Chapter twenty-seven

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Third pov:
Over the years, Namjoon practiced sword fighting to burn off steam, and to avoid his parents, letting Changbin get the attention. Many think Changbin is a future alpha, but Namjoon knows he's not. Namjoon sighed, and did one last strike on the thick beam, breaking it in half. He huffed and stepped over to sharpen his blade, spotting Changbin in the corner, "What do you want brat?" Namjoon questioned, the little boy squeaked in slowly made his way into view. "Can you teach me?" Namjoon rose a brow towards his little brother, "I don't think dad would appreciate that Bin," He stated in a much softer tone. Tightening his face mask, and fixing his grown out hair, before sitting down on a stump, beginning to sharpen his sword. Changbin pout, "Jinnie left for Knight training the other day," He mumbled in a cute tone. Namjoon hummed, not caring too much, but listened either way.

"My birthday is coming up," Changbin stated, Namjoon hummed again, "Cool, what did you ask for? A pony?" He joked, Changbins bottom lip trembled, he shook his head, "I-I don't want anything. I don't like the attention," He spoke in a small tone. He sniffled, "J-Joonie?" Namjoon huffed with annoyance, standing up, his eyes shined a bright blue, "What!?! Can't you see I'm busy!?" He snapped, but froze when seeing the tears and glossy eyes on his little brother.
"Why do you hate me? Especially on my-my birthday, you avoid me more."
Namjoon sighed, setting his sword down, then crouching down to his brothers level, "I'm sorry Bin. I do care about you, but this coming day doesn't hold the best memories for me. S-Something really, really bad happened to me, dad, papa, and mom have been trying for years to help me. But it's not going well," He softly explained, Changbin tilt his head, "What happeneds?" Namjoon sighed, taking his brothers hands in his, "Dad got mad at me, really mad, to this day I don't know why. But I can never unsee those eyes, a-and he hurt me, bad, then a couple of the guards hurt me more. Dad got rid of them, but I'm having trouble actually forgiving them." Changbin pout, feeling bad for his brother, "But mommy and papa miss you lots. Mommy cries to sleep every nights, and won't stop talking about you in his sweep, papa and dada still watches you fight, the wove you Joonie." Namjoon swallowed and nod, "What would you want me to get you for your birthday Binnie? And you're too young for sword fighting, wait until you're seven at least, but I can teach you karate?" Changbin smiled and nod, but still had a slight pout, "I want Joonie a-and mommy, papa, and dad, to be happy again." He spoke, Namjoon swallowed, and nod, "I'll see what I can do Bin, but let me get cleaned up, and I'll take you to the village for some ice cream." Changbin lit up and squealed happily, running off back into the castle to get dressed.

Namjoon sighed, and rolled his eyes, crossing his arms, "You can't hid from me, and you know this mother," He spoke. Turning around, watching his mother stepping into view, Namjoon's arms fell from his mothers state. "Oh my heavens, mother, are you ill?" He worriedly asked, Jackson shook his head, sniffling, "I can't believe you're talking to me before running off," He spoke in a small tone. Namjoon swallowed a thick lump, "I promised Bin I would try," He spoke hesitantly. Studying his mother's condition, seeing how skinny his mother has grown, and he looks like he hasn't slept in a long time. Jackson stepped up to his son with teary eyes, "I blame myself every night for what happened to you." Namjoon shook his head, "Mom, you were in labor, and in pain, there wasn't much you could do." Jackson shook his head, "But I knew something was wrong, J-Jaebeom, he hasn't been himself and it grew worse over the years. I remember how happy, and excited he was when I said I was having you. Then you born, and he was the first to see your mark form, he first said he was doing it to protect you from someone. And now he's been distant from us, in fear of hurting us, because he hurt you. He's just as bad as I am Namjoon, probably worse, and hell, I was beyond pissed when he told your father and I what he did. But that was also the last night he slept with us, he watched you, and gives Changbin little attention. Our family is falling apart, and I'm so scared Namjoon," Jackson broken down, crying into his hands, Namjoon's heart broke, sensing the sadness, guilt, and so much more through his mothers bond. He then pulled his mother into an embrace, Jackson's sobs filled the stone room, holding on his son for dear life. Namjoon gasped when his mother suddenly went quiet, and his body went limp, "M-Mom?" He then began to panic, cursing under his breath when his mothers body began to twitch, he dropped down to the grown, and turned his mother to the side. Namjoon then bonded his father, hoping they would sense his mother, their omega mate in need of help.

Jaebeom and Chaton came running, and rushed into the fighting stall, they got down, studying their mates state. Jaebeom's heart broke at his omegas state, "He's having a seizure, I'll take him up to the doctor," He then scooped up the omega and bolted, Chaton and Namjoon hot on his tail.

A couple hours passed, and the little family sat outside of the room, Jaebeom sat accros from his son. "So what happened?" Namjoon scuffed, rolling his eyes, combing his fingers through his sleeping brothers hair. "What, you're going to blame me for it? Like you always do?" Jaebeom then flinched, holding his head in pain, and got up and left, Chaton stopped Namjoon from getting up and following him. "Your dad is not himself, and I mean that literally and figuratively, I've been married to him for over twenty years, and he's not the same man I married. And I feel like the only one that can bring him back, is you Namjoon." Namjoon's jaw dropped to his fathers words, "Th-That night, I knew it wasn't him, cause dad wouldn't le-let, that happen. He said he said those words to scare me though," He spoke in a shaky tone, Chaton shook his head, "He doesn't even know what he said Joon, he's been trying to remember, when he told us what he did to you, he said he only remembers hitting you, after the second hit, everything was a blur. I know it's not a good excuse Namjoon, but find your destined mate, and mate him. You have a gift, and it will save our family," Chaton spoke, both of them had tears running down their cheeks. Namjoon shook his head, sniffling, "I-I'm not strong enough though father, I don't think I can let anyone touch me-me anymore." Chaton nod in understanding, "I understand, I never spoke about it, but I feel like you need someone who understands a bit." Namjoon furrowed his brows in confusion, but let his father talk. Chaton let in a shaky breath, "In my old pack, a lot of people thought, I was going to be an omega, I was convinced even, but then I went into rut. And my-my uncle, was angry for some reason, and said I was too small and weak, to be an alpha. So a month after presenting, he locked me in a room with him, a-and drugged me, it's a pain I will never forget. Marrying Jaebeom wasn't just planned Joon, it was fate, we're destined. You and Changbin got those marks from us, your mother, me, and your dad, we have a matching mark on our lower back, it's just a single star. We don't have powers, not like you, and your brother. But you are special, and I'm so sorry we didn't make you think so, but you're dad is scared of what his father will do to you." Namjoon's eyes widened, not expecting to hear any of this, "Why am I special? And why don't you have powers?" Chaton shrugged, "A small handful got the star mark, but placement and shape matters, Seonghwa and Hoongjoon have a star mark, but it's on their side. We're only created to help spread the gift, yours, is very powerful, and your grandfather doesn't like that. He doesn't know about Changbins though, and we're trying to keep it that way." Namjoon gulped, "Where is he?" Chaton shrugged, "He ran away after your dad and I's wedding day, so we don't know, but your dad said he didn't trust him for a reason." Namjoon nod, sniffling, "A-And I'm the only one that can do it?" Chaton nod, "You have the gift to reverse and reveal, you can heal, protect, and save those who deserve and need it. Your dad has been fighting sense the day you were born, but he's getting old, and weak, so he's now a target." Namjoon nod, and pulled his father into a warm embrace, which caught his father by surprise. But Chaton broke down, missing his sons embrace.

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