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- They really are cute - May whispered to Aline and Laura, Peter and Jasper were asleep on Peter's single bed. Jasper had his head on Peter's chest and Parker had one leg on top of him, but somehow they were completely comfortable and happy.

- Wake up boys! We have school! - Laura screamed jumping on top of them - Ouch - Peter complained as the little girl's knee landed in the middle of his stomach. Jasper stayed unbothered as if nothing had happened - C'mom Jasper - Peter said poking the boy - Oh bite me, Peter, stop pretending like you don't know we were up late - Jasper complained turning on his side and seeing May and Aline starring bluntly at them - I - Jasper mumbled - Did you guys stay up playing videogames? I told Mommy this wasn't a good idea - Laura said getting out of their bed.

- Just get ready - May said slamming the door shut - Great job - Peter laughed - I'm not a morning person okay? - Jasper complained getting up and putting on his underwear that was laying somewhere on the floor - Were you naked?!?! - Peter gasped - Well yes! I wasn't expecting company - Jasper said back in a sassy voice and closed himself in the bathroom - Hey! I need to pee - Peter complained - The door doesn't have a lock, is your house dumbass - Jasper said entering the shower.

Peter peed and entered on shower with Jasper - Why are you so tense this morning? - Parker asked massaging Jasper's shoulders - Somehow Maltoni contacted me yesterday, nothing to threaten me or my family, but I'm not sure how he did that. I used my powers and gave him a direct order - Jasper explained turning to face Peter.

- Do you want me to have a talk with him? - Peter asked - Nah, I can handle Malttoni, but there are other things I want to handle right now and get my head away from some things - Jasper smiled - Let's go, guys! - May screamed from the other side of the door - Damm - Peter complained looking down at his semi-hard dick - Save it for later - Jasper smiled leaving the shower wrapped around a towel.


Peter and Jasper were still a topic in school, Jasper actually was dizzy every time he had to walk in a corridor or enter the cafeteria, people focusing on him, talking about him, or even thinking about him flooded his head with billions of information all at once. Sometimes Peter would have to call him four or five times until he was able to exit his mental madness. 

That's relevant because it was the seventh time Peter had called him and Jasper was staring at nothing. MJ brought his back to reality when the snapped her fingers twice in front of his face - Your boyfriend is here, what else can you be daydreaming about? - The girl hissed with a smile - Summer break my dear, the only thing I can think about - Jasper joked squinting his eyes and taking a deep breath.

- Are you sure everything is fine? - Ned asked a bit unsure - Yeah, just a headache. Can we maybe go somewhere else? - Jasper asked and the trio agreed. 

The warm sunlight was a delight t Jasper, something to keep his mind away from everything. His head was resting on Peter's thigh, MJ and Ned were having a heated argument about the best Satrwars movie after the boy had convinced her to watch them. 

Jasper's eyes were closed due to the sun and Peter was in the middle of an argument with the other two, so when the brown football came flying towards them and fell right in the Middle of Jasper's stomach no one was able to stop it - Aw fuck - The boy complained as all the air left his lungs. 

- Jas? - Petr asked desperately placing his hands on the boy's belly - I'm fine - The other one answered still short of breath - Send the ball! - Flash screamed with a smile across his face - Catch - Peter said throwing back the ball, the object went flying and slammed against Flash sending the boy flying a few meters behind and leaving him on the ground. 

Suddenly everyone in the School garden was quiet - I... - Peter looked around as everyone started at him in complete shock - Jasper was still coughing so Peter helped him up and went inside.  

- I'm not going to the nurse's office - Jasper said - Look at the size of that bruise - Peter argued back placing one of his fingers on the large purple area - I'll see Bruce once we get to the tower okay? But not the school Nurse - Jasper said pulling down his shirt and grabbing his backpack - Fine, but I'll remind you - Peter said pulling Jasper in and kissing his lips. 

The couple exited the school after sharing a few looks with some people in the hallways, once they finished the commute and entered the Avengers Tower, Peter took Jasper directly to the Hospital Unity - So what do we have? - Bruce asked taking a look at the duo. 

- He was hit on the abdomen by a football and has a giant hematoma - Peter explained - Okay, I can take it from here, but you need to go to Stark's office, he is in a mood today because something is not working as it should and, according to him, you were the only one who could help him with it - Bruce ordered and the boy left the room. 

- Yeah, that's a big bruise - Banner said looking at the injury and poking the edges - I'll do an ultrasound just to be sure no internal organs are compromised, but it seems fine to me - The doctor said leaving the room. 

The curtain dividing the room Jasper was in was opened by a strong pull, revealing a redhead on the other side - Hey, peaceful huh? - Wanda said with a smile - What do you mean? - Jasper said looking at her - Somehow I'm not flooded by what you are thinking, and you don't seem to know what's on my head - The girl said. 

- We cancel each other? - Jasper asked - I'd say we are immune, I can still use my powers, just not on you - She said - Ew that looks bad - She said looking at Jasper's belly - What happened to your arm? - Jasper inquired looking at the limb covered in white bandages. 

- I think I sprained it during training - She said shrugging - Oh, Natasha sometimes is too much - Jasper joked and the other girl giggled - Yeah, but I'm not gonna have to worry about it for so long, Steve said we are going to be training partners, similar abilities - She explained - Oh, I guess Tony and Bruce are thrilled about it, more opportunities to study us - Jasper said back with a smile.

- Here we go! - Banner said entering the room with the portable ultrasound and a bottle of transparent gel - It's cold but doesn't hurt - He explained spreading the solution and gliding the sensor over Jasper's abdomen. After a few minutes, Bruce confirmed everything was fine and just gave the boy an ice pack - I need to go check other things, can I leave you two here? - Bruce asked - Obviously - Jasper said back.

Until all of the ice had melted, Jaspr and Wanda talked about how were their experiences with their powers. It was exciting for both of them to talk to someone and not know what the possible answers were going to be or what the person wanted to say, but was afraid to ask. Most times they could even control it, but not having to focus on doing that was even greater. 


Streets | Peter Parker X Male OCNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