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Jasper was panting holding his fists up and jumping on his toes inside the training arena, the boy landed a perfect kick in the middle on Clint's ribs making the spy lose his balance and breath deeply. Jasper used the opportunity to get on top of Clint and try to pin him down to the floor, but the archer spun his legs and threw the boy away. 

- Hey! I said you should start off slow! - Banner marched inside the training facility - Chill doc, I'm the one making him do it - Natasha spoke positioning herself on Bruce's way. 

Once again Jasper jumped forward but with a different tecnic, he used one of his legs to trip Clint and then get on top of him - Stay! - The boy ordered once he pressed his knee against the spy's chest - Alright, that's enough - Natasha spoke and Jasper got up and extended his hand to help Clint up - It's not fair when you can go ordering people around - Clint complained - You are twice my size man, what did you expected? - Jasper asked back drying hs face with a whit towel - Point taken - Clint whispered taking a big gulp of water. 

- Back to the gym then! - Natasha points the boy towards the equipment and he walked towards the weights, benches, treadmils and some crazy scanners. He really liked the treadmill by thee corner because he could see the city through the big window in front of him and also had a mirror by his side to check himself out. 

Jasper had some pop music blasting on his earphones so he didn't heard Peter entering the gym and walking towards him, he only noticed the other boy there when he saw some movement on thee threadmeal next to him and took one of the airpods off. Jasper almost tripped when he saw Peter only using some Nike shorts, his torso was fully exposed and kinda sweaty from his previous training and Jasper had some trouble keeping his eyes off of Peter.

- Damn Pete, wanna go do a different kind of cardio? - Jasper joked and Peter shrugged - Sure, name the place - Peter said back with the same tne in his voice - Stay on the treadmils, I am watching you two - Steve spoke from the other side of the room. 

- Steve Rogers you pervert, watching to teenagers doing stuff - Jasper joked and Steve dropped a wheing he was lifting - That's not... I... I mean - The soldier stammered trying to find the appropriated words. 

The two teens laughed and kept running - How are you feeling today? - Peter asked - Better, I mean I'm really trying to work on it - Jasper spoke, and that was an absolute lie, he was under his own influence bottleling those feelings up - If you say so, but I'm here okay? - Peter said and Jasper nodded yes.

Jasper's treadmil slowly powered off and he looked around worriedly - Sir, we don't wan't you to over-stress your body yet, do Dr. Banner has limited your daily exercise period - FRIDAY explained and Jasper rolled his eyes. Jasper grabbed his stuff and headed to the locker room. He placed some of his stuff on a designated space and grabbed what he would need for his bath.

The almost boiling water with amazing pressure was massaging Jasper's back and the boy stayed like that for a good ten minutes period. After that he dumped some mint scented shampoo on his hands and started to massage his scalp and hair.

Each shower had a half-wall diving them and no doors or curtains, but it was always empty so it wasn't really a problem. Jasper felt another hand washing his head and the pattern of a million thoughts per seconds could only come from Peter - Already done? - Jasper asked about the gym - Well, I came to take you up on that offer - Peter laughed as Jasper moved his head under the water to remove the shampoo - So naughty, I hope Steve doesn't decide to come chack on us - Jasper spoke leaning forward and kissing Peter.

Peter pressed Jasper against the white tile wall and the temperature contrast made Jasper shiver for a few seconds, or maybe it was his excitement. Jasper slowly traced down Peter's abdomen and grabbed the boy's dick feeling Parker moan against their kiss. Peter moved his lips from Jasper's lips to his neck and slowly started to move around that area, at first Jasper thought the sensation he was feeling was pleasure, but it started to become a huge level of desperation. A wave of mixed feelings about his time working in Maltoni's club and also all the current situation made him panic and his own mind control lose effect. 

- Pete, Peter - Jasper said pushing the boy away - What's wrong? - Parker asked - Nothing, I means it's not you it's just... - Jasper looked away trying not to cry I need to go okay, It's not your fault but I can't do this now - Jasper spoke and left Peter completely confused and worried inside the shower.

- Wait Jas, do you want to talk? - Peter said following the boy with a towel around his waist. Jasper was already putting on his shirt and putting on socks - I need to go check Laura, that's all -  They boy said and left the room. 

Jasper rushed towards the elevator because he did't want to share it with anyone, once the doors closed he looked aginst his own reflection and realised his suggestions were starting to be less effective. The first time he did it the control made him sleep for almost a whole day, after that he said to himself he "was fine" and that worked for one day and a half, but the one he was under effect a few minute ago was suggested a few hours before he went to bed yesterday. 

- Whatever, I can't think about it now, he said and looked deep inside his eyes - You are fine, you aren't sad, you aren't depressed, you are getting over it - The effects were immediate and he left the elevator smiling - Laura! Where are you! - He screamed around the main floor.


Hey guys! So that's it for today <3 

Please don't forget to vote and comment! 

See you all soon, Matt 

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