Chapter Sixty-One

Start from the beginning

"Eden, are you lying to me?" He asked.

"No Your Majesty." Eden shook her head.

"Her Majesty did say she like the way the city looks on the east wing." Axel added.

"Hm, ok." Hong Joong shrugged.

"Thank you." Eden mouth to Axel.

He nodded as he followed Hong Joong. Hong Joong looked all over the palace for Iris and he was starting to get frustrated.

"Your Majesty, it is one place you haven't checked." Axel said.

"I looked everywhere Axel, I'm starting to get worried." He sighed.

"Did you check the attic, where you and her majesty snuck off to when you first moved in?" Axel asked.

"You are a genius." Hong Joong smiled.

Axel chuckled as he watched him run off, Hong Joong climbed the stairs like his life depended on it. Once he reached the top, he placed his hands on his knees out of breath before standing up straight.

"Hong Joong." Iris smiled.

Hong Joong smiled before wrapping his arms around her, he pecked her lips multiple times before embracing her in a hug.

"I was looking for you everywhere." He said.

"I know, but I needed time." She giggled.

"Time for what?" He asked.

Iris smiled and pulled out her phone placing it on her ear.

"Hit it Irene." Iris said.

Hong Joong looked at her confused before a loud boom went off, Hong Joong jumped before noticing it was fire works. He noticed they were spelling out words, he squinted his eyes before he gasp.

"Lovie." He said looking at her.

Iris smiled as she held the pregnancy test.

"We're pregnant." She said.

Hong Joong picked her up and spin her around, he placed his lips on hers and held her tight.

"I fucking knew it." He said.

Iris laughed as she threw her head back.

"I know it's earlier than we planned but-"

Hong Joong interrupted her as he repeatedly pecked her lips.

"It's perfect." He whispered.

"Really?" She asked.

"Yes, I am excited. We're going to be parents." He squealed.

Iris laughed.

"We just have to go to the doctor and confirm but I'm positive I'm pregnant." Iris smiled.

Hong Joong smiled as he embraced her tighter, he felt fulfilled after everything they've been through they were finally in a good place. He married the most beautiful women in the world, made her Queen and now she's having their heir.

"Once we find out the results we should hold off on telling my parents." Iris said.

"Why?" He asked.

"I want to tell them in person, everyone will be here for Christmas so we should wait until then." Iris said.

"Ok I don't care, I'm just happy." Hong Joong laughed.

Iris smiled as she pecked his lips.

After they returned home weeks ago from Washington, they have both been busy. Especially with Christmas coming up, Hong Joong wanted to be work free before the holidays and so did Iris. They wanted to decorate the palace together and spend Christmas with their family and friends in peace.

He was happy, happier than he's been in years, Iris was more than his Queen she was his wife, if no one had his back he knew he could count on her. To be her first and last made his heart warm, he held her tight as they watched the fireworks.

"It's so beautiful." She whispered.

Hong Joong smiled and looked at her as he placed his hands on her stomach.

"Yes it is." He smiled.

Iris looked at him and blushed, he was happy after these years he could still make her blush. He placed his forehead on her's and smiled.

"You're the best thing that has ever happened to me." He whispered.

Iris smiled as she hugged him tighter, she was happy. This was love, it wasn't perfect but it was better than most and she was glad she opened her heart up to him. She didn't know what the future held for them, but she knew she was ready to face any challenges that she needed to.



The End.

Listen chile writing this book has put me through so many emotions, I'm glad you all enjoyed it. If their is any books you would like to see or any idols you would like me to write please comment. Thank you for the votes and comments i love reading them.

 Thank you for the votes and comments i love reading them

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