Chapter XIX | The Unexpected Visitor

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The following morning and both Romeo and Carrie were up as usual, Blake had come down around this time which was his usual. It seemed like everything was going easy, Carrie was working on breakfast, she was giving Rome a break. However they heard a knock on the door, only Rome said "Who'd be here at seven in the morning". Blake had shrugged before he said "Who knows really, it could be anyone really".

Rome got up and he went to answer the door, while Katrina was standing there saying "Oh hell no" while slamming the door on her face. However it was stopped by someone, and it was shoved open, only then did Blake grab the shotgun. Katrina and her brother had walked into the house now, Blake said "Go figure". Carrie had hid behind her father now, and Blake said "You ain't welcomed here".

Elizabeth, who was awoken by noise, went to see over the railing on what was going on, and she saw Katrina and some guy and her brother on the ground. Elizabeth immediately went back into her room to change now, she had grabbed her handgun. She immediately loaded it and hell she wasn't afraid to put a hollow point into someone. Blake only said "Told you to leave Katrina" Katrina's brother said "You ain't gonna shoot us and you know it".

Elizabeth only said "You'd wanna bet about that" as she had her sights aimed directly on the male's shoulder, Blake stated "Again I think you should leave". Katrina replied "I ain't leaving without my daughter" Elizabeth said "You won't have her". Katrina's brother said "I'm done with this" he then went after Carrie however that was a poor choice. Since Blake was not hesitating and he had shot Katrina's brother in the chest.

Let's say that shot woke up both their parents and amethyst, only then their parents came downstairs to see what was going on and they saw Katrina and some guy. Which it seemed quite bad really since Blake just shot someone in their own home. Katrina said "You're going to pay for this Blake... all of you will pay for this". Elizabeth then said "Are you fucking stupid your brother is bleeding and you care about is your daughter".

Katrina's brother already called for some paramedics, which Katrina had helped her brother outside now, to which Romeo replied "The Bookshelf". Elizabeth had gone to look and found a hidden camera as she said "What is this". Rome replied "I had the Camera record from the time we hit the sack till ten in the morning". Blake said "So you caught them and such" which Romeo nodded and said "Right from them forcing entry and such".

They knew that there was going to be some drastic aftermath to this, however if they were lucky and the Sheriffs had to review the footage. And estimate that they were technically forcing entry into the house, then they could skip the defense building. However Blake said "I ain't gonna last a single minute in prison" which he seemed paranoid. Rome replied "Blake you're not going to Prison, you were in the right for shooting that prick".

Elizabeth said "Rome can you help me clean up the mess like" and Rome nodded as the two went to work on the mess that was made. Blake wasn't gonna stop them either since he was paranoid and such, even though instinct wise he should've stopped them. However he was too concerned about him going to prison, because he had some enemies. He would be lucky if he had at least received protective custody and such.

Carrie had gone up to her room now, which Blake had gone after her now since right now it was one of those moments that the two just needed to be left alone. Amethyst was only questioning everything that was going on. However the fact there was blood on the ground, holes within the door and such and broken glass. It came clear that something happened but she didn't know exactly what happened and such.

Romeo and Elizabeth were talking about something while they were working on the door, Elizabeth asked Romeo "So when are you gonna do it". Rome replied "Do what?" Elizabeth said "Ask the question Romeo". Rome stated "Not anytime soon, besides it would be way too early for it, Elizabeth, you know that". Elizabeth chuckled and said "Sure you still remember your first time meeting her and such" and Rome only looked at her. 

Romeo stated "Man you wanted me to come to hang out" Elizabeth nodded, she said "And you end up meeting her" and Rome replied "Yeah". Rome had looked at Amethyst who was drinking coffee with their parents as they were talking about some stuff. He chuckled a bit as he said "Yea, she's still better then Samantha". Elizabeth replied "Yea agree, maybe it was a good thing I introduced you two to each other".

Romeo replied "Maybe it was good but for what cost? Me dealing with Javier's bullshit as well, the countless times I want to kill him". Elizabeth said "Yeah true, I mean that guy is just a load of it, I just question how Samantha puts up with him". Rome replied "Because the two have the same thing in common, they only care about the reputation they have". Elizabeth said "Not surprised at all really after that one night".

Romeo nodded as he said "Wonder what caused her to stay in Oak heart though, I mean" while Elizabeth said "She loves you, I mean that's one reason". Elizabeth added "Besides if it were another woman she would've ditched town". Romeo shrugged, then he said "Plus she did say that she was tired of the city life and she wanted something new". Elizabeth nodded "Yeah so she's willing to give her old life up for this life".

Romeo said "I ain't looking forward to this summer" Elizabeth replied "Romeo we've talked about this you're gonna have to get over what happened". Romeo rolled his eyes before he said "I can't get exactly over it when I got this" he pointed at his scar. Romeo added "That is permanent, and there isn't much I could do to move on". Elizabeth had sighed because she knew how stubborn he could be, ever since that night.

Elizabeth got up and she went into the kitchen, she said "Amethyst you go talk to him, he's being stubborn" as she gave up now. Amethyst was confused, and she came over to him as she said "So what's going on" Rome sighed "Yeah of course she brings you in". Rome added "It's nothing, it's just I ain't looking forward to the summer". Amethyst then said "Because of your scar" as Rome nodded "Yea, it's something I'll be remembered for".

Rome said "The scar is the remembrance of my humiliation, my defeat" he told her which Amethyst said "Rome, everyone is going to be defeated". Amethyst added "Personally if you hadn't gotten that scar, we would've never met". Rome chuckled as he said "I suppose your right, besides your irreplaceable" as he held her. Amethyst rested her head on his shoulder which she said "Now you're getting it at least".

Rome just held her hand and his mind actually went back to what Elizabeth said about the whole proposal thing and personally he knew a moment like this would be perfect. However, he exactly wasn't going to do it, just yet at least. He was holding it off, but he also knew that the longer that he'd wait the more impatient that Amethyst could get. But that is also what he had just assumed as much because of how impatient Samantha was.

Amethyst was different and hopefully he could see past his Ex because the least thing he'd want to do is ruin everything he had with her. Yet with the night of the Rodeo coming up, it was an intense moment at least, he had to figure things out quickly.

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