to push them back from the ranch now, and the sight of black SUVs appeared through the tree lines on the road. Romeo had assisted from his own location, and the brothers were in full retreat. The Agents had the roads locked down, and they were also closing in by air. The Andersons had put up a fight of their own and they were being pushed back to the abandoned barn.

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