Chapter eighteen

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A week later...

Third pov:
Hoseok woke early one morning, he jumped out of bed and got on his favorite archery outfit on. Meanwhile, Jin yawned and rubbed his eyes, watching his older brother get ready sneak out again. Jin narrowed his eyes, and laid quiet, pretending to still be asleep. Until watching his brother pin his half of his long hair up, then opened a window by his bed, then jumped out.

Jin sighed and shook his head, "First Tae, and now Hobi, mommy and daddy will be berry mad. Hobi just gots over his needy illness," Jin mumbled to himself. He then crawled out of bed, and sniffed for his older brothers scent, perking up when finding it. "Tae be prouds of me," Jin made his way out of the castle, right when he made it to the garden, he squeaked when nearly running into his older brother, Taehyung. But he hid behind a stone wall just in time, over hearing his brothers conversation with someone else.

"Why are you in such a rush to marry Saki? It's only in three months time," Taehyung stated, Murasaki sighed, biting his lip, "I just fear that, w-what happened to your mother, will happen to me." Taehyung furrowed his brows in confusion, shaking his head, "My mother? What do you mean love?" Murasaki cleared his throat and shook his head, jumping when hearing a voice suddenly speak. "Well, if it isn't Romeo and Juliet, what brings you two out here before dawn?" Namjoon spoke, Murasaki shook his head, not even glancing at his brother, "I was just leaving Namjoon, don't worry." Namjoon lightly chuckled, folding his arms, "Just go to Tae's room, I'll tell our parents that you and Hobi are having a sleepover."
Murasaki lit up, and embraced his little brother, thanking him over and over, then took his boyfriend's hand, dragging him back into the castle.

Namjoon clicked his tongue, "You can come out now Jin, they're gone," He spoke, which startled the young boy. Jin came out from behind the wall, "How did you know I-I was here?" Namjoon gave him a soft smile, and ruffled Jin's hair, "Just an easy guess, now let's go spy on Hoseok."

They soon found Hoseok, it took them a hot minute, but Jin found him from his strong vanilla scent. And they hid behind a large fallen tree, watching Hoseok from afar.

Hoseok was one of the best archers in the kingdom, he helped train kids younger than him, but he enjoys practicing on his own in the woods. He hummed a tune, as he pulled back another arrow, and released it, getting another bullseye. He jumped and gasped from someone whistling, "Nice shot," The stranger spoke. Hoseok the  spun around and had an arrow aimed for whomever was watching him. The stranger held his hands in defense, and was choked on his own words the moment him and the young omega made eye contact. "Oh my heavens you are beautiful," The stranger spoke. Hoseok's eyes widened, a blush formed on his cheeks, be he quickly changed his gaze to a glare, "Do you even know who I am wolfie?" Hoseok slyly spoke, the stranger hummed and smirked, "An angel? Cause you are definitely out of this world," Hoseok scuffed. "Are you always flirty with omegas? Or to anyone you find attractive?" The stranger shrugged, "Last being I met was a mysterious omega wearing a mask, but he told me, that I would be more interested in a certain omega with a bow and arrow." Hoseok rose a brow, and lowered his weapon slightly, "Namjoon? Why would he set you up with me? I'm nothing like my siblings, especially my older brother. Fucking royalty, I hate being royal so much," He then shot his arrow to a tree right behind the stranger. He smirked when seeing the alpha basically fangirl over his shot, "What's you're name alpha? And where are you from?" The alpha then cleared his throat, and pretended he didn't just lose it over and an omega shooting an arrow by his head. "Lee Caspian, I'm not really from anywhere, I was born in the woods, I'm basically an outgrown orphan." Hoseok's heart fluttered from the alphas words, "Y-You live, out here?! How old are you?!" He excitedly asked, Caspian chuckled, finding the omega really adorable, "I'm twenty-one, now tell me you're name, unless I just call you beautiful." Hoseok blushed a darker shade of red if possible, tucking his fallen hair behind his ear, "My names Kim Hoseok, I'm sixteen, and the second born prince of the Utopia pack." He softly spoke, Caspian smirked, and bowed his head, "It's a pleasure to meet you princess, now tell me more about you."

Jin watched with wide eyes, he wowed, "Hobi is in wove," He whispered. Namjoon hummed and nod, but noticed the sudden frown on the younger's face. "Hey pup, what's wrong?" He asked softly, Jin just shrugged, "Tae and Hobi have a wover, b-but I have yet to find the one fur me. I wish to wove too," He mumbled, Namjoon then giggled, which caught the young boy off guard, and Jin loved that sound, it made his chest warm up, but he was too young to understand it. Namjoon then ruffled the pups hair, "Give it time Jinnie, you're only nine, so don't worry about it just yet."
Jin remembered that day for many years to come.

But what Jin didn't expect, was for how distant Namjoon grew away from him over the months.
Soon hearing from a mumbled conversation between his mother and Jackson, about how Namjoon presented as an omega. And is now training harder than before, which concerned Jackson a lot.

Three months later...

The day Taehyung and Murasaki got married and crowned King and Queen of the Utopia pack, was also the day Namjoon went into his first heat sense he presented. Luckily, his dad forbid him to be involved in the celebration, even if the celebration was first held in the Utopia pack, and now this week, it's in the Aura Pack. It breaks his heart to miss his older brother, Murasaki build the curage to announce his pregnancy as well. Namjoon hated his life, and now he's alone, in heat, in pain, and no one was there to help him.

Until his hopes lit up, and someone knocked on his bedroom door, Namjoon whimpered out a 'come in'. Jackson's eyes widened, "Oh my heavens, my poor baby," He rushed to his sons aid. He pulled his son into an embrace, his heart shattering when his son broke down, "It-It hurts so much mama," He whimpered out. Jackson kissed his temple, and pet his sons head, "I know pup, mama is here for you though." He spoke in a sweet tone, holding his son close, until his son fell asleep.

Jackson rushed back to the ball room, getting his younger alpha mate, and grabbing him by the wrist and tugging him out to the hall. Chaton saw his omegas face filled with worry, "Jackson, my love what's wrong?" Jackson swallowed a nervous lump, his bottom lip trembled, "Namjoon is in heat." Chatons stomach then dropped, "It's actually happening. Jaebeom can't actually be serious about what he said, right?" Jackson shook his head, his face twisted, beginning to sob, Chaton pulled into a warm embrace, "My babyyy, he-he's my baby Chaton! I-I carried him, I-I n-nursed him, I-I-I taught him to read, a-and-" Chaton hushed his rambling mate, rocking his omega. Silent tears rolled down his own cheeks.

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