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Jasper walked down the few steps in front of his building and headed towards the subway station, but on his way there a red and blue figure dropped in front of him - Were is a boy this pretty going so late? - Peter joked pulling him inside an alley.

- Unfortunately to the hell hole my job is - Jasper said and Peter gulped under his mask - Oh yeah - Parker felt the atmosphere getting heavier - Why can't you just find something else? I mean can't you make some cooperative man hire you to do a really simple job and force him to pay a lot? - Peter inquired.

- I don't like to take advantage of good people - Jasper explained looking down a bit ashamed of what he had to do to live - I know but it's not fair, I mean it must be so degraded and It's dangerous for you... like STDs and stuff - Peter said pulling Jasper in.

- STDs? Peter? What are you talking about? I don't actually fuck with the clients - Jasper explained - What do you mean you don't? How does it work then? - Peter was genuinely confused - You know that I have power over people's thoughts and actions right? - Jasper asked - Yeah? - Parker was still unsure.

- So I can use that to build perfect illusions, I make my clients believe we are fucking, but nothing is actually happening - Jasper explained laughing - I don't follow - Peter complained - Gimme your hands okay - Jasper said and grabbed Peter's hand's - Okay so we are going to visit an orange farm, you can feel the hot sun burning your skin, the warm and humid breeze touching your face and the distinctive citric smell flooding your nostrils, can't you? - Jasper asked.

Peter really felt it all as described, he even walked around and touched the trees around him inhaling the orange breeze and enjoying the sun. But at the same time, his spider senses made his back itchy and his sense of balance be odd - I feel like I'm there - Peter said and Jasper brought him back - See? I'm fine I don't do that type of stuff - Jasper explained with a shy smile.

- That is such a relief, I was so worried you were putting your health in danger - Parker explained - I'm a virgin Peter, no STDs over here thank god - Jasper whispered as his cheeks and ears burned red - Oh - Parker said as a smile appeared on his lips - I need to get going, but I'll see you later - Jasper explained and left the alley.


A really nice car was parked in front of Jasper's building, the boy was coming back from school after he helped the other students with their history assignments. The boy was singing some random pop song he heard on the way back home and wasn't paying much more attention to anything else, he inserted the key on the lock but it was already open so he just pushed it and entered the apartment.

Immediately he was placed on alert, there was someone there he did not know, dense and anxiety-filled thoughts flooded the room making Jasper turn on his heels scared someone had breached in, but the sight of Aline, Peter, May, and Tony Stark on his living room was tranquilizing and extremely weird at the same time.

- Hm... hi? - Jasper asked - Hey kiddo! - Stark said waving - Did something happen? What's going on? - Jasper looked desperately at Peter for some explanation "Just roll with it!" Parker screamed inside of his head and Jasper agreed - You forgot Mr. Stark was coming here. today to talk with your mom about the internship program? - Peter said getting up and bringing Jasper to the couch with the other adults - Oh yeah, it was today? I completely forgot I'm so sorry - Jasper said.

- No problem kid, I decided to call May and Parker because they have already been through all of it so they could reassure your mom about it - Stark explained - Oh that's good - Jasper smiled - The best part is the time, you'll be able to work in the evening and be home during the night -Aline said super happy.

- But mom, my employee pays for your medical bills - Jasper worriedly spoke up - I know that sweetie and Mr. Stark already agreed to cover it for us, and the insurance being offered is better than ours - Aline reassured her. son and Jasper took a deeper breath - Oh okay -

- I hope that's a yes - Tony said taking a sip of the coke can in his hands - Sure, yeah, that's a yes - Jasper said - Great! Okay let's go for a ride back to the tower - Tony spoke - Peter, you too, let's go - Stark ordered and the two teenagers followed him down the stairs to the fancy Audi parked in front of the apartment building.

- Look I really don't get what's going on - Jasper spoke - Chill kid I'm hiring you, Peter said you've got some nice tricks up your sleeve and they would be a useful addition to our team - Stark explained - Also, for some reason, your old job was horrible and potentially dangerous so that's in your best interest -

- Yeah, it really is, but my old boss is... hard, I don't know how he is going to take the news - Jasper said - We've got your back ok? Now hop in - Stark said unlocking the car.


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