Chapter twenty-five

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Warning!! Non-explicit RaPe!!

Third pov:
Jaebeom head back into his shared chambers with his mates, Jackson gazed up at him with worried gaze. "Is Namjoonie alright? I feel he's scared," He questioned, Jaebeom smiled, and stepped up to his mate's, "He's fine now, just had a nightmare, he's probably still a bit spooked, but don't worry love. Now who is this little surprise?" He asked, while crawling into bed with his mates, Jackson tiredly smiled, receiving a kiss on his head from Jaebeom. "This is our son, Changbin," Jaebeom smirked, he could sense the future alpha in the pup. "He's perfect my omega, I'm proud of you," He spoke, "I'm so sorry for my outburst Jackson baby, but get some rest, I'll have the doctor check on you tomorrow morning."

Namjoon yelped from getting shoved into the cell, he couldn't see, but he heard chuckles and rustling of clothes, "They won't know if we have a little fun, will they?" One of the guards asked, snickering at the trembling omega. "Of course not, why would the king have us send him down here in the first place," Another guard snickered out. Namjoon has never felt more defenseless in his life, he shook his head, begging the guards to not do it, or they would regret it. "Awww, it's alright omega, we're infertile, and we're betas, so no need to worry," Those words didn't make anything better. Namjoon broke down, not liking the hands touching him, he couldn't see what was happening. He choked on a sob, trying to fight against the betas, but his clothes were soon ripped off, and he was turned onto his stomach. One of the guards covered his mouth, while the other was getting ready and lining up behind the omega.
Namjoon let out a muffled scream of pain.

Namjoon woke up to muffled shouting, his hearing watered out, he shivered, curling up in a ball, but let out a chest cough.

At seven in the morning, Jaebeom woke up in a cold sweat, throwing a shirt onc, then head down to the dungeons, not able to sleep with an a bad feeling settling in his gut. And when he came down, he was beyond furious. "Guards!!" The three men that took his son down, came rushing over, bowing to their king as if they did nothing wrong.
Jaebeom bit the inside of his cheek, "What I said last night to my son, was supposed to just scare him. And you fucking touched him!? You raped my child!?! I sent him down here as a punishment!! Not that kind!! I was mad at him, but this." He pointed at his naked son, his heart breaking at the scene, "This is UNACCEPTABLE!!!" He snapped, "Mingi!!" He called for a new guard he should've called for and trusted, but he was so too blind and stupid to even do so. Mingi came running up, bowing to him, Jaebeom pointed at the three betas, "Terminate these betas please, if you three try even peek a word to me, and attempt to beg for mercy. I'll explain to the queen what you did, and no, I did not fucking give permission for this. Never even fucking will," Jaebeom didn't even realize he was crying, he swallowed a knot in his throat, and turned to Mingi. "Actually, have these betas get a taste of their own wrong doings, strip them down, and put them in the cell of alphas. Have a few of my best guards join in as well," Mingi nod and bowed, shooting a glare towards the three betas, he then called for his best men, "San, Wooyoung, Johnny, come over here and hand please."

