Drarry ~ Wedding Invites

Start from the beginning

Dudley wasn't new to the knowledge of homosexuality, he had met a few people who identify as homosexual while at university, he just hadn't expected for two men to be married given that it isn't technically legal in the UK. Maybe it was different in Harry's world, the wizarding world. He didn't know what else to say, but thankfully he didn't have to because another head popped round the corner at the end of the hall, "Dudley?"

Within no time, Dudley had been let into the house and led up to Harry's room so they could have some privacy. Dudley swore he saw some paintings and pictures move on the way upstairs, littering the walls like the sign of a happy family. "So you found me," Harry said as he flopped down onto his bed, looking over at Dudley who lingered awkwardly by the bedroom door. "Well, yeah, you told me to wait a year or two and I still would like to make amends so... Here I am," the older cousin put his hands in his pockets which reminded him of something.

"That's nice. I'm glad you'd still like to fix whatever shitty dynamic we had in our childhood. I've had enough of being angry at people and holding grudges for about seven lifetimes," Harry chuckled at himself and Dudley followed, silently agreeing somewhat. "But I'm super tired and honestly wasn't expecting this today. Would it be alright if we met up another time to go through our past?" Dudley nodded but his fingers held onto something in his pocket.

"Of course, I just wanted to ask you one thing today," he said a little nervously, Harry gestured for him to go on, "so... I'm getting married next year," he muttered with a pink tint coming to his cheeks. Harry's face lit up, "congrats," he smiled. "Thanks. I was actually wondering if maybe you'd like to come? Dad, uh, he got unwell and he passed away a few months ago since he wasn't physically healthy enough to get better, so he won't be there. But mum will be. I know you didn't get on with either of them or me really, but mum and I really would like to apologise and to have you in our lives at some point, so long as you're alright with that." That was a lot of information at once and Harry took a moment to process it all.

No matter how much Harry hated his uncle, he knew what it was like to not have a father, "sorry for your loss," he told Dudley who just sort of nodded absentmindedly as if he'd rather not think about it. Harry knew how that felt too so he didn't push. "Thank you for inviting me, I'd love to come, just promise we'll meet up before it and make amends? Don't want it to be awkward on your big day," Harry chuckled and Dudley agreed.

"I better be invited to your wedding in that case," Dudley jokes to lighten the mood but Harry just snorted a laugh. "Yeah, that won't be happening any time soon," he told his cousin. "Well, I know you'll find someone eventually," Dudley told him. "Oh, I've already found someone, it's just not likely we'll be getting married. Not for the foreseeable future at least," Harry told him and he must've seen the confused look on Dudley's face, "you remember the blonde ponce who opened the door for you? Yeah, he's my boyfriend. He also used to be my school rival for a few years but we eventually got over that," Harry laughed fondly as Dudley's eyes widened. He hadn't realised his cousin was gay. He briefly wondered if it made him a bad person that he lived under the same roof as Harry for fifteen years and never even realised he fancied blokes. Then again, he knew it wasn't his place to make those kinds of assumptions about people.

"But Sirius and Remus are married," Dudley was confused, "yeah but not legally. They just changed Sirius' last name and had a mini ceremony type thing, a wedding on their own terms, if you will. Either way, Draco doesn't really fancy being married any time soon considering he was always pressured with the threat of arranged marriages while growing up and I'm not bothered about all that performative nonsense. We both love each other and don't want anyone else so that's good enough for us. But I get why some people do want to tie the knot," Harry told his older cousin who agreed with him. Marriage isn't for everyone, and you don't need to get married to be in a good relationship. Besides, if Dudley was right, his cousin isn't even 20 yet, still being the middle of June.

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