(Sousuke Yamazaki) Hoping for Best

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A/n: Sousuke x pregnant!Reader oneshot for HotaruKurayami. I hope I did your request some justice!

And please enjoy this picture because it's so great XD Poor Sousuke.


"Why are you avoiding Sousuke-kun, (F/n)-chan?" I glimpsed away from the younger girl to the tea warming up my hands. I was starting to feel nervous, despite this meetup with Gou at this pleasant cafe was supposed to calm me down. After a good hour of catching up with our college lives, the burgundy-haired girl just had to bring him up.

"How did you know I was avoiding him?" I asked, my lips curving down into a frown.

"Sousuke was talking to my brother and my brother told me about it," she answered, her head tilting just slightly to the side. "Did you and Sousuke-kun get into a fight? You two never fight!"

"Um, no, we didn't fight." I took a small, cautious sip of the piping hot drink, letting the liquid calm my nerves.

"So why? Sousuke's really worried about you. Don't tell me you don't love him anymore."

I jolted up at the sudden accusation. "No! I love him with all my heart!" I quickly responded with a dismissive wave. I closed my (e/c) eyes, the worries I've had for over a week now crashing back into me. "It's just that... I don't know if he loves me as much-"

"What are you talking about?!" Gou burst out, an incredulous expression etched on her face. "He loves you so, so, so, SO much!" She shot a finger to my face, waggling it in a shamed gesture. "Don't you dare ever think he doesn't love you! You are so special to him. What made you think of such a crazy thing like that?"

I should tell her. She has been my friend for so long, she deserves to know. "Well, if I tell you, you need to promise not to tell anyone."

"Of course, (F/n)-chan," she nodded along, leaning in close over the table.

I rested a hand gently over my stomach, giving her a shy grin. "Well, I found out that... I'm pregnant."

My words seemed to be a trigger for her, as she let out a shrill, excited squeal. She clasped my hand into hers. "OH MY GOSH, (F/N)-CHAN, CONGRATS!" I laughed nervously as she ranted on how she will be spoiling my child like crazy. "I'm seriously so happy for you! Does Sousuke know?"

"That's the thing. I haven't told him yet," I muttered. "That's why I have been avoiding him this past couple weeks." I rested my head into the palm of my hand and sighed. "Gou, we're still in college. I know we'll be graduating in a couple months and Sousuke and I have been together for three years but I don't know how he would feel about having a baby so soon. I mean, not even the idea of marriage crossed our minds."


"Yeah. Well, it may have popped up in conversations a couple of times but never something so serious," I replied. I rubbed my tummy in comforting circles, still in awe that I'm caring life inside right at this very moment. "I just don't know how he would react. I love him so much and I don't want that to change just because of a child..."

"If he doesn't accept you just because you're pregnant, he's not worth it," she scoffed. "But, I doubt that Sousuke would be like that. You should tell him about it as soon as you can."

"Yeah, I guess I should..."

"Of course you should! Soon enough, you're going to have a baby bump, (F/n)-chan. It's going to be pretty hard to hide it by then."

I let out a chuckle. "True, true. Ok, I will. I'm just very scared."

"Don't be! Do you want me to be with you? Maybe we should try to get the whole group together so you'll be more relaxed?"

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