Chapter nine

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Five weeks later...

Third pov:
Jaebeom and Chotan had to travel away to Japan, for Chotans older brothers wedding. Leaving Jackson alone for a week, and the two alpha mates were on edge the whole week.

Jaebeom watched Chotan pace back and forth in the tent, he rose a brow, "Chotan, baby, Jackson will be alright, he's not due until March ninth, nearly the tenth. Which is next week, we'll leave first thing tomorrow morning, and we only have five more hours until we get home," Jaebeom softly spoke to his alpha mate. Chotan shook his head, "Something doesn't feel right Jaebeom, he may be due in a week, but the doctor said that he's at risk of having the pup early." He spoke, Jaebeom sighed, shaking his head, "Chotan, my love, we won't miss anything , he will be just fine, now come here and get some rest baby." Chotan let out a nervous sigh and head over to his alpha mate, joining him under the blankets.

The next morning, Jackson had to wake up early for a meeting that was held for the up coming spring festival. He had to have a meeting with the head staff workers, so they know what to tell to the rest of the workers in the castle. Yet, the small issue is, Jackson got little, to non, sleep all night, he tossed and turned in the cold, empty bed, which he turned into a nest a few weeks ago. His pup dropped a few days ago, so his belly felt heavier, and now he's having the most uncomfortable cramps ever.

Jackson sighed, now changed into a comfortable, evening gown, as he paced in his room, reading the detailed notes that were written on a few papers. Some of the hand writing belonged to his alpha mates, but they trusted Jackson to handle the meeting while they were away. But today, they are supposed to be returning home, and Jackson is beyond edger to have his alphas back with him.

"Flowers and their locations, maybe we should have some Lily's planted by the front and back gates? Nononono, Lily's won't fit in with the gold gates, ummm, roses are to romantic. Oh! Tulips are perfect, but they'll take a while to grow," Jackson sighed, rubbing his aching temple, "Why are we having flowers planted now? Maybe we should have kids come and plant as part of the festival?" He spoke out loud to himself, but gasped in pain, catching himself, with the papers still in hand, on his desk chair. While a free hand rubbed against the side of his bump, he let out slow, shaky breaths, "Oh fucking- ow," His hissed out, he then gasped, his eyes widened when feeling a pop, fluid then splashed onto the floor from his legs. Getting his dress and his underwear wet in the process, he then cleared his throat and sighed, not knowing what he should do at the moment. "Ooohh heavens, I'm in labor, and I have a meeting in," He turned his gaze over to a clock on his desk, "Ten minutes." He sighed, setting the papers on the desk, resting his hands on his hips, biting his lip in thought, "The meeting shouldn't take longer than an hour, so I should be fine if I just push through, but I'll definitely need to change now and wear a pad, I do not feel like making a mess," He spoke to himself, then as quickly as he could, he got the mess cleaned up and changed into a dry gown, and underwear, along with a pad. He then had to breathe through another contraction, before heading down to the meeting.

Jackson slightly waddled into the meeting room, giving the staff a welcoming smile, everyone stood up in the room, bowing to their queen. One of the staff, who is charge of gardening, noticed something was Of with the queen, "Your majesty, are you alright?" Jackson sighed as he slowly sat down in the empty chair at the end of the table, "I'm fine Mr. Jones, you all may sit down, we'll get started on the opening parade."

