Chapter twenty

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Third pov:
A few months passed, Jin kept asking to see Namjoon, but Jaebeom kept refusing to let him see his omega son. Who is now basically locked inside the castle, Jackson is barely able to see his own son even. Jaebeom says that it's their sons curse that keeps him from conceiving another pup. Which the omega Queen knows that's not true, but he doesn't hold much power over Jaebeom.

Meanwhile, during a small baby shower Murasaki threw for his mother-in-law, who was apparently four month pregnant and not six weeks those few months ago. So now Murasaki is due any day, while Seonghwa is about twenty-four weeks, and isn't quite sure that his youngest is correct about having two pups. But they'll haft to wait and see.
Murasaki was setting up some decorations, but paused when a he felt a cramp, his eyes then widened, he reached out for whomever was close by, which happened to be his own mother. Jackson gave his son his attention, thinking his sons back was hurting again, "Are alright honey?" Murasaki bit his lip, his eyes dancing around the room, searching for his mate, "Mama, I think the shower should wait a few days," He stated, Jackson furrowed his brows in confusion, until he heard a quiet pop, fluid came gushing between his sons legs. "My water just broke," Murasaki gasped out, Taehyung then bolted to his mates aid, who cursed and hunched over in pain, "Oooh fuck, ow." Jackson's jaw dropped, "You mean to tell me, that you've been in labor this whole time?!" Murasaki rolled his eyes, "You nearly gave birth to me in a meeting mother," He gasped out. Jackson bobbed his head, "Good point, now let's get you situated pup."

Meanwhile, Namjoon was in the woods with his dad, practicing his sword fighting, he panted when he finished his last strike against the fraying tree. "You're stance is too weak, and you're slouching too much, do another fifty Namjoon," Jaebeom spoke firmly. Namjoon panted, and wanted to cry, he was so tired and his body hurt from doing this every day for hours, "Dad please, I've been doing this all morning. I have yet to eat for the past week, let-" "And it will be another week if I don't see you do another fifty, which is now sixty for you being a fucking weak pest!! Now get in stance and hit the tree!!" He snapped, Namjoon flinched and sighed, getting in stance, but the moment he rose his sword, the world began to spin, and then everything went black.

Jaebeom paced back and forth, waiting for the doctor to return from his sons room, he jumped when the door finally opened. The doctor came out with a heavy sigh, shaking his head, "You're highness, your son is an omega, he's been in pre-heat sense this morning, and lack of food and water, is not safe. Now I understand your trying to protect others from him, but how is this benefitting your son? If this happens again you're highness, he will possibly die, he's asleep right now. But once he's awake, feed him." Jaebeom gulped, and nod, watching the doctor leave, he then went inside his sons room, shutting the door on his way in. He stepped up to his sons bed, gently taking off the mask, he sighed, "Oh my sweet boy, I don't deserve you. You're so much stronger than I am, but I promise, everything I am doing, is too keep you safe. You have such a gift, but I can't let anyone have it, that's why it's a curse pup." Jaebeom kissed his sons temple, and sat down on a nearby chair, sitting and waiting for his son to awaken.

It's been hours, and Murasaki was in his and his mates chambers, he laid between his mates legs, his own legs bent and spread. As he gripped his mates hands, screaming as he let out a pain filled scream.
Hoseok was horrified, and for some reason felt his stomach turn, he bolted out of the room and rushed to the bathroom, his head immediately went into a toilet. Seonghwa followed after his son worried, "Hoseok! Are you alright!?" He attempted to squat down onto the floor of the bathroom, rubbing his sons back. Hoseok groaned, "I'm fine, just never seen childbirth before," He spoke with a scratchy tone. Seonghwa sighed and shook his head, "Whatever you say pup, why don't you go to your boyfriend? Saki won't be hurt if you leave, he's been in labor for nearly twenty hours, I'm sure he'll be asleep once that pup is on his chest." As if on cue, Murasaki's scream was replaced with a loud wail, Seonghwa smiled, and pushed himself up with a groan, he ruffled his sons hair and left the bathroom.

Hoseok shut and flushed the toilet, he quickly cleaned himself up, and quietly made his way out of the bathroom, gasping when seeing the small bundle in the omegas arms. He can't remember the last time he saw Taehyung cry, Hoseok made his way over to the bed, peaking at the small pup wrapped in a towel on their mothers bare chest. "Boy, we have a little boy, our little Chan, I can't believe you had me fooled that you were a little girl," Murasaki baby talked. Cooing at his newborn yawning, Hoseok wowed, "He's so tiny," He gasped out, he then felt his insides flutter, but he rubbed it off, thinking it was just his omega hormones acting up. Baby fever, yeah, that's all it is, he took birth control and Caspian wore protection during his heat. But then Hoseok's stomach dropped, Caspian stated his rut in the middle of his heat. "I-I'm going to go lay down, I don't feel too well," He spoke, his mother gave him a nod, helping with cleaning up, even though Jackson told him to rest.

The next morning, Taehyung got out of bed when hearing their sons cry, he tiredly walked over to the small cradle, and cooed at how cute his mother and Eomma cleaned and dressed his son. He furrowed his brows when seeing something shinning on his sons wrist, it was a simple heart shape, and it had pink like glow. He hummed, "Interesting, Jin has a sun and moon on his chest, guess you're just another lucky pup," He spoke brightly with a smile. He then carried his son over to his mate, who was beginning to slowly wake up, he yawned and rubbed his eyes, slowly sitting up, scrunching his face in discomfort, but soon got comfortable, resting his back on a pillow. Opening up his night gown, cooing when he got handed his whimpering son, "You checked his diaper?" He questioned with a groggy voice, Taehyung hummed and nod, sitting beside his mate, watching with adoration and love, when his son latched onto his mothers breast. Chan hummed cutely from having his second meal sense he was born.
Taehyung then perked up, "Oh, look my love, our son has a gift," He then showed the heart on their sons wrist to his mate. Murasakis eyes widened, "H-How is this possible?"Taehyung shrugged, "Just means our son is special my love, my brother Jin has a sun and moon mark on his chest. I don't entirely know if it's my mother side or my fathers, but it's only Jin that got it, that's why he's able to see things we can't, it's his gift." Murasaki furrowed his brows in confusion, "So does my brother, dad said he's cursed. But if Jin has the same mark, then that must mean," Him and Taehyung lock eyes, and both immediately had the same thought.

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