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- Security control room is on the nineteenth floor - Stark spoke pointing to Pietro and Jasper - I'll give you a ride - Peter get to the top of the building and stand guard, I'll be at sublevel twelve checking the servers - Tony said as the face plate of his suit closed. Peter picked Jasper up and ran inside the building leaving only wind behind. Peter crawled up to the top of the building and webbed himself there deploying the spider drone to check the other side and cover his back. 

- Wow - Jasper spoke feeling his eyes spinning around inside their orbits - You'll get used to it - Pietro giggled and locked the door - I hope it's not something recurrent - Jasper said back getting closer to the computers - FRIDAY, help me out here - Jasper said and took out his mask - I'm getting access right now sir - the AI spoke through his communicator.

The locked screen turned to the normal security program displaying the building schematics, door-looking system, cameras, announcement system, fire control, and many other functions that could be accessed from there. 

- Okay they are accessing the refrigerated containment sector 2B - Jasper spoke on his communicator - Copy that - Steve said back - Hostages are being kept in the genetics lab, sample collection room, boiler room, and decontamination station - Jasper explained. 

- The boiler room and decontamination station are located on the same floor, -1, so we should start there - Jasper spoke - Fine with me - Pietro gave a thumbs up unlocking the door - FRIDAY can you make them a path and lock the other doors to limit confusion and surprise attacks?  - Tony said through the communication system - On it sir

- Ready? - Pietro asked grinning - Jasper felt the other male picking him up and a lot of wind around his body, once he opened his eyes again they were inside the boiler room. The duo holding weapons turned to them, Jasper kicked one of them in the middle of the chest and Pietro wrapped the other one on silver tape they used to keep the workers there. 

- Alright can you free them? - Jasper asked and Pietro went around the room removing the restraints - Okay everyone, listen up now, we are with the Avengers but we need everyone to stay calm and follow along so that we can get everyone to safety, is that okay? - Jasper asked but a man in a suit at the back of the room screamed - We're free! Run! - A commotion started inside the room and Jasper rolled his eyes.

- OKAY! Let's do this again! Follow me, silently and in order, no running and no pushing - The crowd went silently forming a line and walking outside - No, not you Pietro - Jasper said releasing the other boy from the control - You escort them out while I go check the boiler room - Pietro nooded yes and ran to the front of the line - Peter, first group of people is heading out and the second one is just a few seconds behind - Jasper informed his boyfriend through the comms and walked to the boiler room.

Only one armed guard was there so jasper overpowered him with some control and some fighting. HE took a few minutes to unstrap everyone, but it got faster when he got a knife to slice the tapes. Jasper accompanied the group calmly and walking through the corridors, when he was in one of the last turns one of the locked doors had two of the criminals behind it banging and kicking it. It was a glass door so they could see him through the other side - Guys, they know we are evacuating - Jasper spoke - Everyone keep calm, but we gotta run - The boy guided them up two flights of stairs and through the lobby to the outside. 

In front of the building there was a police and paramedics station set up taking care of the wounded and collection depositions. Pietro was standing next to the door waiting for Jasper - Teenth floor we go - Jasper smiled - Running? - Pietro inquired - Nah let's take the elevator - Jasper giggled entering the building once again and pressing the going up button.

- So, first mission, how i it going? - Pietro asked trying to brake the ice as the elevator went up and the obnoxious ambience song played - Fine I think, would you say I'm doing a good job? - Jasper asked - Yeah, but with a partner like me it's really hard not to - The white-haired boy laughed and turned on his heels as the metal box made the distinct "dingle" noise letting them now they had arrived.

A trap was shot at Pietro's feet as soon as the door's opened meking the boy fall to the ground wrapping his legs with a steel restrainer. Jasper was smaked it the middle of his forehead and stumbled until his back touched the elevator wall - FRIDAY ? - Jasper spoked trying to regain his senses - Not another word - The guy placed the gun in the middle of Jasper's face.

- Shoot your friend - Jasper whispered but the man did nothing - Earplugs sugar - The guy smiled and smashed the gun against Jasper's chest. Jasper held in his breath because he knew that trying to breath would only hurt more. He dodged the gun and the first blow made a whole at the elevator wall, he used his elbow to his the guy in the middle of the arms and make him loose some balance, once Jasper saw an opening he Placed his hand in the male's neck and ordered him to shoot the other guy. 

Peter came through the giant glass window in front of the elevator taking down and webbing the two other guys standing outside of the elevator while Jasper dragged Pietro out - Can you take that off? - Jasper asked pointing at the steel restrains - Not here - The boy said back - Then take him outside and come back here, I'll free the hostages here but I'll need your help ASAP - Peter simply nodded and threw Pietro over his shoulder jumping out of the window. 

Jasper entered the lab first and jumped on the back of one of the guys, they were using earplugs because of him, so they couldn't hear him coming. He got on top of the first one tangling his legs around his neck and breaking it, the second one was shot in the middle of the chest by the weapon Jasper had stolen from the first one. The third one had his leg grabbed by Jasper and the boy ordered him to leave touching some exposed skin. 

The scientists weren't tied, just locked behind a containment door, once Jasper unlocked it they walked down the fire exit outside the building. Peter came back up and had already evacuated the other room, so there were no more hostages in the building. 

- No more hostages - Jasper spoke - Awesome kid, I'll meet you guys at the front - Tony spoke on the communication system - Wanna take a shortcut? Nicer than the elevator? - Peter asked - Sure - Jasper said back. Peter hugged the boy with one of his hand and jumped outside anchoring his web on the building. 

Steve, Clint and Natsha were already loading the main criminals in the police transportation van, Pietro was being sawed away from the steel restrains and Stark exited the place with a hardrive in hands. 

- Outstanding guys! - Steve cheered - And congratulations on your first mission Jasper - Steve finished walking towards the Quinjet - Yeah! You are not a virgin anymore! - Pietro screamed when he finally got free - Peter would disagree on that - Jasper joked and entered the jet as Peter blushed like crazy. 


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