He was wrong, completely wrong, Jackson was completely off for how long the meeting would take, and he's been baring with inconsistent contractions for the past three hours. But he just bared with it and waved it off to his head staff that he was fine, while his grip tightened on the arms of his chair. Listening to everyone's opinion, but the person speaking, got interrupted from a guard barging into the room, everyone jumped and gazed over at the panting male beta. "The Kings have returned! They're on their way here to the meeting room," He stated. Jackson perked up, pushing himself up, but instantly hunched over in pain, Chotan was the first to rush into the meeting room, sensing his pregnant mate in distress. "Jackson! Why aren't you in your nest with a doctor?!" He shouted, as he made a b-line to his mates sighed. Jackson let out a long breath, "The meeting was important, so I just waited it out, we're almost finished anyway." Jackson's face then twisted with pain, Chotan shook his head, seeing Jaebeom rushing into the room finally, he was wheezing and panting. "Why the fuck did you run so fast?!" He gasped out, Chotan rolled his eyes, shaking his head, "When I got our omega pregnant, now come in there and finish the meeting, I haft to bring Jackson up to our room." He ordered, which Jaebeom always found attractive, but now wasn't the time to get turned on. Chotan then helped their omega to the doorway, but the omega paused to embrace Jaebeom, which the alpha immediately melted into. "I'm so happy you're both here, I was scared to give birth alone," Jackson sniffled, and flinched from another contraction, "Fucking hell, they're so close together." He gasped out and hissed, Jaebeom pulled apart from his omega, his eyes wide like saucers. "Wait, you're in labor?!" Jackson nod, a pained smile twitched onto his lips, "They're a bit early, but looks like we're having a-a baby today, god-fuck-ow," Jackson whimpered in pain. Jaebeom helping him stay up, he glanced over at Chotan, who took their omega mate, and scooped him up, carrying the omega bridal style. Chotan gave the head staff a soft smile, "Looks like we're having a royal pup soon, my lovely King will stay and finish the meeting and I will take our queen to our chambers."

Minutes passed, as Chotan helped his omega mate get out of his sweaty gown, stopping him down until he was naked. Giving the omega a long, hot bath, to help the labored omega relax more, Jackson rocked himself in the tub, his hands gripping the ledge. Chotan rubbed his back, "Let me know when to get the doctor my love, you're so young, barely eighteen and carrying a pup. You're actually not supposed to be carrying this young," Chotan spoke in a worried tone, the omega chuckled. And then groaned in pain, resting his head against the rim of the tub, "I'll be fine Chotan, but we are definitely not having another for a while. Cause this hurts-so-fucking~ much, ow goddamnit," He breathed out, crying from the pain he felt throughout his body. He then yelped, feeling a stretch in his area, he a hand down, between his legs, feeling a hard lump coming out of him. "They're coming, the pups head is coming o-out Chotan," He gasped out, whimpering and crying from another wave of pain. Chotan then helped the omega out of the tub, pulling the plug and draining the water. He wrapped a towel around his mate, and guide him back into their chambers, helping his omega onto his nest. Jackson got onto his back, he panted and whimpered, Chotan kissed his sweaty temple, "I'll be right back my love, I'm going to get the doctor. Will you be alright? Do you need someone here?" The omega shook his head, "Go, I'll be fine," His face then scrunched, as he let out a pain filled cry, his hands gripping the bedding under him. Chotan kissed his temple again and then bolted out of the room.

When Chotan came back, he had Jaebeom and the doctor on his tail, they came into the room, hearing their omegas pain filled screams. The two alphas rushed to their omegas aid, while the doctor got everything set up and ready for the omega to deliver the pup.

"Alright, I need you push right on your next contraction, understand?" The doctor said, Jackson nod his head, Jaebeom on his right and Chotan on his left, each holding his hand. Jackson sucked in a breath, and pushed, he broke out in tears when feeling a stretch, it burned, and stung with a pain he's never felt before. Chotan dabbed a damp cloth on the omegas temple, both him and Jaebeom whispered encouraging words to their omega.
Jackson pant and began pushing again, his head rolled back as he screamed in pain, "Flying hell!!! Please make it stop!!" He cried out, after doing a few more pushes, he gasped when feeling a bit of relief. "The heads out!!" The doctor shouted, both alphas lit up and peaked to see their pups head. Watching the doctor turn the pups head, having the pup face if up, the doctor cleaned the gunk out of the pups mouth and nose. Jaebeom couldn't help but coo, "Beautiful, they're beautiful Jackson my love," He beamed, kissing his omega mates temple. A small smile twitched onto the omegas lips, but his face twisted, sucking in a breath and began to push, he whimpered and cried. The pain felt endless, and never seemed to end, until after baring down and pushing a few more times. His body curled forward, and his hands gripping his mates hands, until they lost circulation.

Jackson gasped and panted heavily when he felt a sudden wave of relief, and a loud cry filled the room.

"Congratulations! It's a boy!!"

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