Chapter five

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Warning! Abuse!

Third pov:
Wedding went by faster than Seonghwa expected, it was magical, considering he was five months pregnant. But the kingdom seemed to be thrilled to see their king finally mated, and soon having a pup. Which Seonghwa nervously asked Hongjoong to announce to the pack, relieved to hear shouts of happiness from everyone. But there were a few rumors that went around, that only Seonghwa heard, and not the pack alpha, but he brushed it off and pretended he didn't hear all of the cruel words of his new pack.

Seonghwa sighed, as he laid back in bed, watching his mate pace back and forth, while reading a letter, "Who's the letter from Joong?" He asked, trying to ignore the pain in his lower back, Hongjoong glanced over at Seonghwa, clearing his throat. "Remember the small, hitch-like wedding we went to about three, almost four months ago, in the Northern Kingdom?" Seonghwa nod, "King Jaebeom, his husband Chotan, and their omega Jackson. They came to our wedding didn't they?" Hongjoong bobbed his head, "Only the Alphas, but they left early because Chotan started his rut. And they left Jackson in their kingdom, because someone had to stay, you know how it works my love," He explained, seeing his omega nod in understanding. "Well, they were finally able to mate Jackson, and not only that, Jackson is having a pup, the Northern Kingdom finally has a heir," Hongjoong beamed. Seonghwa lit up, "Really! That's amazing, how far along? Did they say?" He asked excitedly, Hongjoong hummed, reading the letter again, "Ah, they said he's about nine weeks, so he has some ways to go, unlike this little one," He went over and sat on the edge of the bed, placing his hands on his mates bump. Hongjoong kissed the grown belly multiple times, he sighed heavily, "Soon we'll get to see you little one," He spoke, feeling a soft kick against his palm, Seonghwa giggled, he always loved watching his mate talk to their pup. "December is not too far away alpha, I thought of a few names. Are you interested in hearing them?" He questioned his mate, Hongjoong lit up and nod his head eagerly, which made Seonghwa's heart flutter. "For a girl, I was thinking the name Jihyo, and for a boy, I've always liked the name Taehyung," He spoke, feeling a kick right after he said the name 'Taehyung', Hongjoong cooed, "Seems like someone likes the names their mama came up with. I don't care what we have, as long as they are healthy." Seonghwa smiled at his alphas words, "Would you possibly like more pups in the future Joongie? Maybe give this one a few siblings?" He softly questioned, Hongjoong chuckled, sitting up to kiss his mates lips, "I'll take that offer anytime my beautiful omega, because you look so beautiful, and absolutely gorgeous, carrying our little one." He spoke, he then kissed the omegas lips, and then another, and another, which led to a full on make out. And possibly something more.

Months passed, December is a very busy month, with Christmas and the new years coming. The king was very busy and didn't have much time for his mate, which Seonghwa understood, so he simply gave his alpha space.
Seonghwa huffed, walking through the town with his hand on his lower back, his mate had a meeting this morning with the staff, so they could finish preparing for New Year's Eve party. After they just had a big Christmas party, Hongjoong has been very excited for New Year's Eve. Which Seonghwa found very founding to watch the excitement on his lovers face when telling him about the ideas he had.

"So, do you even know who the father is?" A voice suddenly asked, Seonghwa jumped, turning to the voice of the stranger, to see it was a middle aged male. "Excuse me?" Seonghwa asked with confusion, the stranger laughed, "Did you fuck so many alphas, that you don't know who the baby daddy is?" Seonghwa's jaw dropped, he then sighed and shook his head, he waved off the stranger, was about to walk away. But the stranger snarled and snatched the omegas wrist, Seonghwa yelped and nearly tripped from the sudden grasp on his wrist. He glared at the stranger, "Sir, please leave me alone," He snapped, and the even bigger issue, is that the guards didn't even try to help. He tried to twist his hand free, but ended up getting pulled into a random building. "Guards! Help me please! I'm forty weeks pregnant!" Seonghwa shouted, but the guards only smiled with amusement, the omegas face paled instantly. He gasped from getting shoved to the ground of what looks like a house, he felt his heart race, panic rose in his chest and tears weld up in his eyes. The stranger chuckled, "You look so pretty when you cry," the male said, caressing the trembling omegas cheek, "Please, just let me go," Seonghwa plead, the male clicked his tongue, and shook his head. "Not until I get my fun omega," He then began to unbuckle his pants, Seonghwa shook his head frantically, and scrambled to get up from the floor, the male growled, tearing the omegas gown. The male grabbed the omegas ankle, causing the omega to fall and yelped in pain, landing on his side. Seonghwa's eyes widened in fear for his unborn pup, screaming at the male to stop when trying to spread his legs, but the omega managed to kick the male in the groin. The male screamed in pain, holding his private parts, Seonghwa then took the chance to run. He ran out of the house, his make up a mess and his evening dress torn up. The guards laughed and chuckled, "Man, he must've fucked you good," One of the guards said, then attempted to grasped the omegas arm so he didn't collapse. "Don't touch me!! I am your Luna! Who is heavily pregnant with the kings pup, and you let a fucking stranger try to rape me!! Are you mad!?! The King is the father!! He took my virginity!! I haven't slept with anyone but him!! You mother fuckers, are the reason to why I stayed and lived in a forest for my entire life!!! And I won't hesitate to do it again, if this is how I am going be fucking treated, just because I'm-" Seonghwa paused and gasped in pain, his eyes widened when he felt fluid dripped down and between his legs. He cursed under breath, and began making his way back to the castle, pushing the guards away when they attempted to help him. "You're all fired!! Now stop touching me!" He snapped, and walked to the castle by himself, people parting away when their pissed off queen was walking through.

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