Chapter XXXVII | Defense Preparation's

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The following day at the ranch both, Elizabeth and Romeo had been working on designing the fortifications of the house because they were going to fortify the house. Blake and Carrie were out of the house and they were busy preparing the house. They knew that something big was coming but they did not know exactly what. Amethyst and their mother were in the kitchen and the two were talking about some stuff.

Amethyst said "Y'know, Romeo has always been the most interesting person I met" the older woman replied "He can be a unique guy, just like his grandfather". Amethyst said "He surely looks a lot like him, from what I saw between the two". Romeo and Elizabeth came into the house, Rome stated "We're done finalizing the construction details". And Amethyst had gone over and gave him a hug and a kiss.

Romeo only said "Thanks darling" and Elizabeth chuckled a bit at the two, before she went into the kitchen and she helped her mother now. Shortly after, Blake and Carrie came home when Blake came into the house and he said "Christ, it was hard". Romeo had asked "What happened this time?" Carrie replied "Somehow they're out of wood". Blake added "Not only that but they're out of Aluminum as well".

Romeo replied "How are they out of what we need" Elizabeth said "The Andersons might be fortifying their ranch thinking we'll launch an assault on them". Romeo only shrugged before he said "I haven't seen Autumn around so I guess she dropped off". Elizabeth replied "what I heard, Autumn disconnected herself from the family and left town". Romeo shrugged before he said "I can't blame her really since I would do the same thing".

Amethyst whispered in his ear something, however if she thought that Romeo was not going to keep a secret then she was wrong. Romeo picked her up and carried her upstairs to their room, Elizabeth had chuckled when she watched him carry Amethyst up. The two had spent an hour to two hours in that room, so they came downstairs. Romeo was fixing up his shirt a bit when Amethyst came down and she was fanning herself.

Carrie was sitting down at the table and she was going through her phone, only to look up and she saw the two come down and she rolled her eyes. Meanwhile, they weren't going to ask nor question the two because it wasn't their business. And also because since it was like the third or fourth time this week, it seemed like they were going for a marathon. But if that is what they wanted to achieve then they should just let them do it. 

Blake came into the house which he said "So then, I was able to source down some supplies that we can use for the construction". Romeo had nodded before he said "What's the catch" and Blake said "It won't be here for another week or two". While it seemed to be a bit risky however, they should be able to hold out for it. The Andersons weren't ready to assault the house just yet, they wanted Romeo to be gone since he was the most riskful one. 

Yet they also planned to ambush the family on one of their cattle movements, that would be the most vulnerable moment for them since they wouldn't see it coming. Their prime target was Blake and Romeo because they were the muscle of the family. Despite Blake and Romeo being the Muscle, they still had a brain and an ideal combat-strategy. They utilized Blakes own combat training in the Army as a primary strategy for them.

Amethyst and Romeo were sitting on the couch together, they were talking about something and they had ideally talked about something involving the family. They discussed their plans for the wedding and such, despite their father being against it. It seemed like a great stress reliever for the family since it was something they could look forward to. Besides they were going to need it especially for what tomorrow brought the family.  

Blake was reading something before he said "Y'know, both of you could go to the Bahamas for a get away between you two". He just suggested the tropics as a little get away for the two, besides it would be perfect since their enemies won't be an issue. Amethyst said "That would be nice but that's like a lot of hassle and preparation". Amethyst had said "I would rather want to be somewhere close and comforting".

Elizabeth asked "Why not get a cabin in Alaska then, I mean it's remote and it's somewhere you two could exactly go to, and it's close to the homestead theme". Amethyst replied "Well I like that idea" Romeo added "The Cabin idea will work". Amethyst said "I want you to have a say as well darling" which Romeo replied "I just want you to be happy". Amethyst stated "I'll be happy anyways since I'll have you by my side".

Carrie had groaned at them like it seemed like she hated seeing this now, to which she just said "Could you two act like this when I'm not around". Romeo said "Carrie what's going on with you all of a sudden" and Carrie said "it's none of your business". She didn't like talking about it but recently both her and Daryl got into a fight. They were taking a break from each other, and the break was killing her.

Daily, Carrie checked her messages as she awaited for a message from him, there were not really many choices for her, especially with that feud with that one singer. It wouldn't exactly be quite easy for her in the dating world as well. So that guy was like her best chance that she had despite the differences in their ages. It wasn't easy at all to wait, she was impatient just like her uncle which made it even worse.

Amethyst shrugged because she didn't know the story, neither did Romeo but they weren't gonna pester Carrie to tell them either. They just left her alone because they knew that she'll eventually come around to them with her problem. Carrie was hiding something big, and for good reason as well but she didn't know what to do or say. She didn't want to tell anyone because she didn't want anything to happen either.

Elizabeth then said "So Blake, Romeo you heard about tomorrow" which Romeo had nodded before he said "Our cattle run to get the livestock?". Blake said "Yeah, but we should keep our guards up because they might set something up". Elizabeth only nodded before she said "I could put rifles in the truck for our protection". Romeo replied "Do so, because we may just need it when it comes to the Andersons".

Blake stated "I can get some bullet proof vests for us, there is a risk to this when it comes to them and if they do attack us we want to make sure we are protected". Romeo said "Level Three plus would be great to have, besides it'll protect us the greatest". He added "Lookin at protection against calibers up to seven six two by thirty nine". He looked at his fiancée before he said "Besides I'd want to make sure I'll make it home".

Blake nodded and he said "I can get it into the works tonight" and he added "I don't know what to do about tomorrow since it's tomorrow". Elizabeth stated "Well Imma get to work then since we're gonna need everything tomorrow". Tomorrow told a new tale for them to tell, and a new event for them to struggle with.

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