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Jasper kissed his sister and his mother goodbye and left for school, the boy headed to the nearest metro station to hop on the train and head for school. Despite having just moved, the underground system was still the same so he didn't feel lost or anything like that, still, Peter decided to approach him inside the station and check if he needed help.

- Hi, good morning. Last night was fun, huh? - Peter said approaching - Yes, Laura really liked you - Jasper said back in an almost bored tone - So, do you need help going to school? I can help you with... - Peter was cut off by Jasper - Thanks, but I know my way around the subway system - Jasper said back and regretted sounding harsh.

- Oh - Peter mumbled - But we can go together you know? - Jasper said trying to correct his lack of politeness - Sure - Peter said back being happy again - I'm not that talkative, but that's all - Jasper said.

- Oh well, some people say I can talk for two so I don't think silence will be a problem - Peter giggled and Jasper's lips formed a small smile - I guess not - The boy concluded and watched the subway arrive.

Being able to focus on Peter and what he was talking about helped Jasper ignore all of the thoughts running around inside the subway car, which made his usual morning headache disappear today - I'll maybe see you on the subway back home - Peter said waving goodbye and Jasper retributed it with a smile heading the opposite way to his class.

Flash was in the middle of the hallway with a few of his friends - Ass looking good Jasper - Flash joked - Too bad I can't say the same - Jasper said back without a second to think and kept walking to his class - Hey I'm not done talking to you - Flash started to follow Jasper down the hall.

- A party is going to happen at Liz's house - Flash was cut off by jasper - I gotta work - The boy entered the classroom and left the stupid teen behind.


Jasper left school earlier as he finished his assignment, the boy made his way back home and decided to eat lunch with his mother. Once he got home the boy heard a few sniffs coming from the TV room and instantly got scared - Mom? Laura? - Jasper asked locking the door and getting in.

- Laura is still in school - Aline spoke up in a sad voice - What's wrong? - The boy asked dropping his bag on the floor and approaching the woman - The test results came back and I have cancer - The woman said crying again - I'm sorry I know I shouldn't be dumping this on you but I just needed to vent - Aline said hugging the boy.

Jasper felt like he was being punched in the stomach, he knew his mother was definitely gonna get fired, and her boss wouldn't be able to keep paying her salary while she was unable to work so Eric was already thinking about how many more hours he would have to pull in his work to pay all of the bills and his mother's treatment.

- Everything is going to be okay mom, we are gonna get through this - Jasper said trying to comfort himself more than his own mother - Yes we are - The woman agreed.

Laura entered the house and her characteristic jumping pattern announced her arrival so Aline got up and dried her face - Okay so I was finishing lunch for us, come here sweetie how was school today? -

- I punched Tommy because he said he liked me - The girl explained handing her mother the note the school had sent - That's my girl - Jasper cheered and Aline gave them a bad look - That's not the way of solving this kind of things if you don't like he just say it, no need to hurt the poor little guy - Aline stopped to take a sip of water - But if he tries to kiss you, you can hit him right in between the legs - The woman laughed alongside Jasper and Laura.

- Did you guys like May? - Aline asked trying to make small talk during lunch - Yeah, she's fine - Jasper said - I also like Peter - Laura said smiling - I think he can be my boyfriend when I grow up - The little girl said genuinely and Jasper almost choked with his food, Aline shot Jasper a quick and curious glance while the boy chugged down a whole glass of water.

- Your aspirations should be bigger than dating a boy - Jasper advised when he recovered - I'll keep that in mind - The little girl said eating more.


Heyy! I think I have internet! So I'm trying to release another chapter :)

Don't forget to let me know what you are thinking about, voting and commenting ❤️

As usual, see you all soon!

Love, Matt!

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