Chapter ten

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Four weeks ago...

Seonghwa's pov:
I recently returned from my trip from the Northern pack, Taehyung fell asleep the moment we passed through the gates. He didn't sleep too well all week, being away from his farther made it a bit difficult. Especially sense the doctors predict that Tae will be an alpha, based on how much he eats, and how much he's grown already.

I then knocked on my husband's door, hearing him speak with a monotone voice, "Come in," It sent shivers down my spine. I then entered the office, shutting the door on my way in, my mate seemed to not be paying attention, not using his senses either it seems. I cleared my throat, yet it didn't work to get his attention, I huffed and rolled my eyes, "Hongjoong, I have a letter from King Jaebeom and his mates." I then placed the neatly, folded paper onto the desk, Hongjoong heaved out a
sigh, of what seemed to be annoyance. But he picked up the letter anyway, unfolded it and began reading it, his brows furrowed as he read through the letter, he then shook his head. "No, absolutely not," He sternly spoke, my eyes widened, "But Hongjoong, it's only temporary and it'll keep from other packs from trying marry our son. He's barely four months, and packs have threatened to go to war if they don't have our son. And it will help protect Jackson's pup as well, the agreement is breakable if our children change their mind." I tried to reason with him, but he only shook his head, and sighed again, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Seonghwa, I really don't have time for you right now, just go do your job and I'll do mine." My stomach dropped from his words, I let out shaky breath and nod, stepping up to the office door. I opened the door, swallowing a lump in my throat, "Taehyung missed you, try to come see your son Hongjoong, please," I softly spoke. I was expecting my mate to be excited to see my alpha excited to see me, his bloody mate, and his child, to be back after being gone for a week. I shook my head, and shut the door in my way out.

Five years later....

Third pov:
The years went by too quickly, and both Taehyung and Murasaki have grown up together to be best friends. Hongjoong finally agreed on the arranged marriage for the two, when Murasaki turned one, stating he noticed a bond forming between the two pups.

On a cool, spring morning, Jackson ran and turned down many halls, he burst into his alpha's office. Chotan and Jaebeom gazed at him with a questioning look, "Jackson, my love, everything all right?" Jaebeom asked, stepping over to his mate, he smiled when their five year old son came running in as well, giggling and hugging his dadas legs, "Dada! Up pwease!" Jaebeom cooed and scooped up his adorable son, blowing raspberries on his pups soft skin. Chotan stepped from behind, ruffling his sons hair, but then he glanced over at his omega, who seemed to be very hesitant. "Jackson, tell alpha what's wrong?" Chotan asked, Jackson but his lip, trying control his smile, fiddling with his fingers, "You both remember how we discussed about pups? And we said we would wait until Murasaki is a bit older?" He asked, seeing his mates nod in reply, Jaebeom furrowed his brows, "Are you ready for another love? I mean, we would haft to wait until Chatons rut comes, or your heat is in two months." Jackson chuckled, shaking his head, "Jae, I won't be having my heat for a while," He hinted. Chotan gasped, and squealed with excitement, while Jaebeom was beyond confused, "What?" Jackson smiled and stepped closer to the older alpha, "Saki honey, show dada your shirt baby," Jaebeom then gazed at his son, who's been a bouncing ball of energy in his dadas arms the whole time. Murasaki giggled, as his dada adjusted his shirt, "Big brother to be?" Jaebeom read with a bit confusion to his tone, his eyes then widened, "Wait, you helped me with my rut two months ago." He thought out loud, the omega nod, laughing when the older alpha embraced him with a bear hug. "I'm so happy!! Oh my heavens, Chaton we're having another pup!" He squeaked out in happiness, the younger alpha chuckled, "Not just another pup Jae, that pup is our packs future ruler as well." Jaebeom cried, showering love to his son and mates, "I will protect our pups, and no matter what, we will love them regardless."

Six months later...

Seonghwa was at Jackson's baby shower, he is now carrying Jaebeoms pup, and the said alpha is all over the omega. More than he was on Jackson's first pregnancy. And as much as Seonghwa was happy for his friend, he craved for another pup, but Hongjoong has been taking suppressants for his ruts, which led to Seonghwa having to take heat suppressants. Not wanting to experience a heat without his alpha, because he heard that it was painful for mated omegas to go through heats alone.

