Chapter twenty-four

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Third pov:
Seonghwa woke up to a sharp pain, his distress and pain lingered in the bond, waking Hongjoong up in mere minutes. The alpha shot up in bed, placing his hands on his mates bump, feeling how hard it's now gotten over the past few hours of them sleeping. "Is it seriously time?" He gasped out in shock, Seonghwa let out an airy giggle, nodding his head, but his face twisted with pain, his hands fisted the blankets under him. He panted out puffs of air, "I'm too old for this," He groaned out, turning and shifting onto his back, Hongjoong smiled, and kissed his mates temple, "You're doing amazing my love, let's keep an eye on your contractions, and wait for your water to break." Seonghwa gulped out of nervousness, "What if it already broke?" He softly stated, Hongjoong tilt his head in confusion, until he remembered his mates first orgasm earlier that night, when they were doing the dirty. Seonghwa hissed, crying out a series of apologies, Hongjoong shook his head, cupping his mates face in his hands, "Hey, it's alright, do you feel anything?" Seonghwa nod, he choked and swallowed, gasping out a pain-filled scream, Hongjoong moved the blankets away, rolling his mates night gown up. He then spot a head crowning, he cursed under his breath, "Hwa, how long have you been in labor love?" Seonghwa was a full on sobbing mess, his body shaking from pain, "I-I didn't know, I didn't-I-I swear I didn't know, it-it was just small cramps, and they just now g-got worse," He rambled out. Hongjoong nod, eyes fixed between his mates bent, shaky legs, "Well, our pup is crowning Hwa, so this pup is eager to come out." Seonghwa cried, shaking his head, "I can't! I-I'm not ready-hehehe-I-I've done this three t-times, but I'm so scared Joong!" Hongjoong then shifted to sit next to his mate, bringing his mates face into his neck, Seonghwa breathed in his alphas scent, helping his calm down more, Hongjoong rubbed his back, and kissed his temple. He then took his mates hand in his, "You're so strong my love, you can do this, I know you can, and I am right here by your side. Now deep breaths, and push Seonghwa," Hongjoong spoke calmly.

Seonghwa breathed in and out, feeling a contraction building up, he sucked in a breath and pushed, he hand crushing his alphas larger hand. "Gaaahh-owowowow- make it stop," He whimpered out. Hongjoong kissed his temple and whispered praises to him. Seonghwa sucked in another shaky breath, and pushed, while crying at the same time. He soon gasped for a quick breath, but then took in another breath and pushed, doing the same process over and over. Until his body suddenly went lax and he panted for air, a loud wail got their attention. Hongjoong quickly reached down between his mates legs, gently picking up the newborn. A large smile cracked upon his lips, "Boy, we have another boy my love," He stated, as he shuffled to sit by his mates side again. Who had a weak, and tired smile on his lips, but then he flinched and groaned. "Joong, I think we are having twins," He mumbled, feeling the need to push again. Which Hongjoong was quick to help his mate with immediately.

Meanwhile, Jackson attempted to walk back to bed, his alphas rushed over to his aid, worry and paranoia written on their faces. "Jackson my love, should we fetch a doctor?!" Chaton asked the panting omega, Jackson shook his head, gripping each of his mates hands. He glanced at Jaebeom with slightly panicking eyes, "I think I'm in labor," He gasped out, Jaebeom furrowed his brows and pushed away from the omega. "What?!" He snapped, Jackson slightly flinched, whimpering, his legs shook, he held onto Chaton, feeling like his legs will give out. Chaton sent Jaebeom a glare, and helped Jackson to bed, Jaebeom then stormed out of the room, the couple not knowing where he was going.
Jackson yelped, fumbling to get his undergarments off, "I-I need to push-I-I need to-Gaaaahhhhh!!!! Owowowowow," Chaton held onto his mates hand, not knowing what to do, all he could do was support his lover.
Jackson screamed loud enough for the whole Kindom to possibly hear him, "Oh fuck, why does this hurt more!!! Chaton it hurts too much!" He cried out, Chaton was about to cry himself, but held his mate, scenting him, "You're doing so well baby, just push, alright? Follow your amazing mother instincts," He softly spoke. Jackson took deep breaths, and pushed, a high pitched scream ripped out of him in the process. He doesn't know how long he was pushing for, but it felt endless.

Jackson gave another strong push, then suddenly gasped for air, breathing heavily, finally able to catch his breath. A high pitched cry then filled the room, Jackson sat up, ignoring the small pain from just pushing out a new born pup. He rolled rolled his short night gown up, he broke down in tears, picking up the new born pup. "H-Hi there~ my heavens you're so small~" He spoke in a scratchy tone. "How did we not notice such a cutie?" Chaton cooed out, their eyes then widened when seeing a mark forming onto their pups inner thigh, Jackson broke down, shaking his head, and holding his pup close to his chest. "We can't tell Jae, we-we can't tell him," Jackson rambled out. Chaton hushed him, kissing his mates temple, "The pup is biologically his blood my love, not mine, but I will make sure nothing happens to our little boy." Jackson sniffled and nod, gazing down at their newborn.

Meanwhile, Jaebeom stormed up to Namjoon's room, banging on his door, the omega opened the door, not even caring at the moment that he didn't have his mask on. He huffed, "Dad, you scared the living-"He squeaked from suddenly getting shoved to the floor, he stared at his father shocked with wide eyes. Shivers ran up his back when seeing the dark look on his fathers face, "D-Dad?" He screamed in fear, from his father loudly growling, picking up a random object, then throwing it. "What did you do to your mother?!!" He snapped out, Namjoon's eyes widen, did his parent's seriously not know about the pup. But he just shook his head, pretending that he didn't know anything at all, "I-I don't know what you're t-talking about," He stuttered. Namjoon yelped from his father suddenly smacking him across the face, Namjoon held his stinging and cried. His father has never laid his hands on him before, he's pushed him in practice, forces him to wear a mask, and keeps him locked up inside the castle majority of the time. Jaebeom panted with fury, "You leave me no choice Namjoon, but I'm sending you away to live in a cabin in the woods, you caused too much bad luck in this family. You affected your own mother, and I don't even know who baby that is!" Namjoon's bottom lip trembled, sucking in a shaky breath, "Th-They're yours." He spoke in a soft tone, almost a whisper, yelping in pain from getting smacked again, he was sobbing and shaking in fear. "Plehehehease, dad don't send me into the woods alone! P-Please! Th-There's w-w-wild ah-alphas!! Please dad-hehehe," Namjoon cried out, Jaebeom snarled and gripped his sons hair, "You will do as I say, understand?!!" Namjoon squirmed and tired to get his fathers hands to loosen, "I-I want mom! Let me go!!"Namjoon snapped back, he spat in his fathers face, Jaebeom's jaw clenched, Namjoons face drained in color when seeing his fathers eyes flash red. "Guards!!" Namjoon shook his head frantically, crying and struggling, his father then took his shirt off and tore it, using it tie up his sons hands, then using a strip as a blind fold.

A few guards came in, Jaebeom gestured them to take his son down to the dungeon and lock him up for the night. Namjoon fought and cried, "Dad please!! I didn't do anything!!" Jaebeom watched his son get dragged out of sight, "Don't try to fight them Namjoon, or else I'll have them do a lot worse than just lock you up." Namjoon felt his heart drop, feeling the smirks and eyes burning into him, he gulped and blindly followed along with the guards.

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