Chapter X | Meeting the Parents

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The next morning and Romeo and Amethyst had gone out for breakfast, the town was usually quiet for this time and during their time at the diner they were talking about some of the stuff going on. However Amethyst's father came into the diner alone, when Amethyst said "What is he doing here" which Romeo looked at the man. He just asked "Who's that" which Amethyst said "That's my father" which she placed the menu up quick so she wasn't seen. However it was a bad idea for her to wear a tanktop that morning since her father recognized her tattoos.

Her father came over to the two and he just said "So Amethyst, you have your mother in a frenzy" which Amethyst sighed and she put the menu down as she said "Does it look like I care?". Her father said "No, and I don't blame you either, your mother's crazy, and who's this" he looked at Romeo. Romeo only said "The names Romeo, Romeo Underwood" which his scar became visible when he turned his head and it ran along his cheek. The older celtic man only said "Jesus Christ Lad, where'd you get a scar like that? You'd try fighting the Leviathan alone".

Amethyst said "Father..." which Romeo replied "It was an Rodeo accident when I was younger, it's a long story but I aint' comfortable talking about it yet" which the man said "Understandable, I was the same way". The man said "this is the guy you're seeing Amethyst? Javier's full of shit, you ain't no trouble maker and I know one when I see one". Romeo chuckled "at least your father likes me" which Amethyst said "Yeah my father is the impressionable one, it's my mother". The guy then said "Yea, Valentina is a hard woman to impress".

Romeo said "Well, eventually I do have to meet your mother" which Amethyst replied "I know, that's what I am afraid of, because if my mother doesn't like you, she has a way to scare people off that they don't come back". Romeo said "If she thinks that she can scare me that easily, she has another thing coming". Sean had only said "Hey if you can tell her mother that she ain't scary I think that'd be the first for her and an impression as well". Amethyst only said "Please don't do it" and it seemed like both sides were wanting different results now.

Romeo only said "Listen, how about I take you guys to dinner. It's the least I can do since you guys had to drive all the way out here for something that Javier caused" which he added "Hell I'll take you to Nashville for food then". Which says a lot really because Nashville was where the more expensive restaurants were at due to it being the state capital. Sean only said "That is a deal I suppose, I can try and talk to Valentina about it saying that Amethyst is meeting us for dinner". Romeo had only said "Then it's a deal then I'll pay for y'alls dinner".

The Waitress had come over to the table to take Romeo's and Amethyst's order now, which Romeo had gone with his usual and his signature coffee which yes the Diner indeed serves Irish Coffee. Which Amethyst had gone with whatever was the best really, which unaware to Amethyst the best for the diner was actually, Chorizo and Eggs. Something about it made a top hit at the diner really, they did it as an experiment but it became a hit within a few days. So they had kept it, when they were bringing the coffee to Romeo, all Sean said was "Is that what I think it is".

Romeo only said "Irish Coffee? Yes yes it is" which Sean said "Ey, Waitress I'll take another coffee, thanks lad" which the waitress shrugged it off and she had gone back to her work and she made the drink for the guy. She had shrugged his Irish off originally and she went back taking orders and all that neat stuff. Sean had asked "So what's the story behind you Romeo" which Romeo replied "I was a volunteer firefighter here". However a man said "Was, you mean still are" which the assistant chief turned around in his seat "The Chief reinstated your job after he got his job back".

Romeo then said "Hell i'm back on the fleet, then shit this is going to be a good day then" which the assistant chief had just given Romeo his pager back before he said "I kept it on hand just for the day when you came back". Romeo placed it on his pants which he said "Sean, Chief. Chief, Sean. He's my girlfriend's father". Amethyst said "I am not your" which the three looked at Amethyst now and all she said was "Fine I am" which Rome said "Especially after that night together". Sean said "Night together, oh I see. Well just don't tell Valentina that you guys did it. She'd be pissed".

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