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Jasper couldn't avoid reality forever, but he was trying his best to, however, once he woke up and saw Peter lying on his bed in a completely uncomfortable position he knew he couldn't keep the boy and his sister in that state of dependency in someone that didn't want to live.

Jasper ran his fingers through Peter's hair and the boy just curled around and whispered - Jas? - Peter asked - Hey Pete, yeah I'm awake - The boy spoke with a sad smile - Jasper? - Peter said getting up and looking around desperately for the tray - I'm not doing it again Pete, it was unfair to everyone what I did - Jasper explained.

- You are going through a lot, it's not unfair, just a coping mechanism, maybe not the healthiest one to you or anyone else, but it's the way you found not to break down - Peter shrugged yawning. 

- Well then I should find a better way to deal with this - Jasper complained - Can I please get up? - The boy inquired - I'm not sure, you have been laying down for a long time, do you think you can sustain your own weight? - Peter carefully asked getting up - Yeah I can do it - Jasper spoke leaning against the support structure around the bed. 

- The physiotherapist has been coming here daily and doing extensive work with your body, and the dietician has been keeping you on a high protein diet so that's probably why you've maintained your weight and muscle mass so well - Peter said pressing the mute button on the cardiac monitors. As Jasper got up the wires came loose and the alarms went off, so Parker stopped them before the nurse's station and doctors on call were called over. 

- How are you feeling? - Peter got closer to Jasper slowly - Like I've been run over by a truck, had my mother killed, and been in a coma for the last three weeks - Jasper complained - Sorry - The boy said again looking down - It's not your fault.

Jasper froze in place for a few seconds - Maltoni - The boy whispered - What? Hey Jas? - Peter snapped his fingers a couple of times bringing back the boy - One of Maltoni's henchmen was there, he was driving the truck - Jasper's eyes filled with tears - It... it was my fault if I was still working there he wouldn't be in this crazy hunt for me and my family - Jasper cried out and was held by Peter. 

- I'll kill him - Jasper said possessed by Hatridge taking a deep breath and drying his face - Let's focus on getting you better then, you'll need strength to do that - Peter said back 

- How's Laura? - Jasper asked taking a few steps around the room with Peter by his side - She is getting g by, Tony and Pepper have been taking really good care of her, she eventually goes home with me to stay with May and visit your house, but she is also really shaken by the entire situation - Peter explained.

- Also Child Protective Services was here last week to talk about your situation and also Laura's, but Tony managed to make them wait for you to be conscious and stable to discuss that - Peter finished his list of updates on the girl. 

A nurse entered the room and almost passed out when she saw Jasper standing and talking, in fact, he was the one to hold the woman and stop her from crashing down to the floor - You okay ma'am? - Jasper giggled, but as soon as he smelled the woman's perfume his face changed- Yes, I'm fine, but you shouldn't be up or doing any kind of activities - She said regaining balance - I'm physically fine - Jasper answered. 

- I'm going to notify your doctor - She puffed her chest and left the room - Pete, can you go grab me something to drink? Something sugary like a soda or an iced coffee filled with sugar and fat - Jasper asked - Sure, I think Doctor Banner will like to see you consuming something - PArker said leaving the room. 

Jasper needed to get rid of Peter, he loved the boy, but his throat was closing and his eyes starting to burn. The nurse was wearing the same type of perfume his mother used so it was an instant trigger.

The boy walked to the bathroom and slammed his hands against the sink staring his own reflection deep inside his eyes at the mirror hanging on the wall - You are emotionally fine, it doesn't hurt that bad - Jasper controlled himself and the command seemed to have the desired effect. The thing about controlling yourself is that it was different from controlling other people, it felt like using duct tape to fix a broken pipe, it might hold the water in for some time, but sooner or later it is going to come loose and leak. 

- Jasper? Where are you? - Bruce's voice echoed - Just getting out of the bathroom doc! - The boy said back walking outside - Can I please wear something that cover's my ass? - Jasper complained - Sure, I imagined you would want something more comfortable, but let's finish your physical exam first - Banner pointed to the bed and Jasper sat there.

The doctor connected him to a few wires to check his heartbeat, oxygenation, and breathing rhythm, after that he used the stethoscope to listen to the boy's heart and breath sounds, lastly, Banner a small rubber hammer to test Jasper's reflex and, thankfully, everything was inside the parameters - You are ready to be discharged, but don't overwork yourself. Try getting back to activities slowly, everything is basically healed father these three weeks, but you need to be calm and steady - Banned explained handing the boy some comfier clothes.

Jasper changed into the new clothes and waited inside the room for Peter, he was feeling totally bland, totally... fine. He had a reason to be sad, but he was unable to feel that way so he just sat there waiting for Peter. 

- I have a double caramel frappuccino with chocolate chips and caramel sauce decaffeinated - Peter entered the room with the big cup in his hands - Perfect - Jasper cheered taking a big gulp from the drink, it was basically sugar and milk, but it was so good - Banner said you should only take a few sips because you haven't consciously swallowed anything in the last three weeks so your body may take some time to understand what is happening - Parkr oriented the boy - Positive captain! - Jasper joked following Peter inside the elevator. 


So... Jasper has been self-medicating... or at least self_ignoring_his_problems

See you guys in the next chapter :)

Love, Matt <3 

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