Chapter thirty-two

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Third pov:
The next morning, in the Utopia pack, Seonghwa and Hongjoong watched the small group of friends running down the hall, heading into the library. "Young knights! Make sure to protect the omegas!!" Hongjoong spoke with a smirk on his lips, Seonghwa huffed and pouted, "Do you think we'll get a little girl from one them? Cause we know this body isn't carry another pup," He slightly sassily spoke. Hongjoong hummed and smirked, "I don't know, we can always test that~ we still have about a hundred more years maybe," He spoke with a flirty tone. Seonghwa blushed, but shook his head frantically, "No, absolutely not, I'd like to see you push out five pups." Hongjoong slightly winced, "You got me there, let's make a bet then, that we take guess who will have a girl first. Loser, bottoms for however long the other wants to top. My guess goes to Jisung and Minho, sense we though Hoseok would be a little girl." Seonghwa smirked, "I like the sound of that, I don't know, our little Seungmin is pretty active and curious, the twins went into heat when they were only thirteen, so I don't blame them. And Chan and Felix aren't too quiet," He lightly chuckled out, bitting his lip in thought, "I think Changbin and Jeonjin will have a girl first." Hongjoong smirked, kissing his mates cheek, "It's a deal my love."

The couple then spotted Jin walking down the hall, with a new glow to him. Taehyung came out of the library, after giving the group of teens 'the talk', which his lovely mate had him do. He loved Chan's very flushed face though, and was upset Beomgyu wasn't there to witness his older brothers embarrassment. But Beomgyu has been clinging onto his mother a lot lately, Taehyung and Murasaki have no idea why. But they find it cute regardless.

Taehyung chuckled at his little brothers 'after fuck glow', and smacked his brothers shoulder, Jin hissed and glared at his brother. "What the fuck Tae," He grumbled, shrugging and smacking his brothers hand off, "I just got marked last night. So my shoulder hurts," He stated, his parents were in shock, Seonghwa squealed in happiness, running up to his son and hugging him. "Who's the lucky omega?!? Or is it an alpha?! Do we haft to plan a wedding?!" His mother questioned, Jin chuckled, he knew his parents would be excited, they've been asking him for years in their letters, when he would find that special someone. But he said he would wait for his destined mate, and he did, and he's happy that he did.

"I mated Namjoon, he's my destined mate," Jin spoke, Taehyung being the only one not shocked, sense Murasaki told him about Namjoon's mark, but their parents weren't just shocked, they seemed a bit terrified. Seonghwa gazed at his son with a bit of panic, "Namjoon is your destined mate?" Jin nod, his brows furrowed in confusion with his parents reaction, "Yeah, why?" Seonghwa and Hongjoong gazed at each other shocked, Hongjoong then spoke up, "Jin, you both are now more powerful than anything, you know that, right?" Jin nod, "I'm aware, and I'll be ready to kick Jaehyuns ass, if he lays a finger on my mate," He spoke bitterly. His parents and older brothers face scrunched in confusion, "Who's Jaehyun?" Seonghwa questioned first, Jin bit the inside of his cheek, "Jaebeoms bastard of a father that took over his own sons body, he's the reason for causing that family so much trouble, and Namjoon, is the only one that can save him. I don't know when, or how, but I hope we're really not too late." Jin explained, they then heard a voice come out of nowhere, "My mother and father lost his bond already," Taehyung was the first to turn to the voice. Seeing his mate and son walking up to them, he furrowed his brows, "You knew about this?" Murasaki gave his alpha a sad smile, "Dad didn't want to me to stress too much about it when I was having Beomgyu. So he told me to not speak, nor stress about it, Namjoon and Changbin are the only ones that can tell whether or not our dad is still in there." Tears welled up in Murasakis eyes, "I g-got a letter from mother this morning about everything that ha-happened yesterday." Taehyung hushed him, pulling him into a warm embrace, "We'll figure it out love, alright?" Murasaki shook his head, "You don't understand, if our possessed dad finds out Namjoon is pregnant with Jin's pup, he'll hang him. Jaebeom warned mother, father and I years ago when Joonie was coming of age to go into heat. It was before Jaehyun had control over dad," He spoke in a terrified tone. Jin took the omegas hand in his, gazing into his eyes, "It's not even confirmed that Joon is expecting yet, but when, or if he does. I promise, I won't let anything happen to him, alright?" Murasaki sniffled and nod, hugging Jin and crying, Beomgyu whimpered, pulling on his mothers dress, getting his mothers attention. Murasaki cooed, pulling his pup into an embrace, "Eomma Saki!" The said omega and even Taehyung turned to the direction of the voice, seeing a panicking Felix.
"Channies in heat!" He stated, the mother, and queen cursed under his breath, and ran to the library. "What?!" He gasped out loud, Taehyung was hot on his mates tail, Jin held back Beomgyu, who cried for his mother.

Taehyung and Murasaki rushed up to their son, who was curled up on the floor, panting in pain, he reached out for Felix, crying, "Alpha~" Felix eyes widened, but the parents paid no mind to it, already knowing their omega son is destined to be with the young alpha knight. Taehyung then scooped up his son bridal style, Chan stuck his nose into his fathers neck whimpering in pain. Taehyung hushed him, "You're alright pup, let me take you to your room."
Glancing around the library, noticing a few teens were missing, he rose a questioning brow towards his little brother Soobin. Who was on the couch cuddling Yeonjun, Taehyung just shrugged it off and left, ordering Felix to follow him, which the young, blushing alpha did as told.

Meanwhile, in the Aura pack, Namjoon made sure his mask was on and secured, as he slowly and quietly made his way back into the castle, tip toeing down the hall shoeless, squeaking when he suddenly got pulled into a room. A hand shot over his mouth to keep quiet, Namjoon quickly noticed it was his mother, with the flick of Namjoon's wrist, he shut and locked the door, managing to do with no sound. Watching how is mother gasped in shock, and his eyes widened, but not really from what his son just did. His hand slowly pulling away from his sons mouth, just to trace over the new mating mark, "When did this happen?"

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