Chapter XXXVIII | The Failed Attack

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The next morning and the trio were preparing for their journey to the ranch they were going to, Elizabeth was preparing their weapons in the vehicle. Loading a few hundred magazines for them, Romeo was getting ready for the trip. Meanwhile at the Anderson Ranch, Hunter had said "Today, the Underwoods will pay for what they have done". Hunter added "On this day, kill Romeo and Blake on sight. We kill them, we take their family".

It seemed like his brothers were agreeing with Hunter, which they had been practicing for this attack on them however despite their practicing. It was nothing compared to the stuff that Blake was teaching his siblings. The brothers were preparing their rifles, it was going to be a full on assault on this convoy however it would be their own mistake. The Brothers had an homemade explosive device made to use on their vehicle.

They could just kill them with the device but they wanted to experience every inch of pain that they were in before they left them to die out there. It was enough explosives to flip their vehicle, but not destroy it and that was their plan. When the trio were ready to leave, the Andersons were already leaving their ranch. And now the drive had begun, when they were approaching downtown, it seemed normal but it was too calm.

Romeo had said "It's calm, too calm" while Blake had grabbed a rifle and he got it ready and he said "This reminds me back in Afghanistan". Blake was going through a story of his while they drove downtown, Blake only said "We were driving when". An explosion had gone off near the vehicle, Hunter and his brothers began shooting at the truck. People were running for cover and the Sheriffs were in response to this.

Meanwhile the trio quickly got out of the vehicle once their vision came to a clear, it was all blurred for a brief five to ten minutes. They climbed out of the sun-roof, since it was the only actual safe way out of there, and Blake grabbed his rifle. It was this time when a Sheriff got out of his vehicle only to be hit by Hunter. Hunter yelled out "Take your stupid pigs back to the slaughter house, this is between us and the Underwoods".

The Brothers had stopped shooting, they thought they killed them and one of the brothers said "We killed them, we finally did something". However one bullet went through his head, which Romeo stated "Back from the dead you sons of bitches". Hunter and his brothers shot back at them and it seemed like there was a shootout going on. More Sheriffs had arrived, Blake was busy giving medical attention to the wounded one. 

The Andersons had fled the scene now, they knew it was the best solution and they got the message clear that they weren't afraid of using extreme measures. However due to that and the attempted homicide on a peace officer. It was added to Hunter's list of warrants, which now he had various warrants for various reasons. The trio were glad that they made it out alive, however Romeo had not felt bad by shooting the brother.

The Sheriffs were interviewing the trio about the attack however the agents had shown up now in regards to the attack since they were on this case. The Senior Agent only said "Hunter and his brothers attacked?" Elizabeth nodded before the agent nodded. The Senior Agent only said "Agent Sanchez, can you get these three back home". Sanchez nodded and he said "Come with me please" and the trio went with Sanchez.

When they got home, the trio were walking up and Amethyst had opened the door and it seemed like she already knew what happened. That and the fact it was over the news, which Amethyst and Romeo were glad to be reunited with each other. Blake only said "That is what happens when you try and compete against Army training". Elizabeth stated "At least we're alive, due to you Blake" Blake nodded before he said "Romeo too".

However at the Anderson Ranch, Hunter had only said "Damn it I fucking... They should have died, you all have failed at your purpose". Hunter was mad that they failed at their one goal, because he wanted to kill Romeo then do unspeakable things to Amethyst. However they failed, which means his revenge on Romeo would be unachieved. This also meant that the Underwoods would double their security.

Hunter said "You have failed our main cause, my mother and father can deal with all of you. Embarrassment to our name, like Autumn". While he walked to his chamber, he stayed in there numerous moments of the day to work on plans and such. He threw a knife at a photo of Romeo and he walked towards a wall. He grabbed a photo of Amethyst which he said "Oh I will make sure you're miserable, and Rome won't be alive to save you".

However this interest of his be a reason of many that led to his own downfall because he became too obsessed with a woman that he'll never have. He didn't see it like that, he just saw if he took out Romeo then he would get what he wanted. He didn't see that his downfall was near as he originally thought. He thought he had fifteen years left before he was caught, he just didn't see that it was much closer and sooner than he realized. 

However Hunter had only ripped the photo off the wall and he said "Forget it, she'll be better off dead then Romeo will come after and I'll kill him as well". He chuckled a bit and he had a new plan: kill Amethyst then Romeo and they'll submit. Once more another plan that he had thought it would work but his ignorance would be the reason it fails. It doesn't matter to him since he thought it was going to work and he never had a plan B.

He knew his plans always worked, if they had a small error then they would always work and it didn't matter how many times he had tried. He got through with the successful plan, he would not give up with his determination to end that family. The next few days, his downfall will be played in front of his very own eyes and he will ignore the clear signs of it. 

The Dangerous GentlemanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora