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Jasper finished his notes after most of the class jumped from the now-over history class. Their teacher wasn't really a fan of using the board, so he would lean against his table and start spitting words, Jasper didn't mind it tho he was able to focus on his teacher and transcribe the words spoken by the older male. 

When he looked around everyone already had their backpacks hanging for the shoulder, so he slowly placed his things back inside his bag. Luckily for Jasper, he was in a history AP class, so the students there were minimally interested in the subject, and no one was a total douche like Flash in other classes. 

- See you next class Mr. Wright - Mr. Brown, his teacher,  spoke up and Jasper smiled at the man softly. All of the students headed towards the cafeteria and so did him, in less of a hush because the cafeteria food wasn't that exciting and the fact there was no one to share his lunchtime with made it even less appealing. 

Jasper lazily grabbed a tray and was served the meal of the day, not exactly a banquette, but better than spending money on something he could have for free. Liz walked down the cafeteria making all of the boys break their necks, it was interesting to observe high school from the perspective of someone who wasn't popular or super interesting. 

It might seem like Jasper is a totally weird, excluded freak who hates going to school and would rather die. The boy enjoyed school, and preferred to be alone and out of sight. His grades were ok, better in some subjects and almost terrible in others, but he managed to make things work, he had no friends and that was a personal choice, some people tried getting close to him but sooner or later they learned to leave Jasper in his own space. Michelle Jones was one of the only people he would occasionally say hi to or exchange two words about what was happening, but always in school and never truly cared about the interaction. 

His watch beeped twice on his wrist and the boy got up biting the apple and taking the tray to the spot where dirty trays were supposed to go, he made his way toward the library to eat the fruit. The boy was supposed to tutor some students and help them with history homework and other academical stuff, Mr. Brown was actually the one that asked the boy to tutor some students and Jasper was happy to do it, obviously, the money he was being paid was interesting, not nearly as much as it should be for the time he would spend there, but tutoring was a nice thing to put on your resume. 

Jasper took a sharp turn and almost bumped into a fire extinguisher in the hallway, the boy went right through it and desperately looked around to see if anyone was there and if anything was noticed, lucky most students weren't interested in hanging by the library after class. It probably should have been mentioned before, but Jasper's abilities were one of the reasons why he didn't want to build any relationships in school, a minor slip would be enough to call a lot of unwanted attention, SHIELD, the avengers, CIA, NSA and the whole circus his mother needed him and he wasn't interested in becoming a hero, so he kept it a secret. 

When Jasper got to the small room inside the library reserved for history tutoring he found a different face there. Tiffany and Matthew were both younger than him and regulars there to get help with school work and to study for tests, but seeing Peter Parker, the school's smartest boy there was a surprise.

- Hi guys - Jasper spoke in a controlled tone and placed his stuff in one of the chairs, his brain was still trying to understand why Peter was there but when a floral perfume invaded the room he remembered another one of his regulars. Liz was always there, the girl wasn't dumb or anything like that, but she wanted a perfect report card and History was her Achilles' hell, so she joined Jasper's tutoring group. 

Peter's anxious and all-over-the-place thoughts invaded Jasper's personal space, but it was not like he could say that out loud - These are the books I told you guys about during our last session, they are easier to read than the ones Mr. Brown uses but the content is the same. Read the first chapter and see if you can answer the questions on the assignment. I'll leave the three of you two it, and see what Peter needs - Jasper spoke taking three identical books stamped by the Midtown High library and handing them to Liz, Tiffany, and Matthew. 

- So what can I help you with Peter? - Jasper asked sitting by the boy - I have work to do but I didn't really understand what needs to be done - The boy said - Let me take a look - Jasper said taking the paper that Peter handed him. It was an assignment about ancient Greece and the political organization, nothing hard or impossible to find online. 

- I was able to begin the research, but I couldn't understand what the Ágoras in ancient Greece were and what they were supposed to do - Peter said looking directly at Liz - Sure... - Jasper said extending the last letter and grabbing a pencil from the table "You should just ask her out, Liz is cool" Jasper wrote it on Peter's assignment paper and gave back to him. 

- So the Àgoras had a really important role at the beginning of democracy, mainly in Athens they were used as a gathering space for citizens to discuss the problems the state was facing and how to solve them - Jasper explained as Peter blushed a lot as he read the small note written in his paper.


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