Seonghwa's face lit up when his son came running up to him, "Mama!! Saki said he's having a sibwing!! Could I has one too!!" Seonghwa cooed, picking up his son, and showering him with kisses, "We will see Tae bear, but I think you should tell our friends goodbye, and thank them for inviting us." Taehyung pouted, and glanced over at his shy friend, who was smiling, and hiding behind his papa, Chaton. Taehyung slid down from his mothers grasp, and stepped over to the younger pup, he reached his hand out to the younger, and smaller pup. Murasaki came out from behind his papa, taking his friends hand, "You come back soon, right Tae?" The older pup nod, doing what he sees his father do to his mamas hand, and pecked a kiss on the younger's hand. "I will Saki, pwomise!" He beamed, he then bowed from the waist, biding the three elder royals a goodbye, Seonghwa smiled at his son with pride. He gave Jackson a soft smile, taking his friends hand on his, "Let me know when you have this little one, alright?" Jackson nod, "Of course!! And thank you so much for coming all this way, Murasaki constantly asks for Tae, I swear, those two are too adorable together." His smile then fell when seeing the upset look in his friends eyes, "Seonghwa, what's wrong?" The Omega then forced a fake smile, and shook his head, "What do you mean? I'm perfectly fine," Seonghwa lied, and Jackson. Could read him like a book, he sighed, silent tears ran down his friends cheeks. "Hongjoong has been acting different. I love him, so much, but sometimes it hurts, simply thinking he possibly fell out of love for me, he hasn't even touched me sense I had Tae, or even slept in our room in months." Jackson awed, he then glanced back at his alpha mates, who were playing with the two little pups, "Jaebeom, Chotan, I'm going to go on a little walk with Seonghwa before he leaves." The two alphas immediately perked up, while the two kids screamed in happiness and ran to Murasaki's play room. Jaebeom had worry written his stance, "Please be careful my love! Please!" Jaebeom spoke, Chotan smirked at the worried elder, and reached up to whisper something in his ear, which caused a smirk to spread on his lips. Chotan gave Jackson a wink, the omega rolled his eyes, but smiled fondly at his mates, "I'll be fine, you two go relax," He winked and guid his friend out the door, leading him to the castle garden.

Jackson sighed, as he sat himself down on a bench, rubbing his bump, "About two more months, and I'll get to see this pup. But now, you tell me, about the love and sex situation you're having with King Kim." Seonghwa sighed, and sat next to his friend, fiddling with the sleeves to his dress, "I want another pup," He spoke, getting straight to the point. Jackson's eyes widened, but he smiled, "Then talk to him, be straight forward with him, I've noticed how Hongjoongs been treating you, and it's not right. He's your mate, and should act like it, and stop taking your suppressants, it's not safe for omegas to take them for so long." Seonghwa swallowed a lump in his throat, "I stopped a few months ago, my heat hasn't started yet, but the doctor said it would soon. Just not soon enough," He sighed out, Jackson gave his friend a sympathetic look, "Talk to him when you get home tomorrow morning Hwa, you're an amazing omega, mother, wife, and Luna, don't let your own mate strip you down, alright?" Seonghwa sniffle and nod, he never thought he'd get this lucky to have such an amazing friend.

The next morning came so quick, Seonghwa stepped out of the carriage, taking in a deep breath, loving the fresh air. He frowned when not seeing his mate standing and waiting for him, Taehyung then suddenly jumped out of the carriage, groaning load Lu as he stretched. Seonghwa giggled at his sons actions, watching his little boy run into the castle, calling for his father. Seonghwa's smile fell once his son was out of sight, and sighed through his nose, taking slow steps into the castle, bowing his head towards his staff when walking by them.
On his way to his chambers, Seonghwa felt the air punched out of him. He hunched over in pain, he bared with the small cramps on the way home, but now they're just too much. He hummed a groan, hugging his stomach, he then sensed his fathers alpha scent from down the hall. "F-Father!!! I-I need help!!" Seonghwa gasped out, he then fell to his knees, his panicking father helped him back up and guid him into his room.

"Father, go g-get Hongjoong, w-watch Tae for me p-please," Seonghwa whimpered ou, seeing his father nod, then bolted out of the room, leaving Seonghwa alone.

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