Chapter thirty-eight

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Third pov:
"GAAAAHHH-FUCK!!" Jackson screamed, Chaton kept mumbling encouraging words, but stopped when the omega told him to 'shut the bloody hell up', and just let his mate use his hands as a stress ball. Jackson groaned very little relief, Hoseok was only sitting there, holding the pups head, Jackson sucked in a shaky breath, and pushed, crying in the process, and stopped pushing to get a breather. "Please don't get me pregnant again," He panted out, Chaton held back a chuckle, biting his lip, and nod his head, kissing his mates sweaty temple. "Of course my love, now bring this little secret we've been hiding, into the world," He spoke softly. A small smile twitched on Jackson's lip, but his body tensed, as then pushed yet again, a series of curses came from him.

After a few more pushes, Jackson's body collapsed back, a loud high pitched cry filled the room.

Namjoon and Jin shield the younger wolf's, even with little energy, Namjoon won't give up too easily.

The body groaned and slightly stumbled while standing back up, holding his head, he cursed under his breath, he blinked a few times. Until his sight cleared, he gasped, "Namjoon?" The said omega gulped and slowly stepped up to the alpha, who very slowly stepped up to the omega. The alpha hesitated, but very slowly cupped the omegas cheek, he broke out in tears, "I've fought for months, trying to come back. And my heavens I never thought I'd your face again, you're glowing my beautiful child." Namjoon broke down, crying, they embraced, both crying harder when they smelt each others familiar scents, Changbin ran to join the hug, crying himself. Jaebeom scanned boy of his kids head to toe, apologizing over and over again. His eyes then ended up locking on his sons small bump, he placed a gentle hand on it, smiling, and crying, he then gazed into his sons eyes, "I'm so proud of you Namjoon. I don't know how to thank you, and you better keep that mask off from now on," He spoke. Making Namjoon lightly giggle, and nod, "I don't plan on it dad." Jaebeoms eyes then widened, and he glanced around, Namjoon cleared his throat, getting his dads attention, he pointed to the empty balcony. "Mother just had a pup, father might be bringing him to the hospital wing," His dads eyes nearly popped out, his kissed both of his son's temples, patting Jin on the back, taking off to go check on his omega.

Namjoon then gazed over the audience, giving them a smile, then bowed, holding out his hand to his mate. Jin gladly took it, pecking a kiss on it, "So what now my love?" Namjoon smiled, and hooked his arms around his mates shoulders. He hummed, puckering his lips, pretending to be in thought, he combed his fingers through the younger's hair. "You could, propose to me, in the meadow you marked me in, and we can have a small wedding here, go on a small trip before I have our pup. Maybe go to mountains in Japan, close to where my father his from." Jin lightly chuckled, "I thought I was the one that could see the future?" Namjoon smiled, biting his bottom lip cheekily, "Maybe it's the future we can have planned? You think you can make it happen?" Jin smiled and nod, "I can definitely arrange something, let me speak with your parents first. While you sit, and relax, baking our little one, no sword fitting either when pregnant." Namjoon rolled his eyes, shaking his head, "Just kiss me Kim Seokjin." The alpha smirked, and leaned in to capture the omegas lips, cheers were heard all around them.

Jaebeom rushed into the hospital wing, panting, making eye contact with a tired omega laying in bed, and an alpha sitting a chair beside the omega. A young female came out from a room, with a small bundle in here arms, heading over to the queen, "He is very healthy you're highness, probably the smallest pup I've seen you have. But he's in good health, considering your stress level these past few months." Jackson lightly chuckled, thanking her, as he began to feed his newborn their first meal, by unbuttoning the front of his gown, exposing his chest.

Chaton slowly stood up, and stepped up to the alpha, gazing into the brown orbs, he soon choked on a sob. Hugging the elder first, Jaebeom was caught off guard at first, but melted into the hug, crying himself, mumbling an apology over and over. Chaton just shook his head, pulling away slightly, cupping the elders face and smashing their lips together.
Chaton soon dragged the elder over to their omega, the elder alpha kissed the omegas lips, scenting his partners, who he has to remark, missing his lovers bond. Jaebeom's gaze broke down to the little pup his omegas arms, "And who is this little one?" Jackson giggled tiredly, "I was shocked that we got another boy, but I guess both of my alphas swimmers tend to only make boys. But this little one, is Yuta," Jaebeom repeated the name and smiled, kissing the omegas temple. Thanking his omega, which followed by more tears and more apologies.

A few months went by, of Jin speaking to Jaebeom, Chaton and Jackson about him and Namjoon soon taking over the Aura kingdom, but he first wanted to ask his mates parents permission for him to take Namjoon's hand in marriage. Jackson chuckled, shaking his head, "You both are destined and mated, so yes, you can marry our son," He lightly chuckled out. Jin lightly blushed and chuckled softly in embracement.

"Where in heavens name, are you taking me Seokjin?" Namjoon giggled out, not able to see where he was going, because he had a blind fold on, Jin chuckled, "You'll see my love." The of a loud water fall was soon heard, they came to a stop, Jin got behind the omega, taking of the blind fold. Namjoon gasped out a wow, gazing at the view, his brows then furrowed, "Wait? I know this water fall, it's connected to the river we mated at." The turned and gasped when seeing Jin down on one knee, "Jinnie," Namjoon was already beginning to tear up. Jin smiled, "Namjoon, I've always admired you, ever since I was younger. You're my neighbor, my best friend, my knight in shining armor," Namjoon giggled at that last bit. Which made Jin smile more, "You're now my mate, carrying our first pup, and I couldn't be any happier. But now I would like to be by your side as your husband and as your king, will you marry me?" Namjoon nod his head frantically, crying happily, the alpha stood up to hug him, Jin then placed the ring on his mates finger. Lips then connected, it grew more heated, hands began to wander, and they may have done than intended.

The end...








Sike, not yet, hehe

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