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Wanda was levitating in the middle of the room trying to take Jasper down with her magic, but every single time she was able to hit him, the image dissolved in front of her revealing it to be just another illusion.

Jasper was using his powers to keep his body invisible while looking for an opening, but Wanda was keeping her guard up. They were doing a simple exercise, and each one of them had a bracelet, the first to be able to remove the other's bracelet would win. Jasper was running out of options and that was worrying him. 

Jasper looked up at the glass window where the rest of the Avengers were watching him, suddenly the white-haired boy became a part of his plan. Wanda turned to the arena entrance once she heard Pietro running around the place - This is so boring! C'mon Wanda get crazy and find him, we've already been watching this for the last thirty minutes - The speedster complained disappearing for a few seconds and repeating with a chair and a popcorn bucket. 

- Get out Pietro! You'll have your opportunity to show off, but I'm the one trying now - Wanda complained snapping her fingers and making the chair the boy was sitting on disappear. Pietro fell on his ass and started choking on some popcorn. The boy was couching and hitting the palm of his hand against his chest. 

- Pietro! - Wanda screamed kneeling in front of her brother. Pietro grabbed her arm in desperation and kept coughing - Alright let's go to the Medical Unity - She said helping him up. Pietro disappeared from her arms and Jasper stood a few meters in front of her with her bracelet in his hands - I should be sorry right? - Jasper giggled and Wanda rolled her eyes using magic to make the boy trip.

- That's not fair! - She said trying to hold in the laughter - We are playing an illusion game, babe, nothing about us is fair. Also, you could have just looked up and seen your brother glued to the window - Jasper said back.

 Slowly the scenario around them started to vanish the room went back to its "glass block" form - Excellent job, I mean both of you together are unstoppable - Steve said entering the room followed by the others - Cool trick - Pietro said winking at Jasper. 

- I mean, it felt like I was watching two people playing chess, but okay - Pietro giggled - Not everyone needs to go around punching stuff - Wanda said shrugging.

- We have a priority call from former director Fury- FRIDAY warned interrupting the teasing session - We'll be right back - Steve said leaving the room with Natasha and Tony behind him - So... water? Eletrolits? Food? What gives? - Clint asked making his way towards the other elevator with the group;

- Water. It might not seem like I did a lot but I was running around the whole arena - Jasper said staring at Pietro and Peter that were trying not to laugh. Jasper filled a glass with a lot of water and ice to the point that it made his brain freeze.

- Ouch - The boy complained taking small sips of water - What are these priority calls generally about? - Jasper asked joining the other teenagers - Probably some urgent situation they need someone to attend to - Peter explained - And why aren't you guys suiting up? - Jasper inquired.

- I'm off the mission for some time because I was hurt in the last. But they usually don't call everyone - Wanda said. The elevator doors once again opened revealing the trio that had left a few minutes ago - Clint, Peter, Pietro, and... Jasper got suited up we have a Hostage situation at a biological laboratory. Wanda and Banner can hold the fort while we are gone - Steve ordered - I don't have a suit - Jasper spoke - Hmm yes you do, follow along - Stark said pointing to the inside of the elevator. 

The group exited the elevator at the deploying floor, that floor had lockers and materials for the Avengers to get ready before every mission, at the end of it there was a big door and the Quinjet could be seen at the other side of it. Jasper saw his name written on a metal plante above a big glass tube and a black and golden suit inside of it. 

A simples tight and black suit covered in golden stripes that converged to a small circle in the middle of his chest, it had a mask but it could also be used without it - The gold lines are actually   gold deflectors that will help you expand the area in which you can use your powers - Stak explained pressing a button on the side of the glass tube - The suit is also biolinked to you, so it learns with your body and helps you overcome physical struggles - Tony said, 

- Just go in, the glass turns foggy so no one will see you change - Jasper looked at Pietro's and Peter's changing spot and they were already inside the now foggy glass tube, so he did the same and as he was told the once transparent glass became almost totally white. 

Once inside the suit the tube opened and Jasper joined the rest of the team outside - My ass looks so nice - Jasper said looking at his reflection at the tube - Never the main objective of a tatical suit, but it always happens - Steve said.

- Jasper you'll be responsible for evacuating the hostages, there are about 300 people inside the building so you will have to use your powers to force them out, Pietro will be with you and will go in for any remanescents. Peter you will be responsible for the perimeter, make sure the fight remains inside the building and if you see enemy reinforcements or someone trying to escape you'll stop them and let us know. Natasha, Clint and I are going in and Tony is going to check the lab systems to find out what they want there and how dangerous it is - Steve gave everyone their orders and Clint took the spot as pilot. Stark used the table in the middle of the Quinjet to show everyone the schematics of the building. 


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