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- What are you doing? - Peter inquired entering Jasper's room. The boy had just charmed himself again, but the last time it had only lasted three hours, so he was getting more and more desperate by the effects of his own mind control disappearing.

- I thought I had a zit on the tip of my nose, it was just something red - Jasper explained smiling - How about you? - Jasper asked back looking at Peter - Nothing much... Tony told me what happened earlier today and I wanted to check on you - Peter spoke worriedly walking towards Jasper. 

- I'm fine Peter - Jasper's voice changed from a happy tone to a montunos one - You keep saying that, but it doesn't look like it! Every time you say "I'm fine" I can see you are definitely not. I'm here for you Jasper, and I won't go away until you tell me what's going on - Peter ordered closing the door and locking it.

- You don't have to say it all at once, but you must start! The first step to solving a problem is acknowledging its existence - Peter got closer to Jasper. Jasper's smile slowly faded away, the boy's eyes got filled with water and his vision blurry.

- Laura went away with the social worker - Jasper's voice broke - I thought it was the right thing to do, but now I'm questioning myself - The boy cried out taking a few steps back and biting his lower lip. Peter lost his breath, he didn't know what to say, so he was silent for a few seconds until he was able to gather his thoughts.

- I grew up without parents - Peter said after a long silence - I mean I love May and I will never be able to thank her for everything she did for me - Peter gulped trying t control his own feelings - But if I had the chance to grow up with a mother and a father, even if I was adopted, I'dd accept it in a heartbeat - Parker said getting closer to Jasper once again.

- Believe me, when I tell you she is better than you are right now, she's young and she will be able to overcome this - Peter explained with a soft smile - There is more... - Jasper pondered for a few seconds ashamed of what he had done.

- I made her forget, all of it, the accident, my mom... me - Jasper said looking up at Peter. The other teenager seemed to be scared - Look I know it's not what anyone expected of me, but no one would adopt a traumatized girl that couldn't stop talking about her dead family - Jasper started crying desperately.

- I did what I thought was best for her, I promise I thought it was the best thing I could do - Jasper broke down crying - I know that - Peter kneeled by him pulling the boy closer to him - I just want you to know that you cannot use your powers like that all of the time. Peter ordered that you did what was best for Laura, but now let me take care of you, and stop pushing me away.

- Okay - Jasper cried out using the back of his hand to dry some tears - When was the last time you actually slept? - Peter inquired and Jasper shrugged - For a whole night and without medication only prior to the accident - Jasper spoke feeling more ashamed.

- Why don't we focus on resting then? - Peter got up and offered his hand, Jasper grabbed it and got up, Peter tucked the boy in and rested by his side, Jasper laid his head on Peter's chest and focused on the other boy's heartbeat to fall asleep. It took Jasper some minutes and initially, he didn't want to sleep, but Peter was comfortable, and he was really tired the final straw was when the spider boy started scratching his head and tangling Jasper's hair around his fingers. That made the boy immediately fall asleep. 


Jasper's days started to revolve around three things: Mind Controlling himself, overstressing his body in the training arena, and sleeping with Peter. Meals were an option, sometimes Parker would stay with Jasper until there was nothing left on his plate, but most times the boy would grab something with almost no nutritional value and go back to his training routine. 

Everyone seemed to notice everything about him was off, but no one had the courage to face him and directly ask what was happening. Initially, they thought it was just a part of his grieving process, but as time went by he just got worst, his body was weak despite the constant training, his mind was shattered, and his consciousness wasn't in a permanent state, most things he did were motivated by his own mind control and not spontaneously.

Jasper became the topic of a few meetings the Avengers had, after all, he was a powerful individual and an important asset to the team, as different as the opinions between the Avengers were, they could all agree that Jasper's current situation needed to be fought back.

- We need a strategy to help him - Tony advocated, Banner, Steve, and Clint still thought the best approach would be to find a psychiatrist and let the doctor handle it, but Tony and Natasha knew that was impossible - Look, there is something you guys aren't aware, but a few days ago Natasha saw something and asked me to investigate - Tony explained pointing to the flat screen hanging on the wall. 

A video of Jasper inside the arena's locker room looking at himself in the mirror, his face was of a destroyed person, the boy held a piece of paper and took a few deep breaths - You will get upstairs, eat anything Peter offer's you. After that you'll go up and sleep - The boy ordered himself and his sad expression turned into a crooked smile and a fake burst of energy and he was adjusting to the command he gave himself.

- I've been monitoring the occurrence of the "self-control" episodes if we can call it that, and they are becoming more recurrent. It seems like his order to "stay happy" needs to be repeated over and over in shorter periods of time. Just like an addiction - Tony showed other images of Jasper fooling himself.

- He can control how he feels if we set him up with any kind of doctor he is only going to fool himself and convince the doctor to discharge him - Natasha explained.

- Look, let me finish what I have to say before you guys judge me okay? - Clint said and everyone around the room nodded - We can help him get closure, Maltoni is still on the loose and Jasper might benefit from changing that status. I'm not saying to let him kill Maltoni but to put the mobster behind bars - The spy suggested.

- He's too unstable to be on the field - Tony said - It might be a good idea, to help him blow some steam out, might make him open up here if he feels like he has a purpose - Steve disagreed with Tony - Besides we will be there to interfere if needed - Bruce spoke shooting Tony a pleading pair of eyes.

- I mean, you guys obviously have already decided, so whatever - Tony shrugged turning off the flat screen - I'll brief him then - Natasha smiled - Tomorrow during the night, I'll call some favors and have the Police show up at the club a few hours prior to our arrival and remove all the civilians from there. 


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