The betas struggled, getting dragged to a cell full of alphas, who heard the whole incident, and even listened to the omegas cries of pain.
Jaebeom entered the cell, placing the back of his hand on his sons head, he cursed under his breath, his son flinched away from his touch. Jaebeom then untied his wrists, and took the blind fold off, his sons eyes remained closed, crying and shielding away from his father. Jaebeom hushed him, and managed to lift his son into an embrace, directing his sons nose into his neck, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." Namjoon broke down, crying into his fathers neck, "Why?!? Why!?" Namjoon shouted, Jaebeom shook his head, hugging his son tighter if possible, "I'm stupid, I'm fucking stupid, and I shouldn't have done it, I'm so sorry, my poor boy, I'm so sorry," Jaebeom was a crying mess himself. He cupped his sons cheeks, having his son look him in the eyes, "I won't let that happen again. I won't touch you, and no one will touch you like this, ever again. I promise, alright pup? I know you don't trust me right now, which is fine, but I took care of those guards, they won't hurt anyone ever again." Namjoon hiccuped and nod, Jaebeom took off his shirt that he put on before coming down here, slipping it onto his son, doing a count to three, then lifted his son up bridal style. Namjoon rest his head on his fathers shoulder, "D-Dad?" The alpha hummed, giving his son a short glance. "The eyes I saw last night, they weren't yours, they looked like someone else's," He mumbled, Jaebeom swallowed, "I should've had more control son, and I'm at fault for letting you get hurt." Namjoon tiredly hummed, shaking his head, "It wasn't you, it-it was your body, but your eyes and scent, I was hoping I could get you back, but it didn't work." Jaebeom had silent tears running down his cheeks, "I remember everything Joon, and trust me when I say, that I tried to stop it, but I'm not strong enough." Namjoon pout, "I always thought you were strong," He mumbled, Jaebeom smiled, kissing his sons temple. He stepped up to a door, knocking on it, facing the doctor, then making eye contact with his mates, Jackson screamed in shock, "My baby boy!" He then attempted to get up, but Chaton had him stay down, watching Jaebeom step into the room, then gently laid their son on an empty bed. Watching the doctor immediately getting to work, as Jaebeom took a seat in a nearby chair, combing his fingers through his sons hair. He then noticed a chain around his sons neck, his brows furrowed, and gently moved the chain necklace around, a small, familiar shell came around. Jaebeom felt a wave of tears beginning to come, he graced his finger tips against the purple shell.
A memory from when Namjoon was six, they went to the beach for his birthday, and Namjoon sat away from all of the kids, and watched his brother play. Jaebeom plopped next to his son, asking his son why he wasn't playing, and Namjoon just shrugged, and said he liked being alone. He got that from Jaebeom, like father, like son. Jaebeom then picked up a purple shell, handing it to his son, "If you ever need something to bring you a bit of comfort, or happiness. This may be silly, but you have my bond, and you have your mothers, and your brothers, papa and dada are always here for you. Keep this close to your heart, and know you're not always alone, you have us, and you're stuck with us." Namjoon smiled, taking the shell, he broke out into a fit of giggles from his father suddenly tickling him.
Tears rolled down Jaebeoms cheeks, he shook and held his head in his hands, 'You can do this to my family! I'm already following along this bloody mark on him, but I still don't understand any of your reasoning!!' Jaebeom spoke in his mind, hearing an evil laugh, 'I'm your father Jaebeom, and I won't hesitate to take over you body again. I hated what you did to the kingdom, now you will pay, we must make sure Namjoon doesn't mate with his destined mate. Especially get pregnant with his destined mates offspring," A voice spoke in Jaebeoms mind, he thought that he was possessed in a way, but his father isn't dead, he ran away and everyone assumed he was. But Jaebeom knows his father and his intentions, he found a witch or someone to help him, but at what cost?

Jaebeom let out a shaky breath, Namjoon's eyes cracked open, "I trust you dad, and I-I don't blame y-you." Jaebeom shook his head, "This is still my fault son, I'm not strong enough, but you are, and just bare with me. I'll get help," He stated, Namjoon shook his head, then lazily turned his head to the window by his mother and other father, "Woods," He then passed out into a well needed rest.
Jaebeom kissed his sons temple, "Namjoon was raped and molested by three guards. I had them punished for it," Jackson shook his head frantically and cried, fumbling to crawl out bed, Chaton helped him walk over to their sons bed. Jackson ran his fingers through his sons hair, "Not my baby boy, n-not my sweet little boy," He cried out, Chaton helped him sit into a chair. Changbin wailed, waking up again from the commotion. Chaton went over and scooped up the newborn, "It's alright Binnie, your brother will be alright."

The doctor sighed, shaking his head, "We'll, those betas are infertile, so he won't haft deal with the choice of what to do with a pup. But I'll keep an on him, have him stay in here to heal and rest, though I highly recommend you three come to him for mental therapy, he'll need it." The three parents nod, but their gaze didn't tear away from their sleeping son.

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